always has been
always will be
and that's a good thing
what is it with radical left trooner zoomers and posting this image
>fan art vs US fanart
Not sure. I do know it's actually puritan christcucks from /pol/ that post this anti sexy on 4losers.
and? what's your point? "muh off-model"?
kill all amerilards
and thats a good thing
kek, kind of harsh dont you think? some of them are probably alright
Kys trannoid
shut the fuck up bunkertranny
Off model is perfectly fine
Only incels seethe at this. Big boobs and ass are always good. Cry more.
Shouldn't you be dilating right now?
lmao yeah
>on-model "fans" constantly seething impotently
>character art enjoyers glad to see art of the characters they like
Problem, officer?
You think they would learn and make their games look like fanart
Just the way I like 'em
Perfectly acceptable for Hilda.
post your art
the images like this really make me think most of the no modelfagging is just the sour grapes coping of artists butthurt no one will buy their shitty art
>no u
The absolute height of leftwing arguments
I wish to subscribe to your Patreon
>this thread again for the millionth time
Learn to draw your own fanart instead of bitching about someone drawing what you don't like.
>character drawn with bigger breasts
>character drawn with incorrectly colored eyes
VERY bad
I'm a true on-modelfag
yes, i also hate this. at some point, it's not even the same character anymore
i think people should move away from the porn and even just fan art and replace it with the imagination. a lot of you forgot to think, but a lot of you might have grown up in a world where the imagination was already removed from the player/viewer
Both are good.
If anyone needs a break from the internet it's people you who can't stop obsessing over this shit
time is a flat circle
a FAT circle
What sort of cope is this? I already imagined the picture in my head and then went a step further to illustrate it. Nothing you just said makes any fucking sense.
A little bit off model to accentuate the character's existing proportions is okay. No point in turning a character whose main appeal is something like small breasts, into a titty monster
what if I want them to have big tits?
you want me to talk about you, but i'm not. don't just go and make a problem for yourself when you're ready in the clear with this. let this be a general lesson for you.
Yeah, but you're supposed to make the thing I personally want.
I am going to fuck the fat circle of time
btw i won't ever draw nor do i want to if you were going towards that direction
i look like this and say this
nice meme op, i found it funny
Sure thing, just pay me first.
I'm learning how to draw so I will be able to draw off-model fanart of my favorite characters and then fap to said drawings.
I love a bunch of very obscure vidya characters so it's my only choice.
i fucking love this artist
wtf trinityfate's art is real life?!
Good fanart has *slightly* accentuated feminine body parts. Stuff that's too off-model or too faithful is trash.
Then you'll be happy with the 90% of artists who draw every character with the same body type.
Another example of what I mean.
sorry I wasn't asking
oh look, a retard.
Sorry retard, I'm going to enjoy my waifus with suddenly huge badonkas and them being super into it and spoiling me and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
I'm more interested in the 10% that actually draw the tits big enough.
I absolutely 100% prefer it this way because when I wanna a coom they're thick and hyper-sexual, and when I wanna play they aren't wacky and distracting.
No need to ask, I gotchu bro.
They're not even artists, they just seethe at people making money doing something they want to do but will never even attempt.
This man gets it. I don't save on-model art in an increasingly large folder labeled 'Research'