I'm playing smash brothers ultimate with computers in the middle of the night using only characters items and stages...

I'm playing smash brothers ultimate with computers in the middle of the night using only characters items and stages from smash 64 trying desperately to relive my childhood because I'm dead inside and have no friends

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Just actually play smash 64 instead

Do you have a cute dog?

I have a teddy bear I've had since I was a baby that I'm rubbing against my face right now

I don't want to hook up my n64

I'll be your friend, bud. :)

Why not play slippi

cope tranny

can you post an image of it?

no because it's unique looking and would be instantly recognized by anyone who knows me
he's really worn down

>tfw still have friends yet I know I will never relieve the n64 sleepover game party days since everyone is too buisy, even I'm too busy as a father and if the boys all got back together to vidya till dawn, it won't be the same since our gaming skills will not be as good as it once was

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I'm playing Smash 64 remix on my switch trying to imagine what having friends to play fighting games with in real life and not online is like

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Ah so your back to original stats
Nice you can play like its your first time again

There are billions of people in the world and countless ways to interact with them without even leaving your room.

If you want friends it's real fucking easy. Just talk to people until something clicks.

shame, hope you're enjoying smash though

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I'm really not

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Play something else then?

>just talk to people

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I don't want to play anything
I'm just trying to find a way to numb my thoughts

I'll play with you user

but play what
I honestly am only playing right now because it's too much effort to turn everything off and lie down

I feel down from time to time and the only outlet for me has been videogames, maybe its the same for you. I was feeling pretty horrible a couple years back and the only thing that kept me happy then was the grind in MHW. maybe you should try playing something new? There are lots of videogames i've pushed myself to try that I ended up enjoying after initially not wanting to play them. I also don't have any friends

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Well, if you want something more passive, maybe put on a MST3K episode? That often helps me.

Here, I'll pick one out for you: youtube.com/watch?v=B41EHGmGEk8

I have a huge backlog of games but I just don't want to play any of them because it feels like too much of a commitment
playing anything in general feels like too much effort
I just want to watch YouTube videos and browse Yea Forums

I know exactly how you feel, user. You've got to push yourself, the "it get good x hours in" joke is actually not a meme. What's the shortest game in your backlog right now that seems remotely interesting? If you don't have much else to do then it wouldn't hurt to try

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>worried about wasting time playing games
>wastes time on 4chins rotting his brain with spam

You have fallen far user.

I just turned my switch off and got in bed
I don't want to play anything right now
honestly even watching anime is too much of a commitment for me

Ok, have a good rest then, user

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but I'm not even sleeping
I'm just going to watch youtube stuff instead

Hey you stupid sack of shit, do you have any friends in real life? I can empathize with doing stuff like that to recapture that childhood nostalgia but you're making me feel insecure by being such a bitch about it so stop.

Alright, enjoy your youtube videos then

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if I had friends why do you think I'd be making threads like this

Do you need to have 2 threads up at the same time?

Make an effort to socialize or attend events or something. It’ll make you focus less on the past and look forward to the future.

Attention everyone ITT, save your sympathy for someone who deserves it, this is the OP.

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Because you can have friends and still be crippled from depression.

Do you have a job? Quit it and get a different one, make some friends, then be depressed differently. Pretending to play smash 64 in smash ultimate is pissing me off so much. You can find a human to play real smash 64 with you. Find someone with some weed, they will play the fucking game with you as long as you don't act like a turbo autist

Getting some Narcissa Wright vibes fr fr.

>work up the nerve to go to an Asperger's meetup
>I was the only one that actually showed up
>forced to talk to highschool kids that were there as community service

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I hate it

That's fine I haven't gotten righteously mad at anything on this site in years so I'm happy to give this fucker some (you)'s. I got the real advice for this idiot on lock down and I'm willing to bust it open

Nigger he's made over 2.000 threads and he has the same problems every time. He is not going to follow any advice you give him.

no you're not
you're shitposting on a indonesian shadow play theater

Just make sure to take a journalist with you.

You really think you are going to be the one to save this dude who has been making these threads on Yea Forums daily for almost half a decade?

no I don't have a job
and I hate drugs

he's using different op images now? damn, I retract everything I've said ITT

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I literally did this and I just feel even shittier after it's over

It's undeniably him.

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Just play it on a poorly coded emulator

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these are not all the same person

Cool, how do I unsubscribe from your blog?

Lol wow

You're right, the guy talking about windows 10 isn't him. I'm not sure the guy complaining about not being a woman is him either. The 3 thread OPs are definitely him though.

Yeah no shit. I'm not posting for him I'm posting for myself

This has to be too autistic to be real but to entertain it for a moment as possibly being true I gotta say that you should never try to engage with someone in good faith on the foundation of mental illness. That just leads to a loose acquaintance based on selfishly measuring how fucked up you are compared to each other

I know that feel, user.
Time just keeps moving forward...sadge.

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should I feel bad?
make friends with other anons

Fucking fighting game players

which smash pass should i buy first?
1 or 2?

I don't care if you hate drugs. I didn't say go smoke weed you fucking retard, I said go find a dude who has weed. If you work at any entry level place or someplace with minimal skill required, like a pizza place or a warehouse, you are guaranteed to find this weed-smash guy with minimal effort. You aren't trying to be his friend, you are using him as a platform to build a new social circle. You hang out with him, hang out with his friends, play video games, and keep yourself integrated in the circle.

This is probably too hard for you though. Instead, what you should do is sell yourself as a knife man. Bloodplay fetishists are hyper autistic and more depressed than you. With the right post, you can have fat bitches coming to you and begging you to cut their arms up so they can masturbate. That's legit socially easier than making friends with the weed guy for someone who rightfully and deservedly hates himself as much as you do

Terry is the only DLC you need

why would you buy them 1 at a time? If you're poor just buy joker, he's the best dlc