sorry lost ark & ffxiv, your time is up
12 hours until the MMO genre is saved
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WoW will never be killed. Every "WoW killer" ended up as a dead failure.
Every male blizzard employee could rape behead, then fuck the severed head of every female employee on live TV and WoW still wouldn't die.
>another WoW expansion
It's gonna be shit. They have no more talented people on their Dev team. The game only exist to be milked for money.
>Every male blizzard employee could rape behead, then fuck the severed head of every female employee on live TV and WoW still wouldn't die.
that would make me play it again
is this supposed to be female
Imagine still paying for a 2022 game with 2005 graphics
do they even need talent? Classic wow was a huge hit idk why they don't just copy/paste what those eras of the games did
Reptiles don't have mammaries, user.
It's about that time again
Time for the several straight months of paid Blizzard shills that show up before every expansion
are dragons still reptiles if they have warm blood because they breathe fire?
Demographics have changed and they wont allow for a game like vanilla to ever exist.
>but behind this ancient evil is...
>also we promise this is definitely a return to form for wow, ignore the last five times we said the same thing and failed to deliver
>also we've listened to the community. we aren't going to directly acknowledge (recent drama) but we're going to make a vague apology for something and say our actions will speak louder than our words
$69.99 preorder today
I don't think the demographic has changed that much
>playing themepark trash
I kneel. Lost Ark was a... serviceable distraction, but I'm firmly ready to get back on that WoW train.
>until the MMO genre is saved
It's getting a western release?
They also dont have wings and stand on two feet
Whatever the xpac turns out to be, WoW will still always be better than FFXIV
Remember when everyone said they were switching games and then dropped it because it was terrible? Nice one
Haha... yeah...
>female dragons don't have boobs
i hate it already
>Covenants v2.0
>Virtually nothing about it has changed from the original system, and it will be worse than Covenants are as of 9.2
>New retarded parallel progression system with a huge grind, and high costs for respec, kneecapping anyone who does more than one type of content
>New retard gimmick system that could be fun but will be utterly gutted and made as anti-fun as possible
>Blizz gets crucified
>Dozens of Bellular videos, "HOW COULD THEY NOT LEARN BY NOW?!"
>10.0.5 comes around
>"They totally fixed it (sort of)... step in the right direction. Looking good for 10.1!"
>10.1 releases
>Breaks whatever progress they made with another retarded system
9.2 was good though
>announcement to an announcement to something that wont be release for another year and will still be unfinished
"Veil of Alaris? Haha, it's funny how Everquest has like fifty million expansions! No way World of Warcraft will ever have this many!"
- me in high school, 2012
Watch WoW retards come crawling back to this dying franchise.
>Turns out to be a good xpac
>Blizz listened and implemented feedback
>FFXIVtroons are BTFOD
>Banned from coming back to WoW
>Have to stick with their degenerate trash with bad story, graphics and gameplay
wake up
the same cycle is going to kick in.
>expansion gets shown
>people get excited
>say this expansion will save WoW
>expansion comes out
>people complain and say its shit
>say previous expansion was better
>drop the game
rinse and repeat
I almost can't believe this image. However given Blizzards track record, this is likely a real image.
I was always upset this never came to the west, how was it? Love dragon quest but I hate MMOs, what did this one so different?
I just started xiv dunno if I should try wow.
Keisha's Song
Can't kill whats already dead after all.
The problem is blizzard can't keep themselves away. There were a few minor changes in tbc that the community asked for (drums nerf, paladin seals on both factions, etc.). Credit to blizzard they made those changes, but then they just added everything every retail horde twitter trannies asked for. Suddenly same faction bgs, no premades, arena boosting, and a bunch of other retail shit got added and phase 2 was horrifically bugged otherwise. Phase 3 wasn't as bad but still pretty awful.
if wow becomes 100% F2P i will play again
and so will you
You can play it in English right now, bro.
It's already f2p (someone else pays for your sub)
>tfw will never get to play this
I hope SE goes bankcrupt.
>and so will you
I'm up to my neck in Tokens before I stopped and I'd never have to worry about paying my own money for Sub time ever again.
Problem is that the game is so shit that being "Free" isn't enough
>I'm up to my neck in Tokens before I stopped
you still played after mid WOTLK
oh user...
Its a lot of fun, but I got sick of playing through translation tools and a vpn
I quit in Cata and apart from some good things I heard about in MoP I don't regret ever going back. People say Legion was good but from what I understand tons of things that make current WoW shit was introduced or had its initial implementation in Legion.
They made it primarily as a dragonquest game with the mmo component second.
If I recall correctly the original ffxi people work on it and you can really feel it
>you still played after mid WOTLK
Of course, otherwise I would have missed the second best expansion
I can't wait for all of the non-binary and PoC character reveals!
>>Turns out to be a good xpac
Anyone who unironically believes that to be possible after BFA and SL deserves to be made fun of.
