Why the fuck is Yea Forums so bitter and hateful compared to other gaming communities?

Why the fuck is Yea Forums so bitter and hateful compared to other gaming communities?

Other communities: Yay, video games! This game is great and so much fun! I love it!
Yea Forums : FUCK OFF! This game is shit! You have awful taste. You didn't beat the game. REEEEEEEEEEE!

>but the games and the game industry DO suck
The majority don't agree with you. And I'm not talking about the same majority who just play casually and are the equivalent to the ones listening to Bieber and thinks Transformers is the best game ever. I'm talking about the people who still play 2-4+ hours a day.
If you look around at gaming forums (which casual players don't visit), both English and foreign, the tone regarding the industry and games is much more positive. Sure, they don't like microtransactions and such bullshit either, but they can separate good gameplay from jewish practices and still enjoy it.

>The "Yea Forums is only one person"-meme
No, but you are lying if you say that the atmosphere and attitude is not much more negative here compared to other websites.

>we have played for so long that we have seen our favourite pass-time fall
Funny, the majority of people who write on gaming forums have also played for 10-20+ years and don't agree with you.

At this point, it feels more like a meme that people have to hate on games just to fit in here, even if you do love them.

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Tl;dr but ur gay

you're an idiot, but yes it would be nice if Yea Forums could actually talk about vidya every great once and awhile instead of raging and making shitty threads about waifus/e-"celebs"/furbait/etc. all day & night long

>Why the fuck is Yea Forums so bitter and hateful compared to other gaming communities?
>Other communities: Yay, video games! This game is great and so much fun! I love it!
>Yea Forums : FUCK OFF! This game is shit! You have awful taste. You didn't beat the game. REEEEEEEEEEE!
>>but the games and the game industry DO suck
>The majority don't agree with you. And I'm not talking about the same majority who just play casually and are the equivalent to the ones listening to Bieber and thinks Transformers is the best game ever. I'm talking about the people who still play 2-4+ hours a day.
>If you look around at gaming forums (which casual players don't visit), both English and foreign, the tone regarding the industry and games is much more positive. Sure, they don't like microtransactions and such bullshit either, but they can separate good gameplay from jewish practices and still enjoy it.
>>The "Yea Forums is only one person"-meme
>No, but you are lying if you say that the atmosphere and attitude is not much more negative here compared to other websites.
>>we have played for so long that we have seen our favourite pass-time fall
>Funny, the majority of people who write on gaming forums have also played for 10-20+ years and don't agree with you.
>At this point, it feels more like a meme that people have to hate on games just to fit in here, even if you do love them.

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qa lost

>Why the fuck is Yea Forums so bitter and hateful compared to other gaming communities?
Why don't you go to one of those 9999 other "communities" which mindlessly praise every game? Critical thinking is banned in most of the internet cos of fags like you

>muh video games
this is an 18+ board, kiddo

Yea Forums is normalfag central, if you're getting filtered by this place, then theres really no hope for you.

>having negative thoughts, and opinions in the modern day is sacrilege and you have to walk on eggshells because modern day internet discussion requires you to do so since people who can't take criticism are lurking every corner of the internet
this is literally just the internet's negative thoughts dumping ground. it got worse and Yea Forums became angrier and angrier the more and more sensitive and fragile the average internet user became.
You need an outlet to be negative about shit somewhere, and as you've seen it isn't uncommon for people here to say they're friendless. If someone doesn't have friends they have to tread eggshells even more about who they can be negative around in the first place.
thus this place is just a giant trash yard of negativity. all that negative energy has to end up somewhere user.

because Yea Forums is THE contrarian shithole. If you hate a game, you talk about it here. If you like a game, you go to every other place.
The only exception to the rule is Elden Ring because fromdrones are gigantic faggots who can't accept someone telling them their game is shit

I wish Yea Forums was angry still. Now they're just a bunch of limp wristed faggots and trannies.
And the grasping at doom posting of steam charts replaced all the anger Yea Forums had.
Shit sucks bro

>Yay, video games! This game is great and so much fun! I love it!
No they're complaining about which minority victim fotm is being oppressed in said video game
This place isn't much better after getting infested with those kind of people but angrier is better, gatekeeping is good.

>gatekeeping is good
Who has Yea Forums gatekept exactly? Last I checked you niggers haven't stopped shit

Shut the fuck up nigger literally everywhere else is filled with cretins talking about how great Horizon 2 and Far Cry are

This place still jerks off elden horizon: far ring.

