> be me
> peak G3 in 2000 hours as adc main

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You're the one stuck in the third world containment game.


classic LOL mode when? this game peaked season 2, both in gameplay and character design

stop playing League
you are committing social suicide

I started S10, can't tell whatwas b4.

farm better don't die, that should get you to plat

I have a pretty big social circle and go out pretty often and hit the gym + good in school. League has no effect on anyones social life if the person isnt 8 years old.

>2000 hours

I usually hit around 7cs/min. I dont say I am stuck bc of my teams but I also dont understand what I can personally play better.

Start by quitting the game. Haven’t played in 2+ months now and cleared some big games on my backlog

Yeah but spread across the covid home-schooling time. 2000 hours aren't much in almost 3 years of playing.

You playing PvE or PvP games ? I tried shooters(mostly Valo and R6 Siege) but I always get one shot and people play 10 times better Idk what to do.

usually in teamfights as long as the enemy adc dies before you you will win, even if that means you have to stay pretty far back and not hit that much

R6S is a terrible game if you want something similar try Insurgency Sandstorm but if you enjoy online pvp games play something that isn't designed to be competitive but fun. Stuff like Battlefield 1, Halo MCC, Hell let Loose or even CoD. They're easy to pick and drop without the stress of ranking up or play meta.

don't play adc

cant really give any advice without seeing your gameplay
i got no clue what you're struggling with

>Only LoL I play now is the occasional ARAM and Little Legends if I’m eating

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Stop playing ADC. Learn mid or jungle and abuse whatever they decided to buff this week, rinse and repeat for 1 year, bravo you're stuck plat 1.


cope, as adc you don't have much agency but neither does the enemy adc, so all you have to do is be better than them

I've spent maybe a few hundred hours playing vidya during covid. 2000 is excessive

What’s better in the long run anons? Damage or speed when it comes to ADC?

>be me
>played Dota for over 10 years
>3500mmr in 2014
>3000mmr in 2022
It's over.

>photo of monitor
go to the subreddit

Are you guys excited for that riot mmo

kek wtf, i literally played only 1000 games of dota and made it to ancient (having played a lot of league before)

That's basically admitting that he should stop playing adc if he wants to have actual impact, not even mentioning the fact that supports make or break the botlane.

>hit platinum
>quit game

>played since 2012
>have plenty of OG skins and summoner icons
>have been tryharding the game multiple times for years
>never reached higher than silver

is it over for me?

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let me guess. mentally retarded, ragequit and tilt too many games or are just spamming games, play 100 different champs a season, play less than 200 games a season, 30fps and 200 ping

I peaked silver 1 in s3 and gave up because I kept losing my gold promos to my internet shitting the bed and people were understandably very upset with me every time it happened. Comcast was particularly horrible that year. I've tried coming back every other year or so, but modern silvers run circles around me now.

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if you can’t even get to gold after 1 year of tryharding then you should just quit. you also need to play consistently every day to retain knowledge and reflexes and whatnot.

I only play master yi

Get better taste in ASSFAGGOTS games.

My micro is gold/plat, but my maco is bronze and thus I cannot climb. Please give tips

silver 1 in s3 is unironically like iron 3 level now, diamond s3 is like gold 3 or so, you don't just need to improve at league you need to be improving faster than everyone else

duskblade is bad

how would you know your micro is gold/plat?

That's the sort of thing I often hear, yeah. You zoomers are pretty crazy at anything competitive. Everyone I talk to that still plays hates it even if they're good, so it's probably for the best.

Watch videos of players getting coached while they play the game because macro will absolutely get mentioned.

Cause I play flex with gold/plat friends and hold my own vs the enemy team, this group rips into each other easy and I'm never harshly criticized, and they've told me these things

and yet you're still a faggot for playing league

>pic of your screen

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I'm in the same spot user. Except I don't even try to play seriously and I'm in gold instead. And you know what. Who cares?

what lane do you play? champs? cspm

I got to platinum in season 1 and I was close to diamond but the higher my rank got the more anxious I got and I had to stop

This. I stopped because I wasn’t even having fun, in fact I would get really anxious even in champion select.

pick off screen champs because low elo shitters don't know how to deal with them. but you have to enjoy their kit and design.

*off meta



Yea Forums is dead if threads like this are being taken serious.
It's time for me to go

Depends of the champ and enemy team

don't try it, it will ruin all other games for you, it's like crack

Yea Forums had lol threads back in 2009-2011 newfag
Then got popular so is ok to hate it

well theres youre problem, youre not trying to get into champions queue, pick a roll and 2-3 champs to climb with
also whats yours cs
you will astral climb just by getting 7-8 minute in anything under gold because no one is getting gold but you

i just play support because i hate CS

What is the best adc to play right now?

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I quit in like S3. I think the highest I got was plat 3 as Swain during it

>thing became shit so people started shitting on it
>when it was bareable it wasn't shitted on as bad
Wow, you don't say you fucking retard

jinx caitlyn, easy abilities and easy damage late game


there is no best, you will always die if an assassin just looks at you

position better

>morde buffs
>xayah nerfs
>vlad buffs

lets gooo

>kass sylas jhin bard seraphine buffs


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xayah is only good if youre actually good, which im assuming theyre not

I'd restart if they gave us a classic mode starting from release and capping at like s2-3.

i really wish theyd buff/nerf for pro play/high elo exclusiuvley, changes based on whats good in silver/gold is dumb as fuck and makes players worse

>poppy and trist buffs

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