They cut WoD short just like Shadowlands
We got Legion after WoD
Just wait and see. If it is good, you should kill yourself for being a naysayer pedophile who plays FFXIV
>BFA was shit
>SL was shit
>Blizzard controversy leads to them hiring a bunch of diversity hires while keeping Ion and Danuser
Surely this will be the best expansion ever
>BFA is an abortion
>Shadowlands is an abortion
>t-trust me bro the next one is gonna turn it all around!
Just accept that MMOs are a dead genre and move on with your life
I unironically think this is WoW's last chance. You can argue on the game's overall quality, but in terms of its userbase, for years it was going on the track of "Good" Expansion - "Bad" Expansion. Wrath "Good"? Cata Bad. MoP Good? WoD Bad. Legion Good? BFA Bad. BUT. Then Shadowlands are TREMENDOUSLY bad. Two bads in a row is not healthy, and if it's three, then they're fucked. I could 100% see, with the Microsoft buyout, WoW gets placed on Game Pass as a means to gently go F2P.
You can tell the people who are blizzard cocksuckers when they think Legion was a good expansion
ive heard good about panda from friends who still played then but cata was the absolute nail
Wow has the worst story I've seen in a video game and I've played shit games
The only thing that will get people to resub are new specs, race, or class.
Yes the level is that low. I'd resub for new specs, maybe something like time mage, lich, or some contrived bullshit
>People say Legion was good but from what I understand tons of things that make current WoW shit was introduced or had its initial implementation in Legion.
A lot of people give Legion a pass because it came after Warlords, but you're right in that a lot of complaints that people have had over the last couple of expansions stemmed from systems introduced in Legion. They've had three expansions with this kind of crap that were handled and received poorly, but for some reason they really want to stick to this shit, which is ironic because it's really doing more work in the long run whenever they have to scrap it then do it again between expansions.
Zero doubt they're going to bring it again for whatever expansion is next claiming that they learned a lot when they haven't learned a damn thing.
It's already too big to fail mmo.
As opposed to what?
Vannila that was piss easy and everyone became disillusioned with?
TBC that was piss easy and everyone became disillusioned with?
Gee I wonder if Wrath, the bestest expansion ever because I started playing then is going to break that trend with LFG and reskinned raids. Its totally not nostalgia ok?!
Legion was top tier, just because you had bad luck doesn't mean the xpac was bad. I got my BiS legendary on my second roll and I had good titanforges throughout the xpac. Loved it.
China loves Facebook games.
Legion ran out of content after a week, beyond that it was just waiting for mage tower to come up and doing the weekly time gated suramar quests until they ran out after a month
genuinely got a chuckle out of me
Heroes of Azeroth.... forgive me... but there is a bigger ene-ACK
You said you like Legion and yet the only thing you said about it was that you got lucky with your randomized systems.
They did that and no one wanted it after the novelty wore off
The thing is, Legion worked decently, because it was the first time the borrowed power system was implemented. Losing the power felt awful, and made people realize that progression in WoW was completely a joke. You were weaker at the start of BFA compared to Legion. Then level scaling was introduced, and suddenly, it's like you're fucking playing Oblivion, where numbers don't matter.
lmao this has to be fake
Didn't Shadowlands just come out?
Nope. Shadowlands came out over two years ago. WoW's actually behind.
Furry artists make better dragon models than this.
>Losing the power felt awful, and made people realize that progression in WoW was completely a joke
Nah, level scaling did that.
>muh systems
The systems were fine unless you were an autist who wanted to play 5 specs and think that was manageable or appropriate.
AP was fine and wasn't even a concious grind unless you wanted to minmax
Titanforging was fine
Class balance was excellent and gameplay was at its best
Raids were fun
Dungeons were great
Leveling and story was fantasic
WQ were actually fun, short and had minigames
Lots of non raid content with Suramar, Karazhan and Argus/Broken shore
Lots of treasure hunts
yeah really not seeing where it went wrong
>Furry gay dragon shit
>4 whole new zones
>Dumb ass dragon mount system where you can upgrade your "friend" for perks
>1 new race that can be the new class and that's it
>That's fucking it
It's over. Wow has been dead for a long time. It's digging itself into a bigger grave every day.
MoP and Legion were just as awful as all the other expacs post WotLK. Anyone who says otherwise is just coping.
>AP was fine and wasn't even a conscious grind unless you wanted to minmax
After they nerfed it and made it basically free, yeah. AK and running Maw forever to finish out your tree wasn't fun and only existed to pad out engagement metrics and get the whales elated when they turned it off
so who is blizzard going to blame when people are unhappy again this time
>AK and running Maw forever
You act like this was a fault of the devs and not a player decision. I didn't do that and I had a fine time. It would be boring as fuck to grind maw constantly for days so how would that work to pad out engagement metrics? Makes no sense
Minmax autists couldn't just enjoy the game and do something else. No, they HAD to farm maw for 2 days to get 1% dps
If wow came out now I would automatically assume it's mobile shit from some chink company.