What's the best modern MMO if I'm going to waste the next 10 years of my life miserable life?

What's the best modern MMO if I'm going to waste the next 10 years of my life miserable life?

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you cant become a true neet without being a burden to your parents of being retarded enough to get autism checks

>Seethes about blacks getting welfare
>Does the exact same thing

There are no NEETs left on Yea Forums.

Just so you know, pissing in bottles is actually considered a mental illness when you have a functioning toilet.

>black get welfare
>spend it on booze and crack

>whites get welfare
>spend it on food

>mocking others for wasting their life
>shilling/raiding Yea Forums for pennies (if that)
kek, kettle meet pot

I made the tragic mistake of suffering through a bunch of different jobs before trying to get autism checks despite having severe autism, now I probably wouldn't be able to get them because they can see the work history and know I can function
for all you prospective NEET zoomers out there, always try to get autismbux before you get your first job, it'll be the strongest point from which you can get it

refer to uncle remus when in doubt
may your days be long and devoid of normalfag shittery and work

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NEETs should be exemplars of cleanliness
they have plenty of time, and they’re not tired wagies who have no energy left to care for their environment
considering these factors, why would any NEET choose to live in a sordid environment?

it wont be fun but theres probably 10 years worth of content if you make an ironman

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>piss in almost empty soap bottle
>not very full at all
>too many bubbles to pee in it again without spilling out
fuck...what do I do now? I don't wanna get up and go to the bathroom...

I worked at an special ed school during college breaks like 6-7 years ago

>envy the neets when I worked shit jobs like retail and landscaping
>now I am just as comfy working a CAD job from home and I get more without having the disappointment of my family
Thanks Covid

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Why are neets so insecure?

I'm here, but I hate mmos.

Please do literally anything else with your time

this doesnt work anymore. too many people tried it during covid. you need long term evidence of being disabled
t. applied for neetbux in 2019, declined for 2 years, ended up hiring a lawyer for an administrative law judge disability hearing. i spoke with 3 lawyers. they wouldnt give me the time of day unless i proved i was disabled before covid. thankfully my parents had insurance so i had 20 years worth of documents detailing how they forced me into therapy and residential home treatments. now i get neetbux from the government and under the table payments from dad

FFXIV, unironically.

Why is she associated with NEETing?

world of warcraft

It's hard to secure anything without any money

I didn't even want neetbux in the beginning. It's all a mistake. I told the social security rep to her face that it was a scam. Maybe she really thought I was crazy then?

Been a NEET for 3 years now, there is now glory in enriching someone else with your labour.

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im both

>there is now glory in enriching someone else with your labour.
i used to be anti-slavery but now that you put it that way i think ill go buy a confederate flag

>black get welfare
>spend it on booze and crack

>whites get welfare
>spend it on booze and meth


My parents are dead. I used what I inherited to live my entire 20s basically in retirement. It's fucking absurd that the norm is to spend your youth working yourself to the bone, so that you can fully enjoy life AFTER your body has wasted away assuming you're not one of the 1 in 3 people who die before retirement age. Life itself is a fucking scam.

Sounds pretty comfy, how hard was it to get educated/qualified?

How much from the government per month?

I am currently a NEET and I love entirely off my wife who is a successful software engineer. I’ve been trying to get a job that isn’t a shit tier dead end. It’s been 4 months of looking and no I have yet to receive a single positive response. Not even a phone interview. Pretty sure I’m going to kill myself soon

i made it 6 years as a NEET

now i live in a society.

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One year certificate program though I also got a degree but that's not needed depending on where you live, helps that the state I live in is massive for manufacturing and aerospace especially so drafters are always in demand
my work changes depending on what's needed but it's usually a mix of transposing older blueprints onto the computer and helping design shit for the company's contractors

As an actual (temporarily-not-)NEET, I got a job literally just to prove to myself that I'm capable of getting seriously employed but choose not to.

If your wife is ok supporting you that much and you really want to work, why not a part time job? It's better than nothing and it won't make you want to literally kill yourself, only figuratively kill yourself.

I've had a few too, but they'll cut payments down if it goes beyond part time. lol. They don't even want me to work and NOT be a neet.

if over 30, eve online
if younger, kill yourself

>In a similar situation
>Job hunting for the past several months trying to drag myself back out of NEETdom
>Find one that pays okay and is in a field I would enjoy
>App is actually accepted and they bring me in for interview
>Thought it went really well
>They ghost me

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My wife honestly doesn’t give a shit. We are having our first kid in October and she wishes that I could just be a house husband and be happy. I don’t know why this makes me feel like such shit. I’m literally living the dream of tons of Yea Forumsirgins but I hate it.

Only try NEETdom if you are a trustfund rich kid or inheritencechad. It's not worth getting a few hundred doars a month for having to deal with constant calls and emails and having to fake it.
I was a NEET and it was the worst time of my life. Having money is freedom because all the good shit costs money.
Also, don't losten to incels on Yea Forums. That includes me. Don't let a website change your life.

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have you found a job you can tolerate well?

