What do you enjoy most about the Tales of series?

What do you enjoy most about the Tales of series?

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Gameplay. Stories are usually shit. Characters are usually alright at worst. But the gameplay? Yeah, that's my shit.


The hebes


i enjoy the character interactions more than anything else in the series.

The wacky character interactions in the Skits

Unironically the Skits, that's the best part of the games.

God, I want to have sex with this stupid bitch like you wouldn't believe.

>What do you enjoy most about the Tales of series?
velvet crow going "po po"

Co-op with my bro.
Which is why Arise sucks so much.

The skits and the battle mechanics.

What was that one, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new World? MC was some weenus named Emil with the super retarded plot of having a ZOMG SUPABADASU alternate personality.

The skits made it work. I actually grew to genuinely despise Emil.

Literally the same. The sillier they are the most I want to mess with them

haha imagine dousing her in oil and rubbing your dick on her lubed up chest haha

Yeah, they especially worked since by that point Bamco finally dubbed the skits as well. Tenebrae alone was worth it.

Things like pic related, which havent been on the series since Xillia 2.

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Does anyone actually use that term outside of Yea Forums?

I hate her game but goddamn is she flat and it's awesome

I really wish Bersaria was a VN. Easily my favorite cast but the combat was boring and half the game is walking across copy pasted hallways until the next cutscene

Yeah actual pedophiles

Only liked the first one it has neat characters

I've seen it on Yea Forums.


>enjoy most about the Tales of series
When they fucking end. Symphonia was torture/unpaid work.


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Funny skits that don't just recap the last cutscene five minutes ago, unlike Arise. Post battle victory scenes, unlike Arise. Interesting battle mechanics that are consistent even in boss battles, unlike Arise. Uses LMBS and directional inputs for artes instead of the four face buttons, unlike Arise. And unironically because it is one of the few JRPG series that doesn't just pander to waifufags and pedophiles.

Basically not like ToArise.

This but unironically

God Arise was such ass near the end, I had to turn it down to easy just to knuckle through instead of dropping it. I'm 90% sure the game lies about enemy HP anyways

Imagining what the healing items taste like.

Usually the characters, and stories.


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The hebes are hot af

The combat system that eventually opens up even further and you learn how to combo every enemy and boss in the entire game. The characters and 2D skits are also pretty fun. The character interactions are one of the most important things about the Tales games outside of the gameplay.

I think the Tales series needs to improve on its music. I don't care about story, but that's because they peaked at Abyss and I don't think they'll ever do better than Abyss' story. At the very least, they should fix the story pacing in their games, especially Arise.

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Magilou sex

Tales of Hebephillia

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The cute guys.

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Characters and gameplay.

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Literally what is a Hebe? Googling is just giving me plants.

You just beat the shit out of some puny monsters. Say your victory quote.

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I didn't care for the last 3 games.


>You're weak
>You're a hack
>You're wack

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Girl who physically like 12 - 14 years old, aka JC.

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Our weapons are:

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I always liked the dynamic mugshots in battle in the Team Symphonia games. Wish they would do that again. Though it's probably too anime and cringe for Arise' producer Tomiwasa.

>did you see that?!
>oh yeah, i was watching, baby

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Sex with Hebes

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Bamco underestimates the beauty of the girls in this franchise. Imagine if they dont pander to fujos

wow that is FLAT

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Gameplay. Characters. Aesthetic especially the original trilogy. and the cute girls, like Symonne

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the cunny

Need more of this hebe and her erotic hebe body wearing hebe sized microbikinis.



Pedo dogwhistle

Fuck off

What exactly is an "actual" pedophile?

it's just a regular whistle


I blame Ednanigger for popularizaton of Hebe word

? How does Bamco pander to fujos? Not marketing the games on their female character's perceived attractiveness is not marketing to fujos.


Heard she takes no showers and can stuff the knot of a dog up her cunt

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so you're a pedo since you're part of the secret group of people that know what the term means? that's based user, I support you :)

Didn't we have it in Berseria?

Fujo see strong friendships/emotions between dudes as romantic catalysts but the game dose throw them some light bones I mean Xillia and Xillia 2 make a bunch of bi jokes at Jude's expense Zesteria is pretty much the only one that goes even close to BL territory. That's the great part of the Tales series everyone can find something to like

I generally enjoy the laid back, yet decent SP narrative.

Fun games to play that evolve at a good pace (both story and gameplay) yet it still holds much of the traditional RPG to heart.

They should bring them back but with more emotions I want to characters make context specific faces
>The cool pro is always focused except when he goes over limit then he starts grinning like a madman
>MC gets pissed and stays piss if his girl gets KOed only goes back to normal if she's revived
>Boss starts charging an ult everyone looks real worried
Something that shows off their personalities besides base, attack scream, pain, unconscious and victory

Sorry but Rita is a confirmed canonical raging lesbian.

>Draven Vow Number Seven
>Justice and Love will all ways prevail


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what does "hebe" mean?

This. And which game has the most "hebe"? so I know which to purchase.

Combo and Battle

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Magilou isnt hebe

Vesperia = Rita
Xillia 1 2 = Elize
Zestiria = Edna