Tomboy or non tomboy for romance option?
Tomboy or non tomboy for romance option?
I like classy girly girls.
>Both have short hair
I'll take neither.
the tomboy looks cute, but she's trash.
I really like tanned in 2d but I want it as porcelain as possible in 3d
right is literally perfect
left is literally trash tier
>silky tights
literally vomit inducing
did you even read?
go beat off
>brother complex (little brother died)
right blows left out of the water
some of the shit on left was just odd
Built for oji-sans
kill yourself, tranny
Kill yourself. You will never be a woman. Nobody will ever like you. The people who hate you are not a fringe minority of extremists. We are the majority. You are all rapists and cultists.
Fucking giga chad based mother fucker strikes yet again. You're on /v too and glow like the king you are.
Stfu, die in darkness you tasteless cu ck.
Legitimately rent free.
>likes tranime
explain yourself to the poltards
> tomboy
> lesbian
Pick one.
btw this is the most ridden phenomenon in the artists, but algos apparently do not otherwise promote(see YT trends), who knows maybe similar algorithms are on pixiv, all kinds of degenerates in the top and something really cute becomes a rare gem.
My vote is for getting sexually bullied by both
The stuff about their periods makes this so gross.
Extremely based.
Trannies are the only people on the planet who attack tomboys.
They both perform rimjobs.
you're not valid. you will never be a woman. your pathetic attempts at attacking tomboys and conflating anime with your tranny death cult isn't fooling anybody.
>thinking it's pol to hate fags and trannies
We're everywhere bro. I hate lgbt scum too and have never went on pol in my life.
im guessing youve never talked to real women before?
they hate that shit
All trannies deserve to be killed, doesn't matter which kind of tranny you are.
Nigga the ammount of trans women ive seen who want a strong masc tomboy gf is in the hundreds and ive seen trans men into tomboys too. Shut up bitch everyone loves tomboys.
girls taller than me are subhuman
>Wants to have a hysterectomy
You dont need to kill them, they do a splendid job of that themselves.
not the hecking validness
Does it matter?
Nobody says "trans women". You're a tranny and you're doing a piss poor job of gaslighting.
Couldnt the drawfag that did this choose darker colors for the text
Whoever wrote 'hysterectomy' doesn't know what a hysterectomy is and actually meant tubal ligation, right?
Because. Like. Who the fuck.
i hate trannies so much it's unreal
i change my mind i yield i yield
Any downsides either have can be solved by repeated pregnancies and filling the home with children
rape both
I’m a yurifag unironically because girls doing cute things with other girls is the only thing that makes me happy anymore.
Trannies and their supporters are such fucking scum.
For me, it's true freedom.
Brown girls aren't tomboys.
yes ok? girls of all colors can be cute!
yes they are
Some are*
tomboys literally just means "girl with short hair, maybe a tan" these days. It has nothing to do with personality or interests, shit fucking sucks bro
Only according to retarded zoomers who just recently decided they like "tomboys".
rofl how are you fuckers seriously this short? you're either lying for you's or you're worthless. If you're below 6' you aren't a man. Put a dress on already.
you dont belong here tranny you belong in a noose hanging from the rafters
That isn't a tomboy, that's a narcoleptic.
Top kek
>Only according to retarded zoomers who just recently decided they like "tomboys".
So 99% of the people making and posting in these threads
What kind of giant faggot wrote this?
I like tomboys and all but I prefer left in this scenario