Imagine hyping up soulless garbage shovelware instead of expecting quality and playing nothing but quality all for the streamer's grift because you are a loser in real life who wants to fit into an online community/wasting time playing trash games with friends with no standards. Shitpost all you want but simply put, that could never be me. My honor stays intact.

yeah you're right, but you can make a difference by fucking off back to resetera :^)

go back please

This is not a gaming community. This is an anonymous board where people throw out the worst of themselves.
On top of that, the general public does suck. You talk about the majority of people generally disagreeing n with Yea Forums, but you have to understand most of these people only started playing videogames once they got popular. Remember when playing video games was for losers?
You can't trust the opinion of someone who only has copied and pasted opininos. Dude, these people read gamespot reviews before buying a game.

Exactly. Average poster on this board is a fucking retard. Every time I see some stream chart thread with 400+ replies I realize how garbage this place has become.
Average thread now is just 4 people bitching and look like pic related

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if its so bad why do you insist on being here? why don't you browse anywhere else since you think they're all so much better?

Yea Forums is willing to talk about good games but expect retards who don't know what they're talking about to shit on everything for attention

Ironically Yea Forums is only bad because it's too popular

incels who get no pussy

Keeping to insular circle jerks and whining in them is all these creatures can do.

This kind of attitude comes about because people here are insecure and with that insecurity you have this urge to brag or to make out that what you're insecure over is really sophisticated and not at all lacking. It's real try-hard behaviour and it's kind of pitiful. Same thing that dictates nitpicking is the same that gets people making ridiculous lists of games they should like to impress others.
In short, Yea Forums may act like it's so above normie behaviour but at the end of the day you fucks literally have the same mindset as any Stacy out there, insecure little bitches who never really knew your own minds, just let others dictate your preferences and aims in life.

>insecure little bitches who never really knew your own minds, just let others dictate your preferences and aims in life
This. It's fucking pathetic to realize how many virgins losers are on this fucking site. Moment you try to remind them they aren't so different from the people they hate they get all uppity.
98% of these guys are fat fuck neckbeards who have 0 skills or self reflection. And trying to have a conversation with them is like trying to talk to an autistic child with a superiority complex.

That's a lot of words it took you to say that you're a baby bitch who gets mad when people criticise TLOU2

You have to go back

Thank God Yea Forums is dying. 24+ hour threads on Yea Forums of all places. Not much time left

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See buzzwords and no counterpoints or argument. You people are shallow shits ruining this board. Learn to actually discuss and use your words you mouth breathing retards

because we have to deal with FUCKING PORN SPAMMING NIGGERS

People with actual ideas and things to say have friends. So what you're left with here are socially retarded fuckheads.
Having a good career, relationships and hobbies means Yea Forums is not needed to have some fake fulfillment.
I have a wife, job at Intel and great friends. I come here out of habit for the last 12 years and I can feel my brain melting when I read through this fucking place.
Its like as you mature you subconsciously reject the people left here.

please for the love of god, go back to redit and leave us the fuck alone

Higher standards from autism and not being casual.

What would a counterargument to your infantile rant even look like? You're just bitching about something you dislike. If you dislike it so much, there are many other strictly moderated boards on the internet where you are welcome and encouraged to sit around in a circle and talk about how Strong and Powerful the protagonist of the Hot New Video Game is

Be honest. When was the last time you had an enjoyable debate on Yea Forums?
No name calling
Or buzzwords
Just point, counterpoint, etc.

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I have good taste. That's literally it. I'm not even using it as some sort of flex. I just expect more from games than they currently deliver.

Modern games are really good at a lot of things but gameplay depth is not one of them. There were games released in the early 2000s that had enough depth for a decade worth of experiences. Several games, mind you. Any modern games that aren't PVP focused can be dried out in less than a month. That being said, older games still feel dated in a multitude of areas that make them feel cumbersome to play. So I'm currently stuck in this rut where everything I play, outside of a few favorites, is unsatisfying. And those favorites are running on 16 years of playtime and I'm running out of new ways to play them.

Literally all I want is a single modern ARPG with the same depth of an early 2000s title. I've been waiting for this game for 16 years and I still haven't gotten it. I used to have a new favorite game every few years and now I am at the point where I have to hope and pray just to see a single title that even meets par with titles that are over a decade old. So yes, I'm a little jaded.

