It's actually fantastic

>It's actually fantastic
What went so right?

Attached: HLA.jpg (1280x720, 111.82K)

They made a game instead of a tech demo.

It's still a tech demo. This game is only popular because:
A - It's Half Life
B - It's the only "proper" VR game so far
C - It was memed and hyped to all hell
The limitations of VR still prevent this from being a good game. It's more of a virtual experience, something like those arcade cabinets with guns, where the game plays itself and you just shoot whatever you see. There's next to no movemento ther than teleporting to places, you can't even jump. It's just a gimmick.

I've been busy with Elden Ring, any interesting mods lately?

>you can't even jump
You jump by actually jumping in real life, something your 600 pound ass wouldn't know about

I want to play it so bad but I am too much of a poorfag to get a decent headset and I am not too sure on what else I am going to use VR for.

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you cannot physically jump far enough to actually do anything in a video game

Lying faggot not even deserving of a (you)

im guessing youve never actually played it and judging the game by some webms you probably saw here. lol
>There's next to no movemento ther than teleporting to places
pretty much a dead giveaway you didnt actually play it.

Yeah because you're too fucking fat to jump, retard

>It's still a tech demo.
unironically cope harder.

nah bro, if you just need one of those poles that athletes use to vault over hurdles. You have enough money to buy a headset, you can probably manage it.

Attached: PoleVault.jpg (1000x620, 432.85K)


it's 6/10. would be a 9/10 if they cut out the constant marvel-tier quipping and had a similar tone to the original HL2 games.

>virtual pole vault
Hmm. Has any VR game done this yet?

Maybe you can't. Why is that a problem with the game?

$0.20 has been deposited into your steam wallet

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Pretty sure I saw a video of that being done in boneworks

It was everything everyone hoped VR games would be. The problem is it's the only one like that.

i don't know why I didn't realize until just now seeing your post that you cant actually walk around in the game but yeah that's kind of a deal breaker for me

>would be a 9/10 if they cut out the constant marvel-tier quipping
The game would be far too unsettling without it. It's already the scariest game I've ever played.

of course you can walk around, the game has teleport for newbies who get motion sickness but it's got normal stick locomotion like any other game

>It's already the scariest game I've ever played.
This but completely unironically.

>It's already the scariest game I've ever played.
what are you, 5 year olds?


>This but completely unironically.
What made you think I'm joking?

Yea valve is paying someone to talk about half life alyx on Yea Forums lmao.
Much more likely than someone enjoying one of the best vr experiences available

I bought a used samsung odyssey off of ebay for 200$, just rubbed down the entire thing with isoprophyl.

instead of coping just pay $350 for a Quest 2 + USB extender retard, its cheap and one of the best headsets ever made

you're in for a good time, to this day the odyssey has the most beautiful screens of any headset I've ever used.

Based fellow pussy. I could never play something like phasmagoria, but especially so in VR.
Been slowly making my way through Alyx on my Quest 2 wirelessly and having a blast.
Currently at the beginning of chapter 4. How many hours do I have left and which chapter is the scariest?

I don't need to play a game to have an opinion on it.

Is this really the only non-meme VR game?

You're about a third of the way through.
>which chapter is the scariest?
For me it was chapter 5, but chapter 7 plays out like an Amnesia-style survival horror game.

11 chapters and about 12 hours to finish the whole game

Chapter 7 (Jeff) is the one you'll enjoy the most

>mod releases
>woah how cringe
>look at this bullshit
>cutscenes in a HL game?
>the story is retarded, some D-tier MGS rehash
>gman is totally acting out of character
>some totally retarded faustian bargain shenanigans at play
>completely mocked

>fast forward 2 years
>Half Life alyx releases
>characters are all cracking jokes and shit
>a literal karen scene asking to talk to the combine manager
>gman somehow is acting similarly to HDTF's
>some totally retarded faustian bargain shenanigans at play
>overwhelmingly praised

Attached: bakamitai.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

Are the Knuckles supported by most titles nowadays?
I still feel 1k for the index is a fucking rip off but lately I've been wanting to get back into VR and I'm tempted just for the controllers alone.

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Why get an Index when you can just get a Quest?

It's not that VR games aren't good but they are often filled with limitations, have to use the VR in obtuse ways to make something clever whilst not as limiting or is full of pure jank.
The closest game that reaches Alyx level of interaction and fun is Boneworks and the best way to describe that game is a really good Half-Life slavjank mod in VR.

And I'm 90% sure Boneworks wasn't even made by slavs.

Reread my post.
Besides controllers though, also comfort. I'll admit Quest has the upper hand in tons of ways, I owned a quest 2 for a bit. But the headset was unbelievably uncomfortable.
>Bro just get a third party headstrap
Nah. Index has better weight distribution too thanks to not having to be standalone.

it was unironically supposed to be a teleport only game before boneworks absolutely mogged that concept a couple months before release, so they scrambled to allow the player to actually move

they were deathly afraid of the faggots getting motion sick otherwise because they always pander to the lowest common denominator retards, I mean remember the whole half life 2 fiasco with the level that was cut down to a corridor because some absolute braindead moron couldn't figure out his way through 3d space? they probably got similar, if not worst shitty "feedback" when testing their VR stuff

If you have a Vive, you could just buy the controller.

True, but if you have no idea the fact that you can either teleport OR walk normally, it calls into question what else you might be misrepresenting/unaware of

>If you have the worst headset ever made for desktop vr
Thankfully I don't.

So many great games are "tech demos" though. Like back when so many games were created just to show off the engine they're running.

then pay a thousand shekels for an index idiot

go back to sucking dicks on reddit

Haven't played but the webms from anons that would stroke phallic things in game and pretend to suck on them made me diamonds

by insisting you're not a shill you are only making it more obvious that you are one

>*saves your shit game in your path*
No thanks necessary fags

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Imo it should just have some calculator to turn each inch of your jump into a foot or something. That way you get the interactivity and the video game unrealisticness together.

I was kind of mixed on it. The jeff section is great, it has the valve charm and polish, there's some cool uses of the technology throughout, it mops the floor with other vr campaigns etc.but at the same time it did not make me particularly excited for the future of traditional single player in vr. I'm not sure if it was an issue of valve being too conservative or it just being something inherent to vr but it couldn't escape feeling like an on rails themepark ride that had to play patty cake in order for the game to not get buried by jank.
I understand why they would want to reverse their fuck you cliffhanger from 2007 but timetravel retconning being introduced completely saps my enthusiasm for a storyline.

they should have dropped traditional shooting completely in favor of thrown gadgets and weapons, only time I really felt engaged..

There are a few titles that reach full AAA tier, mostly medal of honor above and beyond

Meds schizo

cope harder


I hated Boneworks, they desperately needed a single competent level designer. And an army of environmental designers.

Sorry cope only beats seethe or rent free. Try another buzzword

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