Got any serious hobbies outside of vidya?
Maybe having something to keep you busy all the time will make you feel better about it. Doesn't have to be a job.

Been a NEET since 2019 after I got laid off and couldn't qualify for unemployment. Been just living off savings and moved back in with my parents. They don't mind me being around since I help out with chores and cook for them but I've realized that being a wagie is indeed a scam and it's just too comfortable for me to wanna go back into the workforce.

Because you aren't productive, also you're probably in denial about your wife. Was your mother a controlling woman?

No point being a NEET now that working from home is a thing as well. You cna make money for shitposting on this shit site.

I was NEET for a year and a half and I'm absolutely certain if it had continued I would have woken up dead in my sleep. I just felt my health deteriorating and I was getting more depressed over time. But working full time is only marginally better, if I could just live off being part time I think that's the real dream.

>being retarded enough to get autism checks
I already had the assburger diagnosis. The time I was forced to spend at the mental hospital as a 6 years old was fucking traumatizing.
I have like 3 degrees and a bunch more job certifications. I just can't trust any kind of corporate or government structure since it always seems like they'll end up fucking me over.
Right now I'm working on a network technician certification so I get a fallback plan that can get me hired at any company whatsoever and allows for remote work.
The idea is to get enough money to buy some land in the woods and NEET from there. I don't even care about the money or how I get it. I just want to get away from all the bullshit

if you can't neet, get a job you're at least "okay" with, like a cleaning job where you can wear headphones

>work at a hard physical labor job for 5 years
>friend tells me about how security literally pays you to do nothing for 8-12 hours a shift
>eventually get tired of current job and apply, get a night shift position at a guard shack
>guard shack has air conditioning, a mini fridge, and a monitor plus nobody comes in at night so i just plug in my switch and play video games all shift
>manager is a huge weeb who did the same shit before he got promoted so he doesn't give a fuck
i wish i had found this place when i was younger, this shit is fucking incredible. i finished 28 games in 2021 whereas i only finished 5 in 2020

Like I said if you're this hung up on it, a part time job really is a good middle ground. Also congrats on the OL wife, that really is the dream.

Are you expected to actually provide security if something happens, or just call the cops?

75 cap FFXI pservers probably on wings
Classic EQ pservers
UO outlands

Lmao a year and a half? That's it? I'm going strong for 10 fucking years next month. Still doing just fine.

>becomes homeless and miserable when parents die

My mother was controlling. It isn’t necessarily about being productive but my parent’s marriage basically fell apart because my Dad lost his job and then never got back on his feet. They didn’t get divorced but it was miserable.

My wife keeps telling me she doesn’t care. She knows I like writing fantasy so she is currently trying to get me to write more and said she will help me edit and publish it when I’m done. Before this I was trying to teach myself to code which she fully supported and tried to help with but I didn’t get very good results from that. I honestly think she sees me as more of a pet than a husband, but the job issue is 100% on me thinking that if I stay unemployed long enough it will ruin our marriage like my parents.

There is nothing, you missed the window of opportunity unless you feel like trudging through long-outdated garbage that has been virtually ruined by metagaming.

having worked a security gig at a dry dock, you just call the cops

I know how fucking insidious family trauma can be, I hope you don't let it eat you up too much. That in itself could become a point of contention.

I guess you win

What am I? Chopped liver?

>been NEET for half my life
>need to find a job but nobody will hire a man in his 30's who has literally never had a job or volunteered anywhere
>extreme social anxiety and functional autism make anything dealing with the public a no-go
>no car, middle of nowhere, nearest business is a 30-45 minute walk
I am in a hell of my own making

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Just left my security firm over bullshit with the office people and you're mostly just expected to call the cops. Maybe shine a flashlight in the asshole's face in the meantimes if they're messing with stuff they shouldn't. You aren't expected to do much as a security guard

8 years for me in August. I do have a fucked up back though, so I take it easy and sleep all day.

I got denied welfare, they think I'm a suicide waiting to happen so it aint worth keeping me on life support

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I'm pretty sure it's over for me. After failing too hold two previous jobs it's been far to long now since then. Employers will see that and not like it. And I still haven't overcome the problem I had at work in the first place. I'm just gonna ride out the neet life until my family die's and I die on the street. Thanks for reading my final testament and blog.

time to learn to code i guess
it's what I'm trying to do anyway

Blacks are a different race so I have a different standard for them.

I like math and I've seen stuff on /g/ that looks like it would be a lot of fun to tackle if I knew how, but I just can't get past the "hello world" phase.

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You'll be ok, don't worry. The most important part of being a neet is realizing that you don't need much money to survive.

Don’t bother. Everyone and their brother is “learning to code” so you will need to study your ass off and do a ton of personal projects or work for free and do “volunteer” coding to make a portfolio that no one will look at because you don’t have any professional experience. Entry level coding jobs are one of the most hyper competitive job markets I’ve ever seen.


You shouldn't need to do volunteer coding to make a portfolio, if you're learning to program you should already have one building up.

I just want a cute gf preferably a young one to make up for the missed time