Holy shit. If you didn't think Blizzard could sink any lower

Holy shit. If you didn't think Blizzard could sink any lower.

Attached: pathetic.png (705x654, 1.14M)

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Nice, will definitely make a new character to try it out.

are you surprised? have a look at the official forums and you'll realize the few people still playing it are mentally ill trannies and furries.

Attached: 1635851398454.jpg (1080x1289, 303.46K)

Please tell me this is bait

Attached: dios mio.png (600x865, 378.97K)


Metzen had a highschool notebook drawing quality I always loved.


hopefully there is a female model so i can make some new animations
not buying this trash game btw

He had the least bit of artistic talent from the Sons of the Storm, but he was passionate. People blamed him for everything, but fuck if the days of green jesus weren't way better than whatever the fuck is happening now.

>low quality badly lit sfm furry porn

What's actually wrong with this?

fun fact: The Green Jesus storyline featured from Cataclysm and onwards was written by Kosack, Metzen was already gone as Lead for WoW and was already working on Project Titan with Kaplan post Wrath of the Lich King.

>MORE furfag shit

He was still decent. I bet dauser can't draw for shit.

It's just a reskinned demon hunter. So the big new thing is still just a low effort graphic swap

Is that a new playable race?

This is 100% fake.

is it a Meta DH or an Arrakoan? Most likely new model desu

By this logic then everything made in blender is a reskinned cube.

can someone tell a non-WoWfag why humanoid dragons are he worst thing ever, when you have humanoid wolfs, oxes and fucking pandas?

how did so many deviant art degenerates get jobs in AAA game development. it blows my mind

You dont need to be a wowfag to know this, but anyone who's ever had the displeasure of interacting with them understands that dragons are one of the absolute worst kinds of furries to be around, and adding something to pander to them is always a bad idea

Scalechads... we won.

Attached: scaly-pandas.jpg (1033x1026, 137.32K)

Is that a fucking anthro dragon? In my videogame that has had anthro dragons in it since the beginning? What the fuck blizzard?

Attached: img_mistress.jpg (565x700, 235.48K)

post a picture of the "anthro dragon from the beginning"


Attached: file.png (300x300, 74.98K)

I doubt it's real based simply off the fact that every image of it is blurry as shit. There's no reason that would be the case aside from trying to hide things that give it away as fake.

there's also this shit

why do the wings look like such fucking garbage, they look like something on the back of a second life character
blizzard knows how to do decent wings

Attached: 709LBAL.png (473x445, 408.45K)

>male dragon
>female human form
uh oh

why couldn't the dragon girl forms be sexy at least

Attached: 1646936699407.webm (600x300, 806.17K)

The wings, the armor, the stance, everything looks like dogshit. What are the chances the male version looks even close to decent?

Reptiles don't have tits user.

Knowing recent blizzard, they would never give female dragons tits.

wtf Is this true?!

Honestly don't care about the new race the new TALENT TREES however

Attached: 1645471818872.jpg (598x536, 193.29K)

Ah so you're just a normalfag pleb.

Based. They want furries'government gibs.

cata blizzard didn't do it either

Attached: 513041-sinestra.jpg (1920x1080, 423.83K)

Loks good. /ourboi/ will love it and WoW wil break 10 million subs once again.

Attached: wow-ffxiv-asmongold-twitch-erstaunt-titel.jpg (1280x720, 297.91K)

i want thick thighs and hips and lusty faces

pls delet this

>Blizzard catering to all the low-tier RPers on MG and WRA who LARP as dragons in disguise
pathetic, honestly. this is the last gasp of a company in its death throes.

I'll only play the new race if they can be druids. I fucking love druids

Where did you get that picture of AssMongoloid?

Flat but feminine would be great imo.

Keep the androgynous look as a customization option to make everyone happy.

My phone tells me customization is wrong but it won't tell me why.

Could they fly

Blizz races are heavily dimorphic.
The females are slimmer

If it's from an internal distributed version they need to blurry it to over up for id marks. By now those things have ids plastered over them to identify any leakers. I rememebr once a dude tried to leak some screens from Wildlands before it was released and had to black half the screen since it was full of ids that would lead back to him.

user, pretty sure this IS the female model

Yes that's true but most of those designs are old. They have recently begun removing anything remotely related to sexuality.

Using on-screen watermarks to ID leakers hasn't been a thing for decades, that's the stupidest shit I have heard today. For exactly this reason, if all you have to do to bypass it is blur the image a little, it's entirely pointless.

Fuck yeah. I can't wait.

wow has had watermarks on screenshots since wotlk

it cant get worse than shadowlands

>it can't get worse than BfA

ESO online did it. I know because it just made it more enticing to easily photoshop around it. Otherwise I wouldn't have cared to leak a shit game.

>it can't get worse than Cata
>it can't get worse than WoD
>it can't get worse than BfA
>it can't get worse than Shadowlands

It's funny how good Cata looks in retrospect. Let's just redo Cata and restart the timeline from there

Excluding the new dragon race, what do people think of the new talent system leaks? I think it's been sorely needed, the ones we've had MoP have been so boring and restrictive.

What about Gnasty Gnorc!? I'm goin' after him!

Attached: spyro.png (425x525, 300.26K)

Looks good. Some of the talent nodes have two sideways arrows implying there are multiple choices for some of them. I'll take it over the current system any day of the week

Full form dragons don't need tits but anthro or wrymkin should and did have tits.