Be me

>Be me
>Rokudaime of the Tojo kai
>Got the chairman position dumped on me by my father figure, the Yondaime.
>Yondaime left me with little to no guidance and fucked off to Okinawa
>My friend who singlehandedly funds the clan died because he german suplex some waito piggu off the ruff
>No money = no clan
>Decided to steal 100 gorillion yens from this ex-hobo loanshark
>Mfw Yondaime showed up
>He started lecturing me that I should not steal money
>We are literally criminal
>He beat my ass
>He did not offer me an alternative about how to fund the clan
>He dumped a long-haired hobo on my lap and told me to give this guy his own crime family
>He left, still without providing me with the solution to the money problem
Anyone else has a shitty father?

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Do you think the tojo dealt with people making horsegirl hentai?

Kiryu is shitty father yes, haruka is also grown up to do retarded woman decisions + was kidnapped twice
Doesn't matter since tojo is no more

Kiryu is not a father figure to Daigo. He's more like a big brother or that one friend who is really good at everything in life but never goes anywhere because he doesn't aspire much.

Even Kiryu realized he was an awful father, even if it took him two more games.

Kiryu made good, he wrote an apology to Daigo in a kino reveal

Daigo should have just become an assassin.

Still didn't understand what was the point of Haruka telling the world that her adopted father is the 4th chairman of the biggest crime organization in the country.
Haruka should have finished the concert then retire quietly after that. This way, Park wouldn't die for nothing and she would not draw that much heat from the media.

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Haruka was retarded, and she was dead to me after she said that shit. Taichi and Mitsuo aren’t going to get their scholarships because of her.

Kiryu wanted to distance himself from her before his autism infected her.
He was too late, his autism had already been in her for a few years so she had to go about doing things in the stupdiest way possible.

By Yakuza 3 it was too late.

He says that he thought of himself as a father to Daigo, but he realized he never gave him the love and support that a father should give his son.

It was bullshit, and Daigo forgiving him and calling him his father was retarded.

she didn't want to live a life where she had to hide
all idols live in a very Strict lifestyle, where saying the wrong thing will end your career and cause a massive shitstorm
Now, why the fuck did she do it as EVERYONE was watching her?
including the kids at the orphanage who had no idea Kyriu was a Crim lord?
no idea, but surely that was the last stupid thing she did....
that night

I blame the brain dead writers.

That’s what too much yume does to your brain.

Play 6

Don’t play 6. It’s a trash fire.

Nah. According to Y0, Kiryu's more or less the one who raised Daigo because his parents were too busy. It's why Daigo has more attachment to Kiryu than he does to his biological dad.


What bothers me most about Kiryu and Daigo's relationship is that we're only told how close they were, how much Daigo idolized Kiryu in his youth. We're not really shown any of that interaction between we don't see a whole lot of Kiryu's time in the Dojima family. Even Yakuza 0 only shows us a brief glimpse, but everything between 0 and Y1 (a span of seven years) is a total blank.

Beautifur Eyes

>Yakuza 0
shit sux

Cry about it.

Imagine a Yakuza 0.5 starring Daigo and Shinji.

if you're looking for daigo, meeney has taken him up to the ruff

>An actual native English speaker read this line


northern Midwestern accent. i didn't get why everyone made fun of it for years bc i sound the same way

4's plot just made no sense.
Why were the Ueno Seiwa still seen as an equal partner to the Tojo? What were they using to leverage them? Why frame Saejima?

>get the remaster pack
>never played 3 so decide to just do 0->7
>easily the worst fucking gameplay
>story is painful at points simply to tell a small point

6 at least keeps moving with a so bad it's good at things. It also doesn't have bugs that can straight up softlock some quests/stories

The Ueno Seiwa were only equal to the Tojo in name. They used to be fairly big but they kept losing ground over the years while the Tojo only grew bigger. Daigo wanted to maintain at least the facade of equality in order to keep things stable, but everyone knew that they were anything but. The equality pact was a relic of a bygone era that Daigo had no choice but to entertain.

>Daigo is the series' biggest chump
>Also has the best tattoo
Ying and yang.

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That’s not Kuze’s Enma.

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It was a play on point made in Yakuza 3. Realistically if Mine wasn't retarded, or if Tojo Kai wasn't retarded in general, he at least would've either made sure Nishikiyama family is never as strong again, or completely wiped it out, definitely after attempted coup in Yakuza 2 they had no reason to still be a family. But in Yakuza 3 the entire point of Mine's heterosexual love for Daigo comes from him treating everyone like family and with respect. Ueno Seiwa made a power play on that as Daigo wouldn't openly attack Yakuza first, and trying to stomp much weaker Ueno Seiwa would've just been a bad look.

