Videogame has reference to something that happened years ago

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ya seethe nigger?

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desu it could kinda look cool on japanese girl skaters since they actually use it some times even before the le bat flu there

but it's a ugly ass blue hospital mask other than anything else so big cringe nope

Masks are still mandated everywhere here

Pretty sure beards are still fashionable.

Nobody gives a fuck about Hulk Hogan any more

It's still happening. Why won't it stop.

Huh? Chinese/Mexicans living in their polluted cities? They're still super smoggy and polluted and people wear masks all the time.

I have a feeling people will probably wear them more, kind of like they seem to in asian countries. I don't see plagues going away anytime soon and now a whole generation is more or less used to it

the SARS epidemic ended in 2006. why are games even referencing it? i genuinely don't get it

Look, basically I'm just not gonna get the vaxx, arrrrghh I know I KNOW! I'm sorry It's just I'm not gonna take it- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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They where dropped pretty quickly as soon as restrictions lifted where I am, you still see the occasional old cunt who'd probably be killed by a strong gust of wind wearing one but otherwise no one bothers anymore.

Good - I'm glad they're normalized. I ride the bus to work and pre-pandemic and I'd catch a cold from fuckers coughing all the time. I thought about how neat it would be Americans were considerate enough to wear a mask if they're sick.

real talk, there's a nasty stomach bug going around my area
My boss's 2 year old was throwing up so much on saturday she had to go home, and then this morning everyone else in her family is throwing up
I have no idea if wearing masks would help prevent this

Vive La mask

>My boss's 2 year old was throwing up so much on saturday she had to go home
why is your boss making her two year old work?

I wear it because it looks cute and i suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder and humans disgust me

It won't stop because our governments simped for the mega corps who demanded their low paid servants die for the company profits. It should have been harsh short period lockdowns during spikes with bills covered and rations distributed. Vietnam did that and came out fine despite it being poor, densely populated, and right next to China.

But instead our governments couldn't even be arsed to properly support us. And our corporations actively got us killed. And our think tanks paid their activist media to oppose strong, authoritative lockdowns that would have saved lives and small businesses.

It should have been under control. But nah, the rich want you to die for the line. The government is made of the rich, for the rich. And they won't even help poor countries that will spread it more and give it back to us. Covid will become endemic because of this. It's our failure to do anything that requires strength that brought it about. The worst was seeing the typically strong people not wanting to step up to do their duties. What failures. Instead it was hair coloured anarkiddies distributing food and masks. Pathetic.

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>our governments simped for the mega corps
That's literally what happens when republicans are in power. That's literally what you were voting for when you voted for Trump.

I don't have a problem with wearing them, covers your face from cameras and shit especially when im wearing my cap but hardly anyone where i'm from wears them now.

what the fuck is wearing a mask even like? like... for hours? no one here ever had to lmao

I work retail. I've had to wear a mask for 9 hours in Florida Summer. Even then it's better than breathing in Florida. Twice this week some dumbass tried to demand that I remove my mask. Fuck you, it helps with my pollen allergy.

it's fine, you don't ever stop noticing you have one on, but it never becomes annoying or irritating (unless it's an old one starting to disintigrate, then it's itchy). the real annoyance is forgetting to have one on you at all times so that you have to bum one from somebody or from a business

why would someone demand you remove your mask?

People call you a lib if you wear one in the south

Remember that time everyone went around with masks on haha that shit was crazy yo.

Literally an improvement for ugly fuckers like you if you live in a place where it wasn't enforced even for food establishments

Where? I live in LA, California and it isn't anymore. I thought this place got the worst of it

The remakes take place in 2020, there's signs everywhere showing this.
Hell, seeing how it followed the old school rules of no pedestrians or NPC skaters, you could say the pandemic is the reason why everything is so empty

>ugly fuckers like you
lmao my bf says otherwise retard

It wont, the masks dont do shit

Holy R E D D I T

never wore one

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mask and vax faggotry aside i've been using medical face masks in vidya whenever i can for years, i just like the aesthetic

n95 masks are effective, but no one wears those


Stop projecting you dickless abomination


You first shitskin.

Be honest Yea Forums, did you get the vaccine?
I didn't

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They are "Effective" if you wear them properly and don't fidget with them and also don't take them off and on and also change them every few hours and don't reuse them, which is impractical and essentially makes them arbitrary.

Of course I did, officer.

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Pureblood checking in

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>he thinks its different when the other of the two major parties is in power
how's highschool going, champ?

I like the masks because it let's me hide my face and I feel more mischievous following girls in crowded malls

sure I did, here's a photo of it.

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Why is it listed under facial hair? A mask is more like a clothing accessory.

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Even in the digital world, they couldn't make it actually fit for any level of effectiveness.
This is totally useless and only the dumbest retards think you have any level of protection wearing this shit.

>they're all corrupt so nothing matters just vote for the guy you think is the worst
One side is literally just about getting kickbacks from lobbyists, deregulation, and making big corporations more autonomous. If you think it's all the same you're either retarded or fell for the fear mongering identity politics they vomit out on Fox News.

Imagine wearing a mask in a video game
literal npcs

More people died after Trump was out of office though.

Dawg that's literally both sides lmfao homeboy the son of the sitting POTUS did deals in Ukraine and the media/intelligence agencies covered it up and that all came to light dawg homeboy my man my fucking man do you know that intelligence agency workers overwhelmingly support the Democrats? Man you're in for a shock homeskillet. Look at the voting habits/distribution where the FBI and CIA are headquartered lmfao you fucking idiot.

Yeah, not voting Democrat.

I legitimately look more attractive with the face mask because I have an plain/ugly face but I'm tall.
I noticed women check me out more often if I use a mask

Wow, this is a new cope. Be sure to get your 4th and 5th booster this winter sponsered by Shecklemberg and Goldstein.

Oh noooo I hate the mega corps taking over!
>never support any bill or legislation to regulate corporations in favor of common man cause that's "gay"

apparently they don't need you to

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Mask mandates were dropped here in early 2021 and almost everyone instantly stopped wearing them. Every now and then I'll see a person who still wears one and people will give them funny looks.

>$100 for a fucking cupcake
Is there solid gold in the center???

I thought so too. Even before covid I thought it was considerate when sick people wore masks in anime.
But people will just call you a retard for wearing one when you don't have too.

Why did they make challenges multiplaywr only?
I just wanna unlock boards and have fun

>One side is literally just about getting kickbacks from lobbyists, deregulation, and making big corporations more autonomous.
Yeah, exactly, I also hate the Democrats for those reasons. And the Republicans. Both sides are just corporate dicksuckers selling out the country to lobbyists.

>believing the rona hoax

hate when that happens

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reddit bait thread?

Covid is just Flu 2.0, you fucking retard.

just 2 times. I refuse to go beyond that

You live in LA. If anyone here is a shitskin, it's you

I got the original two-dose vax because my work said if I didn't I'd have to get weekly covid tests even though I work from home. Those tests would cost $200 each and not be covered by insurance since it's being done for employment reasons and not medical reasons. I would have had to literally pay more than my rent in frivolous medical testing every month just to keep my job, so I caved and got the vax. No boosters, though, fuck that shit, I would actually just quit if they tried to force that.

of course!

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holy shit thats rough, and I thought healthcare in america was bad. Where are you from?

No you wouldn’t

work mandated x 3
thanks melbourne

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>Those tests would cost $200 each and not be covered by insurance since it's being done for employment reasons and not medical reasons.
Someone was trying to rip you off. You could get 2 free tests every week from the government for free.