How's your game coming along Yea Forums?

How's your game coming along Yea Forums?

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>Turning up for lectures
>You. Didn't. Graduate.

OP is a faggot. That image is the stupidest fucking thing I've read. Machine Learning is the best thing that I got from my degree and now I fuck curry vag all night. Its weird saying names like Pooja though.

Good programming is pretty much constant problem solving. To not only do that well, but enjoy doing it, is pretty much a guarantee you're intelligent. CopyPaste Indians not applicable.

I don’t care about how smart you have to be for a particular discipline as long as it’s useful. Yes I am not smart enough for mathematics past high school, so what?

The internal war of STEM disciplines is both sad and autistic. Why not take pride in being superior to HR or the legion of slave wagies?

Are you a poo or what?

HR fags made me write a whole fucking report on Jewish culture for telling a faggot "man I got jewed by the vending machine". Fuck HR niggas.

how do you read an image

pages in a book are just drawings where only words are drawn

No, but all the women in Computer Science are Indian or Chinks that will fuck you to their work for them since they suck at Computer Science and probably fucked their way through college. Getting Curry poonani is easy as fuck in this field.

With eyes.

why would I care about having sex outside of a relationship anyway?

Good thing I don't go to class. Stay away from LSU's comp sci department. It's an awful experience.

>sex before marriage

When did you realise that Global Illumination and Ambient Occlusion are fucking retarded?

Relationships are for retarded simps. Fuck bitches. Get money. I'm never paying for a marriage then a divorce some years later. Look my nigga Will Smoth in 2022.

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based, I never attended a single lecture of my CS capstone class

In my culture (I'm black) we simply pump and dump. No reason to stick to thot. That's for religious niggas.

>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

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Machine Learning starts me off at double that why are you bragging?

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Will Smith chose to marry someone that was already famous and had had sex with other men. He had it coming.

You see? You typed:
>chose to marry someone
That's my point. Fuck that shit nigga. No. Never. Not even once.

The OP's image directly attacks me, but I can't say it's untrue.


Being a web dev earns me triple that.

>Getting Curry poonani is easy as fuck in this field.
Mathfag here and will attest to this.

Yes but nobody actually expects LSU to be good.

Doubt. I did web development to pay for my masters and I make more as a Machine Learning fag.

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you make $600k and fuck indian ladies? lmao

fellow louisianian?
i fucking hate this state.
t. ULLfag

Well apparently im a certified retard then because I tried to get into coding and couldn't seem to get it no matter what language I atempted to learn, just don't have the discipline or patience I guess.

Which lanuage(s) did you all learn and how do you get in a good mindset for it?

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I mean, if the meats on the market I'm taking a pick. Fucking an indian woman is like sticking your dick into a bag of hot cheetos on a warm summer evening.

All you need is C and Assembly. Everything else is bull shit and relies on both C and Assembly.

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maybe coding isnt for you bro
my motivation is that i can force the computer to do my bidding

I'm about to graduate in 3 weeks and I literally cannot imagine myself getting a job because I don't know how to program

OP is true but you can't really beat CS. I did Electrical Engineering for a while but the math required + the pay compared to the ease of CS + their pay is unarguable.
Try focusing on WebDev.

Also, my game is going good. It has mechs.

Sounds like you went to a shit school for passing you. niggas like you keep niggas like me employable. The amount of faggots that graduate and can't even type basic code without googling is fucking funny.

I would expect one of those boomer doctors that shits all over their IT department because they're too retarded to download an email attachment to hang a sign like this in their office.

>degree in black studies
>make 1,200k a year

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it could've been worse, like art school.

>medical school

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someone tell me what this post says I can't read it it's covered in dust

I did it simply because it was lucrative and easy. I don't give a fuck if it's for brainlets when I make more than most engineers I know

LMAO being a hollywood actor fucking making me millions

Sure, you can go to medical school

>got from my degree and now I fuck curry vag all night.

I also get to do this but it didnt cost me four years of my life for a degree that will make me six figures at best

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>CS degree requires Calc 2/3, linear algebra, and an understanding of O notation
>but somehow theyre too dumb for mathematics

On a side note, I wish I wasnt too dumb for calc 3. I love coding but nobody will hire me witho0ut the degree

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Sounds like I should study computer science.

>ITT: People on the dole bragging online

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Calculus 3 was very fulfilling , I thought. It was pretty tough though. One thing I'm glad I did was masterthe basics of set theory early on in my educational career; it made setting up the regions and domains for all of those crazy integrals cake and as I said was very satisfying. It also helped a lot with understanding theorems and working through proofs

from left to right except if its in arabic


it was revealed to me in a dream

>decompole simple unity game from android
>thousands of mono script errors in unity
>fix them all
>still errors
>assets are all broken
am i NGMI?

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>get master's in physics
>no jobs
>apply for IT jobs despite being horrible at coding
>immediately get a good job offer as codemonkey
>work as codemonkey
>still can't code for shit

all degress are for people who want jobs related to that field. people who go after the hardest fields to try to look smart to their peers and overcompensate for other lacking areas in their life are just sad

i lack in most areas of my life AND my field brings no status whatsoever. heh, looks like i'm exempt from criticism.

>rat race fags spend their entire lives trying to feel superior
imagine having such a huge ego that you never form a single genuine human connection. pretty sad stuff

That picture is half true. What I've noticed is people who pick CS as a minor are super geniuses who have a major in some hardcore STEM branch while those majoring in CS are autists and spastics who are either hyper-skilled at a single thing that won't get them far if it strays from it or just straight up lazy and worthless but don't want to settle for the lower end of 5 figures. I'm about to be on the second semester of my 5th year because I am the latter, and jesus christ this has been one of the worst stretches of my life. High school was more enjoyable and I was a social outcast that just hung with whatever random group of people let me float around them.
I have cheated and weasled my way through this degree and am so ready to either graduate next semester or just ram my car into the main building of my university while it's full of explosives when nobody is on campus.
I should have gone for a trade.

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>a bit of vector calc and matrices
Yes, they're too dumb for mathematics.
Even worse than engineers

Whats with this fucking thread? Am I the only one who went to university and didn't spend the entire time seething about other students or other fields?

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The pic is not wrong, but I still get paid well despite being a dumb codemonkey and barely doing any work, so who cares?