>The majority don't agree with you.
Of course they don't. Most people don't appreciate gameplay depth as much as I do because they never even bother digging into the games they play. They just interact with each new game at the shallowest level and immediately move on to the next thing. The majority have never run hitless. The majority have never done a speedrun. The majority do not analyze game design to such a degree that they can predict design trends years in advance. The majority do not practice game design and make their own games in their free time. I do.

I am a video game enthusiast. Most people are not. Obviously we are going to see things differently.

What are you even talking about?
Op's point was Yea Forums is dead set about shit and there's no room change its mind. Which is 100% true. Back4blood was shit posted to hell, so are any Chinese made portable PCs akin to the deck.
Go forbid you try to talk about Xbox on here.
Angry children run the discussion on this board. Simple as that.

literally today, and before that, yesterday. Good threads are not impossible to find, you just have to not immediately oust yourself as the mouthbreathing redit retard/zoomie so many newfags are

Based hymn chad.

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>Yea Forums
>critical thinking
pick one

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You debating which digimon is most fuckable doesn't count.

im not reading that but just in case you werent aware this is a shitpost board. everyone here is either trolling or a schizo.

This exactly. Try making a fucking epic game store thread and see what happens.
Yea Forums is just as sensitive as trannies on reddit but pretend otherwise

>it just doesn't make sense... the majority of people like it... you have to like it

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Again user, if you don't like the format of discussion here, you should visit another website. When were these halcyon days of v when everybody politely discussed their opinions lol

>he thinks there's any debate
besides I wasn't referring to those threads. I meant the ones where people are talking about gameplay and what they enjoy- there are literally plenty of those threads up now without retarded shitposting, you just have to have better interests than what you currently scope out here, I guess?

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The buzzword post isn't mine. I wasn't bitching about the board or about moderation, never been for moderation even slightly, I just find the culture here deserving of criticism. Honestly what the OP image displays would be a welcome return from the soii boii images that have been going up ever since crying boy reacted to a trailer, Yea Forums used to at least have a brain behind it's posing, now we have mindless hysteria. Yeah, of course, you like thing so you like crying boy who consooms thing. I'm smart. No, baby, you're not.

>Why the fuck is Yea Forums so bitter and hateful compared to other gaming communities?
I wouldn't know, I don't go to any other gaming communities.

I just hate how consumerist Yea Forums (and /g/) are.
If make any technically inclined post your thread fucking dies.

Lmlow effort kys

Only retards care about not being called names.

Many a time I've walked away from a conversation where we called each other names feeling satisfied.

If you still respect someone after they insult you like a child you have no self esteem

Nice projection, bucko. I'm comfortable with who I am, simple namecalling banter will never affect me.

Cool reddit thread faggot.

No, I have enough to know that what they say or think doesn't matter.

It's why I was never bullied. Can't upset someone who either knows their failings and agrees or doesn't care.

It's the correct, intelligent amount of self esteem.

Not calling me a retard if you think I am one doesn't mean you're not thinking it anyway. You're just virtue signalling to hold it back.

>talk to someone irl
>they spit on you and call you a cum guzzling faggot
>keep talking to them
Spineless faggots

because most of Yea Forumss userbase consists of losers who dont actually like video games anymore but they dont know anything else so they double down and make it their entire personality and try to constant show off their "good taste" to cope
its why most Yea Forums threads feel like cynical pissing contests instead of actual discussion

If you don't want to be insulted then go to another website

There’s nothing wrong with criti/v/ism
It’s stern but fair

>pixels on a screen is the same as a physical attack
>getting spit on is an attack that warrants any sort of reaction
Lay off the soi, bro.

You can grow up any time user. If you know or have good reason to believe you're not those things you have nothing to fear from name calling.

The only people who care about being called names are those who agree or feel like they should. Who know deep down or at least fear that the person calling them a retard is right. THAT is low self-esteem.

It's the exact same logic behind fear of piracy. If you know what you've made is worth buying you wouldn't fear people who can't or won't buy it, not doing so. That's why the big companies are the ones most afraid. They know what they've made is dogshit that only retards would buy.

Just like you are afraid you're really a childish retard. Because you are.

ranting about [board] while on [board] as if [board] is one person isn't a personality either though

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Did you get confused when you made this post? He's saying he isn't bothered by name calling and insults