Nishikiyama Family were the biggest faction and the top earners. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, especially since both Kazama and Shimano died in the previous game and Majima also left before 2 started.

Which is hard to believe desu, because Nishikiyama family rose to power via Nishiki's, I don't wanna say dishonest (because it's Yakuza) but more like hostile policies, implied multiple times to be imposing on rest of the families, and with support of Shimano who completed his corruption. Both Nishikiyama and Shimano were out of picture, their earnings should've plummeted.

Nishikiyama died but it's obvious that his successor was capable in his own right. The Nishikiyama Family absorbed the remnants of the Shimano Family so now they were actually even bigger and more powerful than ever.

General power structure of the Tojo and Kamurocho is bananas.

Originally, the Dojima Family were the top dogs of Kamurocho, from 1980 after the Jingweon Massacre to 1988 with their failure to take control of the Kamurocho Revitalization Project (Y0) and the loss of its three captains. The fall from grace was so bad that the Dojima Family lost their standing and became a second-tier group, becoming a subsidiary to the Kazama Family, and was more or less only kept afloat thanks to its Lieutenant Advisor Kiryu and Patriarch Dojima Sohei's wife Dojima Yayoi. With Sohei's death (Y1) in 1995, the clan fell apart and was absorbed into the Kazama and Nishikiyama Families.

After Dojima's death, the three top families of Kamurocho were the Kazama Family, Shimano Family and Nishikiyama Family. Kazama and Shimano were originally subsidiaries of Dojima, but after the events of Y0, they ended up displacing the Dojima. During this time, the Majima Family, a subsidiary of the Shimano Family, was also rising in power. The Nishikiyama Family stuck around even after Patriarch Nishikiyama Akira's death, who would be succeeded by Shindo Koji and later Kanda Tsuyoshi. After the death of the Patriarch Shimano Futoshi, the remnants of the Shimano Family was absorbed into the Nishikiyama Family. The Kazama Family's Lieutenant Kashiwagi Osamu took over as the Kazama Family Patriarch after former Patriarch Kazama Shintaro's death.

With this second major restructuring, the new power balance of Kamurocho would be between the Kazama Family, Majima Family, Nishikiyama Family and the newly formed Hamazaki Family and Hakuho Clan. Kazama Family Patriarch Kashiwagi would also serve as the Lieutenant Advisor (#2) of the Tojo clan who controls and oversees all yakuza activity in Kanto, advising the 6th Chairman Dojima Daigo (#1). However, the Okinawa Resort Deal incident (Y3) would result in yet another restructuring and power vacuum, culminating in the ultimate dissolution of the Kazama, Nishikiyama, Hamazaki and Hakuho Families. Most of the remnants of these defunct families would be absorbed into the Majima Family, who would go on to become the de facto top dogs of Kamurocho henceforth.

At some point the Shibata Family, a group of minor importance to the Tojo, as well as the Ueno Seiwa, a relatively small external group, would attempt to gain power but would then be dissolved following the 100 Billion Yen (Y4) incident. The Saejima Family under Patriarch Saejima Taiga would be formed shortly after this, becoming one of the central pillars of the Tojo Clan alongside the Majima Family. Overall, no significant upheval occurs within the Tojo Clan's hierarchy at this point, with the Majima Family maintaining dominance throughout despite the temporary arrest of Patriach Majima Goro.

At some point the Shibata Family, a group of minor importance to the Tojo, as well as the Ueno Seiwa, a relatively small external group, would attempt to gain power but would then be dissolved following the 100 Billion Yen (Y4) incident. The Saejima Family under Patriarch Saejima Taiga would be formed shortly after this, becoming one of the central pillars of the Tojo Clan alongside the Majima Family. Overall, no significant upheval occurs within the Tojo Clan's hierarchy at this point, with the Majima Family maintaining dominance throughout despite the temporary arrest of Patriach Majima Goro.

Eventually, Majima Goro and Saejima Taiga would become co-advisors to Tojo Clain Chairman Dojima Daigo. Following the temporary arrests of Dojima, Majima and Saejima, however, the only one capable of serving as Acting Chairman in Dojima's absence was the Patriarch of the Sugai Family, Sugai Katsumi. He, along with Patriarch of the Sugai Family's subsidiary Someya Family, Someya Takumi, attempted to seize power within the Tojo Clan but were ultimately thwarted and their Families were dissolved.

Just finished 0, K1, and K2.
Sounds like the story gets retarded from 3 onwards looking at this thread..

