Just about to play this game

just about to play this game

what am i in for?

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A game that sure take its time to introduce all the mechanics. Look up how to cancel attacks before you start.

I get bored halfway through.

An overhyped, underwhelming experience that ends suddenly and satisfies nothing.

An overhyped piece of garbage. Easily one of the least favorite tales game I played

Attached: 1650344236739.jpg (500x500, 65.04K)

Really shit story and mediocre characters, tons of missable stuff, and a battle system that's garbage until the end of the game, where it suddenly gets exponentially better.

felt the same

A pretty ok Tales game. Not my favorite. The story is pretty dull.
Print out a side quest guide so you don't miss any of the hundreds of missable events.

bored until the last 5 hours when combat gets good