>get to phase 2
>only punishable move she has now is the scarlet explosion (ranged only)
>all the previous moves that were punishable now have a new extension that ends in an explosion and which is also instantly followed up by a new combo
>her low poise doesn't mean anything anymore because all attacks also give her hyperarmor
>spirit attack can instantly kill if you jump attack right before she starts it
what a god awful boss, worst one From has ever made
Literally impossible
Other urls found in this thread:
>spirit attack can instantly kill if you jump attack right before she starts it
then dont jump and try a different method retard
That's a man
Use the ash mimic on phase 2
>but thats cheating
She started it first
I'm not a ranged sissy you little bitch.
>ANOTHER skill issue: the thread
>ANOTHER one filtered by the rot mommy
The streak never ends.
t. dexfag/bleed and frostbite user/summoner
>only punishable move she has now is the scarlet explosion (ranged only)
Based Goldmask designed pulley crossbow bolt spam
buff yourself
>all the previous moves that were punishable now have a new extension that ends in an explosion and which is also instantly followed up by a new combo
The counter kick and the flower boom are punishable, bait it for a heavy attack punish
>her low poise doesn't mean anything anymore because all attacks also give her hyperarmor
Flames of the redmanes and glintstone phalanx lmao
>spirit attack can instantly kill if you jump attack right before she starts it
If you want to spam jump attacks you can add in bloodhound step to GTFO whenever you want.
Use a shield
medium range engagement
it's an adventure game, not a fighting game
>Literally impossible
sorry, you suck.
Just play a good game, like boodborne
How rough is Malenia with magic?
>inb4 didn’t beat her
Yeah I know I know, I’m just curious since everyone seems to only post tips/vids about high skill melee runs.
>rivers offhand
Every time you cast a spell she dodges and rushes you down
Enjoy dealing with waterfowl everytime you cast something while she isn't mid-combo
>double katanas
>mimic tear
you didn't beat her
How do people get punished by her so much? She has the clearest windows of opportunity of any lategame boss. Just hit her when she's she's finishing an attack and locked into the animation.
>lists half the mechanics in the game
i haven't even used any of that shit but lmao at you fags who will go to any length to justify not just doing something else if you're bad at the first thing. christ you guys are retarded.
You fight her 80 times until she decides not to use WFD
Fifth try, zero summoning, level 120. Git Gud faggot
>refuse to use the game's mechanics
>complain that the game is too hard
Are you retarded?
this was while it was still bugged as well
i like the seppuku weapon art more although im pretty sure the mimic doesn't even use it, i just dont care.
>you didn't beat her
yes i did. playing the game efficiently isn't cheating. .
Just parry her bro.
Counter kick is NOT punishable, what the fuck are you on?
Same user
Unironically just roll everything
>But Waterfowl!
Roll backwards, Backwards, backwards, forwards
Yes I did :)
Used Ranni's dark moon which tracks her pretty nicely and applies frostbite. Other than that just using Comet and the homing stars ability for phase 1. For phase 2 I just infinite fp + comet azur almost her whole health bar, and then just use Comet to kill her.
Yea it's a really obnoxious phase, she hyper armors nearly every attack and the only clean punish is if you sprint around her explosion and hit her, which is frustratingly janky. It's still entirely doable though.
Correct, Cheathound Step doesn’t count.
>Correct, Cheathound Step doesn’t count.
You used Summons
>le mechanics
Summoning 3 phantoms to kill her for you is also a "mechanic" you pathetic cucks.
Exploiting something that clearly trivializes the game doesn't make you good at the game, quite the opposite in fact.
You didn't beat the game and I am terrible at games and got every ending. Git gud jeebus.
>what a god awful boss, worst one From has ever made
Here you go tranny. A darksouls game you can actually beat.
jump attackers are actually worse than kamehamehas and bleedfags.
also go to reddit , and stop shitting up Yea Forums with your underage posting elelele ringu threads , cant wait for even more threads every hour about the same fucking thing.
