What made DS2 so good? Did From peak here?

What made DS2 so good? Did From peak here?

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Rewarding gameplay that perfected upon the system created by the previous game.
Environments that simply make sense and are a treat to look at.
Enemy AI that doesn't feel broken

a lot of content without much repetition

Weapons were fun and there were a lot of unique varieties of them

Fix the textures and lighting, remove soul memory, and it would be the best in the series.

The levels were hard, improved mechanics and controls, lots of freedom, ultra punishing, rewarded strategic and tactical gameplay, enemy placement unforgiving and challenging, variety of levels and scenarios, and lots of customization and added rpg depth. Yes.

It's still the only Souls game I refuse to play. Ellen Ring is better than it.

Dark Souls 2 will always be the retarded black sheep of the series


>improved controls

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Contrarianism isn't funny

I think SOTFS made me hate DS2 more. But I'll be real I think DS2 and Elden Ring are the 2 FROM games I played multiple times at launch. Such a good time, I remember sitting at the belfry for hours getting shit on because I'm trash @ pvp. But I'll be goddamned if it wasn't fun at the time.

Incredible pulse pounding boss fights
Dem hit boxes doe
Fun, weighty movement
Top tier animations
Best souls story
Sickest environments ever
Puzzles that actually feel rewarding
Visceral combat with brutal enemies

Yeah, I'm thinking it's based.

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Good pvp, bonfire ascetics, actual changes on ng+, unique areas, etc

Try going back to 1. Strafing is slow and delayed, and you can only roll in 4 directions. Things 2 improved. It feels a lot better to play.

To be fair letting you put jump on left stick is way better.

Only game to do NG+ right
PVP not backstab fishing like DS1
Rewards you with something cool for not dying once/using any bonfire

How is rolling in 8 directions worse than rolling in 4?

Why is ADP a bad thing if it gives shields some viability?

How are the encounters more artificially difficult than in ER?

I've personally never had an issue with the hitboxes either, just the 60fps durability bug, but on that note it's 60fps without needing mods to make it playable like dsfix

Does the castle in the sky and lack of looping levels really piss you guys off that much?

Dark Souls 2 was literally the only game FromSoft has ever made where PvP was actually good in its own right, and not just a lazy afterthought.

Well, it was probably still just a lazy afterthought in Dark Souls 2 but it was actually fun. Plus the PvP convinents actually worked and were awesome. Too bad about soul memory requiring you to back up and reset your saves eventually though

I was so mad I could not shoot the lever at top of carian study hall in Elden Ring, just like I could in DS2 in Shulva. DS2 also has randomized trap chests, new game+ that actually changes things, bonfire ascetics, pharros lockstones with various effects, you could shoot the fucking bell with a bow in no man's wharf, so much soul in this game.

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I tried that too. You can also shoot the bell in No Mans Wharf to call the ship instead of actually going up to ring it.

>What made DS2 so good?
Your compulsion to be a contrarian.

>if it gives shields some viability?
Shields are already insanely viable in DS1.


>have to actually mod the game to be able to move like this in the first place

no they did not peak because soul memory literally, actually ruined the game. it had great aesthetic though


>La Drang Valley LZ X-ray 1965

Don't forget, DS2 also has the best Dragon Stones.

>What made DS2 so good?
It somewhat tried to be it's own story while using the first game as a reference. We only recognize this because of the overt tragedy that 3 gave us with reused assets and reused characters.

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Grinding out a million soul memory will also let you pass through the Shrine of Winter without having to fight a single boss

What? Double tapping roll was a dumb command. I didn't like lots of what DS2 did but that wasn't a bad idea.

>New thing releases
>New thing bad
>Suddenly old thing good
>Suddenly old thing was good all along
>Repeat when new thing releases

Elden Ring will achieve peak kino status as the pinnacle of gaming, praised on all fronts by the entirety of Yea Forums as soon as the next FromSoftware game releases.
But contrarianism aside, Dark Souls 2 had good ideas but it was butchered by rushed development deadlines and not enough budget, datamines shows an insane amount of cut content.
It will always be the worst Dark Souls, there's so much modding and lightning fixes that can be done on it, but it's development was flawed to the core.

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Elden Ring has an assload of flaws but that doesn't make DS2 good.

DS3 is the worst Souls.

DS3 is better by virtue of not having Soul Memory

it was shit
take your meds

DS3 is the worst souls. DS1 edges out vanilla 2. But Scholar is the best souls game.

who fucking cares

do DS2 haters not understand what a mountain range is or something

Soul Memory not existing would have made the Bell Bros 10x funner.

It's a tower connected to nothing.

Why did ER’s release cause DS2fags to think that they can crawl out of their holes and pretend that their game is anything but the worst in the series?

ds3 has some shit like this too

am i the only fucker that never plays pvp on fromsoft games? like why are there so many complaints on soul memory and pvp literally who gives a fuck about pvp
>shittiest netcode of all time, somehow worse than nintendo
>disconnect midfight 70% of the time, dont connect at all 20% of the time,10% u get ganked
>broken builds and cheesy bullshit everywhere, made worse by sparse patches
>rewards are usually worthless
seriously why is every thread discussing FS games plagued with pvp bullshit who unironically plays this dogshit side content

>Muh DS3
rent free + false

>but it was butchered by rushed development deadlines and not enough budget
Dark Souls 2 had the highest budget and longest developed time of all From games before Elden Ring

stfu zoomer

i thought the lore behind that shit was that drangleic is literally crumbling at the seams because the fire has been around for too long, twisting the areas together. doesnt make it much better but i thought it was fine no one really takes the landscape too seriously anyway

This is where I realized Dark Souls 2 was irredeemable shit. Every random cliff face in Elden Ring has more artistry and care put into it than DS2's sunlight altar. It doesn't even look abandoned to emphasize the passage of time/rebirth of the world. It looks straight up unfinished.

>Dark Souls 2 had good ideas but it was butchered by rushed development deadlines and not enough budget, datamines shows an insane amount of cut content.
Dark Souls 2 had so much budget that they made a new (shitty and with stiff movement) engine for it
Dark Souls 2 development started on 2011 and ended on 2014. It had the longest and most bloated development budget and cycle of all From games, while never achieving the peak in quality of the prequel or sequel.
Dark Souls 2 was never bound to be good because it was developed with a flawed mentality. Want to see a game that was rushed? Dark Souls 3 was developed in 18 months and has unrivaled quality of enemy moveset, level design and boss design

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>An altar of Faraam in some random hole in a shithole village a content and several ages away
What a fucking disgrace
For me it was the DS1 souls in NG+
Imagine misunderstanding so badly how Souls work in FUCKING DARK SOULS

The whole game is a fever dream caused by you going hollow.
And I love it.

DS3 has the most boring and samey bosses in the whole series.

Cope, DS2 has been getting threads since its release consistently. Nobody makes threads about DS1 anymore, and DS3 only gets occasional boss rush or "kino" threads. Elden ring is still new so it's getting threads now.

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Absolutely seething and in denial

Dark Souls 3 was developed with a flawed mentality. The most important part of a souls game is the balance of stamina management and being deliberate with your actions so that it promotes strategic gameplay. Instead now it's a spammy, dumbed down, action game where you could carelessly roll through the levels if you wanted to and nothing will ever hit you. Game is fundamentally flawed. Comparing rooms doesn't change that.

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>If I aggro every single enemy in No Man's Wharf and then compare it with the easiest enemies of Dark Souls 3, that will make Dark Souls 2 seem hard!

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Good gameplay and enemies and levels

>viable in ds2


So this is what a souls game with good hitboxes looks like. Great webm friend