It's already fully on the shortbus by the end of 2

Quit bitchin Daigo, always whining for me to come out of retirement and help you. Even your character code in 6 is kiryusavemepleaz. The Tojo Clan's a heavy cross to bear. I'll show you just how heavy.

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Don't you think Yakuza 2’s “everyone is a secret korean” plot is already retarded?

>According to Y0

Kiryu telling Daigo to walk as he dumps plot on him and going to booze with his new boss was such a great start to Yakuza 5.

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That bothers me less than just how utterly insane the Jingweon Mafia are. I never really understood what they were actually after, but they felt more like an insane cult than a "mafia" to me.

Yakuza has always been retard kino. But starting with 3 the writing changed a bit, it became less about making sure current cutscene leading to a dynamic action sequence, but it became sort of more loose, less movie like, it was really awkward at first especially in 3 but after that by following less of an action movie scheme it strangely became more cinematic, which eventually lead to creation of 0, 0 is essentially pinnacle of decade worth of grind in style and substance, and you'll see the lack of one or the other in following games.

Kiryu-san, the only time I ever ask anything from you was in Yakuza 5. And even then, I only requested verbal advice.
In Yakuza 3, I was protecting your stupid orphanage.
In Yakuza 4, I didn't ask you to get involve. And I could have pocket 100 billion yens for the clan if you weren't there.
In Yakuza 6, I was arrested because your chinese in-law family burned down Little Asia and the cops were looking for scapegoats.
In Yakuza 7, I respected your wish to be left alone. Watase was the one that brought you to the Omi HQ.
So shut the fuck up, Kiryu-san.

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Daigo is a little bitch. Kiryu should have let Ryuji Goda kill him.

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Is Shinada stronger than Ichiban?

Shinada doesn't need like 6 other people following him around and helping with everything, so yeah.

>Shinada can go into Heat Mode
It'd be kinda cool if in the next game Ichiban met Shinada and Shinada became a boss fight, and that's where Ichiban finally learns to go full Heat Mode.

You are even a bigger dumbass here. A rando cougar learned about Kiryu just from singular week of googling, some paparazzi or a stalker would do the same very soon.
>because of her
Because of Kiryu playing house while being poorfag.

Why is it so hard for Kiryu to lay low? He even took on a fake identity? Every time he returns to Kamurocho he runs into like a dozen yakuza who have no idea who he is until he gives his name, but then when he's actively hiding his identity fucking EVERYONE knows.

Munakata and Ueno leveraged each other sky high and Tojo just dealt with police backed dogs on basically their territory. Dojima-times Tojo betraying its own family (Sasai group) was nothing out of ordinary, too. Saejima was in debt so he was a perfect lamb to cook.

It’ll likely happen partway through a game at some random point, since it’d have to be an actual game mechanic you take advantage of early on

There’s actual a reason why Kiryu gets attacked by so many random thugs in the series.

Shinada is never coming back

Hard to say considering how the power levels aren’t consistent at all
In online akiyama was about the same strength as ichiban despite the feats he had in 5, but the devs don’t seem to give a shit
IMO he’ll likely become stronger than him in the future if he’s not already, since the series is all about boomer power and his tattoo states that he’ll grow anyway

I don't think the mobile game matters much. It claims that Ichiban's tattoo was drawn by Utabori despite lacking Utabori's sign. I doubt any future game is going to acknowledge it.

I’d rather they not undo his happy ending because the devs have no self control like with Kiryu

>Anyone else has a shitty father?
He wasn't daigos father figure tho.
Daigo idolized kiryu as a hero because he was one of the only people who didn't want to use him as a tool plus the entire dragon of dojima shit.
After kiryu presumably killed his father he was disillusioned and realized kiryu is not some kind of übermensch

Online Ichiban is a bit different from 7 Ichiban

what self-control? Kiryu is YET to get an ending, happy or not
walking into an Okinawan sunset is not an ending

I mean it’s an alternative universe but my point stands in that this shit’s not consistent at all, so it’s confusing to see people argue or try to make sense of power levels in a series where the devs don’t give a shit at all

>He wasn't daigos father figure tho.
While I agree, Y6 disagrees.

Kiryu always saw himself as Daigo’s father.

yeah ok man

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I just want him to reunite with his family, god damnit.

That was supposed to be his ending
The devs even went on about 6 being the end for him until they did a 180

I really hope they will just leave kiryu alone.wont happen. Each game just gives him worse and worse 'closure'.

That’s only in 6.

6 was such a nice bittersweet end for him. i hate that they had him back immediately in 7. he should've been a superboss only who ichi never recognizes, or if they really had to insist on having the "fighting a dragon/passing the torch" moment then just keep that and cut the omi hq scene, which shits on 6 in the worst way