While the way to avoid Waterfowl is something you're highly unlikely to figure out first try, once you get it down it's easily possible to avoid it every single time. I got tagged by the phantoms way more than I ever did Waterfowl
Does it clearly trivialize the game? Because I remember having a pretty normal time with it whereas you retards keep whining about how hard it is. Are you just bad at video games? We both played the same game, and you appear to be unique in that you're having trouble playing it.
Yeah the phantoms are way worse since they're purely movement dependent. Waterfowl has like 7 ways to dodge, including the easy mode I always did of just shielding the first flurry.
>Does it clearly trivialize the game?
>Is two people staggering an enemy every 2 weak, fast attacks while also chunking them for 20% of their hp trivializing the game?
Gee user I wonder
You seem to know a lot more about this than I do so I don't know why you're having so much trouble. Like I said, never summoned before.
The fact that she staggers out of 70% of her moves makes her easy if you can apply the proper pressure to her. Her moveset actually gets worse in phase 2 because her newclose range Jump Slam and Auto-kick are incredibly bad if you don't attack repeatedly into it, just wait a while and punish.
Just summon the dude
Because I refuse to use cheap "mechanics" that only shitters abuse.
>Never summoned before
yeah sure
My favourite thing about this game is probably when anons complain that it's too hard and you suggest they use the stuff that's in there for when the game is too hard for you they sperg out, it must be the game's fault that you suck at it.
Christ, I wish you had summoned for this argument, what a fucking pushover.
>calling Let Me Solo Her to beat Malenia for you isn’t cheating according to summonkeks
>that poke during waterfowl
Is this post because you got BTFO in an actual conversation in this thread so you decided to post again so no one knows how retarded you are
I beat her with pre-nerf mimic and moonveil on my second try. Yeah you could beat I’m a bit of a gaming god, but hey just git gif and maybe one day you can say you beat her too. Hang in there little guy
>No waterfowl or spirits during phase 2
come ooooooon
Don’t you have to go watch your phantom beat the game for you?
>"I beat her"
>"but you summoned someone to solo her for you
The amount of coping Yea Forums does despite not being very good at this game is hilarious to me. Anons with katanas, bloodhound step, magic, powerstanced colossal weapons, flies spammers, spirit ashes users and every playstyle other than +25 Claymore/Greatsword all beat the game just as you did. They are just more resourceful and less of a monkey-brained retard and adapted to the game better than you did. Fuck off back to DS1.
i beat her with a pike
*summons password double Furled Fingers*
*all 3 of you ring the Wraith bell and slap it with Carian Retaliation on +25 shields*
Yeah, I’m thinking I beat her
You wouldn't understand the sheer pleasure.
Claymore/greatsword is the only real way to play the game tb8
The entire game is literally impossible for me.
Im in limgrave, I go one direction and find nothing but enemies
Then another direction and theres nothing but enemies and some glowing items on ground
Theres no pointers for go here, from games direction perspective theres 360 possible degress of movement and nothing is going to be at any direction.
I go to some forest, theres some boss I cant beat, my sword does 4% of his total hp and his attacks hit 50% of mine.
I go to some caverns theres some boss I can't beat.
I go to some underground area theres some crab I can't beat.
I don't know how to progress and game doesnt tell me. Theres been literally no story elements given, there is no story. No area has a coherent lore, they're just arenas with random japanese goo zombies that respawn. Everything respawns, dont you just love that nothing you do makes a difference. You explore area for 30 mins, then die and nothing you did last 30 mins happened.
Shitters do that OP. And clearly that's the way you have to do it too, as you seem to lack the skill level to solo her
>player summons
Didn’t beat her.
>anything else
You beat her.
Ummm, no, I’m being resourceful instead of being a monkey brained retard who puts unnecessary effort in. I beat it.
you literally just need to walk away from attacks and then poke her.
>all attacks also give her hyperarmor
Bro I've seen people with straight swords interrupt a lot of her basic attacks. It's also timing based, if you let her get too far into her windup animation on some attacks it cannot be interrupted but if you immediately hit her on startup it will.