just about to play this game
what am i in for?
just about to play this game
what am i in for?
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A game that sure take its time to introduce all the mechanics. Look up how to cancel attacks before you start.
I get bored halfway through.
An overhyped, underwhelming experience that ends suddenly and satisfies nothing.
An overhyped piece of garbage. Easily one of the least favorite tales game I played
Really shit story and mediocre characters, tons of missable stuff, and a battle system that's garbage until the end of the game, where it suddenly gets exponentially better.
felt the same
A pretty ok Tales game. Not my favorite. The story is pretty dull.
Print out a side quest guide so you don't miss any of the hundreds of missable events.
bored until the last 5 hours when combat gets good
It's a slow burn of a story with a great cast and lots of lore. Pay attention if you want to actually enjoy the plot, otherwise you'll miss crucial details and mistakenly think the last act comes out of nowhere.
extremely slow start with fun gameplay near the end
Cute and funny pirate
Couldn't stomach it past the first few hours desu
I tried a few times but it's just so generic and boring, and not even at least charming like DQ
a product of its time
like 80 hours of being midly entertained
Vesperia is, unfortunately, one of those games that actually doesn't get good until like 20 hours in. The plot doesn't really start kicking until the second arc of the game and then gameplay doesn't get really fun until you're like 70% of the way through because that's when you can finally start comboing your artes together.
It's one of those games that was overhyped and overrated to hell and back because it was only available on one platform at the time (and that platform was sorely missing JRPGs).
As soon as it became available on other platforms people realized how mediocre it actually is.
I like it but no Pascal.
I don't remember people hyping up blue dragon that much but lost odyssey was also a victim of this
Cool main character.
Decent characters in your party.
You'll find the plot kinda drops off unless you clue in on the themes heavily represented by Yuri and Flynn.
Combat starts off mediocre and gets good later on as you acquire skills.
Stick with it. Tales games reward persistence.
duke in JP dub has kiritsugu voice, that sexy voice. rita voice in JP is much much better than EN dub and actually sounds like cute tsundere kusogaki,
Bad storytelling and some okay characters
God the villains are SHIT in this
you mean I can avoid the shitty stagger?
Shut up.
Exactly what everyone has said about the game over the years. Still, i played it and, to no ones surprise, it was what they said it was going to be.
Symphonia and Abyss were better, IMO
Vesperia wasn't terrible, but it really isn't anywhere near as good as some people made it out to be.
They all have their strengths and weaknesses. For me Vesperia doesn't have as much of a rough start as people make it out to be. It's just a normal little journey at first without some big threat looming in the background, but I think that's fine.
the rough start in vesperia is gameplay related, hit hit hit arte for like 5 hours is mind numbing
That's true. It wasn't much of an issue for me, cause I came from Symphonia as a europoor, so that's what I was used to anyway. But it steadily opens up for more, so I think it's bearable.
a lot of the complaints come from people who played it on xbox back in the day, remember the endgame combat, and then tried the PC version and fell asleep during the early game. First time players don't have the same problem
The game was fun and challenging up until that wolf in seaside cliff after that the fights get pisspoor easy
learn to guard cancel
Really? I would rather say a lot of the complaints come from people who went back to it after playing newer Tales and being disappointed by the early combat.
>what am i in for?
that too, but I feel like there were a lot more complaints after the definitive edition released
It's a great game, but you should learn to manual cancel after artes. This guy talks about it and it's important for making the gameplay even more fun:
Know that it has like two dozen or so side quests with small missable windows, but the game doesn't have a quest tracking system so either you use a guide or backtrack to every town after every main story progress. Or just ignore the side stuff.
The last legit good Tales gameplay. Until they fuck it up in Xillias, and Fuck it up further with Zesty/Bersy, and killed it in Arise
What's that about xillia? I thought most people regard it as the last great tales game (xillia 2)
God that pirate bitch was shit, the characters don't even react or respond to her in cutscenes so she feels like a last minute filler character.
Or you just stumble into them like a normal person on your first playthrough. It's totally fine to miss stuff and it's not like you'll miss every single quest. You'll get some of them, especially if you don't press on all the time, but stay in an area for a bit to farm skill points for new skills.
>Or just ignore the side stuff
I really like playing as Judith but she gets a really good skill from the weapon you get from doing one of the shittiest sidequests in the game...
Might be because she wasn't in the game when it originally released on 360. She was tacked on for the PS3 release.
She gets some more substantial bits as the game goes on, at least.
>She was tacked on
weren't there 2 empty spots in the magic circle in the ending cutscene or something? I think they planned on putting them in from the start but decided against it last minute
There are hints of Patty's existence in Vesperia 360, yes. But much of the story is still written as if she were never there, hence as a character she's kind of tacked on.
Really solid game. Not as good as Graces F though
>Graces F
Looks like shit.
I uninstalled like 5 hours in
super bland
Fucking can't stand the game but Rita and Estelle might unironically make me reinstall. Still stuck on the shitty wolf boss.
Combat takes too long to open up, learning artes is grindy, story sucks, requires a guide if you want to do side content.
Made for BR(S)C
What are you supposed to do when bosses get their ultimate in this game? All I can do is run away and try to avoid it until it runs out.
You can just grind a level or two you know. Otherwise the key is to get into overlimit early with Yuri and slap the two small ones. Aftterwards it's relatively easy, but still not an auto win.
Overrated garbage, like all Tales games are.
All you have to do is block and heal. Kill the minions first. I beat it without using free run.
I haven't finished a single tales of game.
I just get bored and quit half way through or right at the end.
Just go into defensive mode for the duration and heal up. Especially with later bosses who have a mystic arte, you should use that time to heal or buff before they launch it.
You do exactly that. Prepare a strategy that makes your NPC controlled characters hold back and maybe heal and switch to that if things turn really dicey.