Drop your gaming hot takes

No multiplayer game will ever live up to how much fun Overwatch was in 2016

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not a hot take that's just retarded or you are a zoomer

i am the millenial YOU are the zoomer

I used to get fucking blasted and play death grips during quick play and didn't even pay attention to the game audio that much. I'd blackout and wake up with friend requests for some reason. Thanks for reading my blog

This bitch nasty

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Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are garbo

Everybody knows this

competitive gaming ruined online multiplayer gaming
also e-sports are not sports

All Sonic games are terrible and MGS 1-3 have awful controls and combat

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peak ow isnt even close to peak quake 2 or peak cs 1.6

What went wrong?

What game is better

I remember when OW was big in 2016

sometimes i still try to start shit in games like the mw2 days but people just get confused or mute me instead of arguing with me

Is there any FPS with a comparable TTK thats not a BR?

I refuse to support Hi-Res

That's objectively not true

Opinions aside, it's honestly impressive how badly Blizz managed to sabotage their own success with Overwatch.

2008-2012 Combat Arms is GOAT FPS

But it was already surpassed before it was even released.

There hasnt been a good Sonic Team Sonic game in the past 10 yrs
And I agree, MGS' controls have ALWAYS been horribly dogshit. If a series desperately needed a remake its that one. Remaking the entire series in the FOX engine is free money

OW is only fun if you lack the awareness of how your DVA is fucking you over by "getting her ult" which is actually >taking so many hits its giving the entire enemy team their ult.
and such. OW is a true pepega game.

gundam evolution

>you will never get to re-live when Tribes: Ascend first came out

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Overwatch was never fun and was made for idiots. It's just too restrictive and shallow to be fun

Nothing they could've done would have saved them from Fortnite.

I've played MMOs since the days of Muds. Everquest, Runescspe, Asherons Call UI, etc.

The best mmo ever created was/is City of Heroes/Villains.
The devs actually played. I had the rad honor of attempting to kill the actual Positron with my Stalker.

>This zoomie never played Halo 3
Feel bad for you.

Had more fun in Splatoon and No build Fortnite. However I never played the beta and everyone says it was the best version of OW.

I enjoyed it on release, but dear god did they go out of their way to ruin it.

At least there's the old dva memes to remember it by.

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Retard zoomer never played ARMA 2 DayZ Mod when it first released

You never played Halo 3, killzone 2, team fortress, or unreal tournament it seems.

I've had more fun fighting Sekiro's inner bosses charmless than any bosses in elden ring

>banned for saying nigger
>banned for naming the jew
>banned for telling trannies YWNBAW
>banned for calling redditors cucks
>banned for heil hitler
>banned for being BASED and REDPILLED
trash game was always trash

I miss the old Doritos gremlin memes

Why would anyone ever have an open mic? Also why would you get angry for losing at vidya? It's just a game. I wouldn't want to talk to people who I would always thing as shit compared to me.

>banned for reminding gamers to never forget about the six gorillion
>banned from including the combination of characters "israel" in my battletag
why do they persecute us so?

Overwatch was really fun when it first released though unironic

yup lol

TF2 at its peak was far better than Overwatch ever was but at the current state Overwatch beats TF2 out of the fucking water on account that it's actually playable and not utterly fucked with bots and hackers.

I miss TF2, I really do, and Overwatch doesn't have an ounce of its SOUL but people who claim that Overwatch is dead while TF2 is alive are either full on delusional or actually haven't touched TF2 in the past 2 years. Because if you did you'd see how FUBAR it is beyond just no updates.

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consider not having bad opinions or being a bad person

Your take is only hot 'cus its hot shit

>No build Fortnite.
I took the plunge recently and it's actually pretty fun. It's a nice casual game for when the "just want to shoot niggas" mood strikes.
My only gripe has been that you're effectively locked out of customization if you don't drop IRL money at least once.


consider that fact ynwbaw

Battleborn was a good game

That's not even a hot take. This is just the truth. TF3 when?

I still play OW

Not in Yea Forums. In threads like these you still have tons of people in denial that Overwatch is dead and buried with no one playing (It's not the case at all. You can find a match in like 30 seconds) and that TF2 is still perfectly fine and still ontop (Despite the fact you cannot go into a single Valve server that doesn't have 2-5 bots. Worse case scenrio even more).

I think games that used the source engine are still beautiful and css is the one and only counter strike game worth playing. 1.6 is too ancient and go is obviously terrible for many reasons. It became for normalfags

Techinally it would take about 3 seasons and a bit of the 4th to start getting skins or you can do some of the promotional stuff like downloading the Intel Gaming Pass app on PC if you want this skin. Regardless you're right the skin problem but sadly it will always be like that.

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Unreal Tournament was more fun on Dialup than OW.

TF2 is still more fun than OW.

So your theory is incorrect.

Star Fox was never good. Star Fox 64 was only seen good because of the small library the N64 had, if the N64 turned out better it would've been forgotten. Doesn't help either that none of their other games been well recieved. The only time I've seen the franchise brought up was either for the amount of furry porn it has or the barrel roll meme.

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>you have to be angry to speak the truth
just knowing I have planted the seed of hope is what keeps me happy

Even if Metroid's biggest fans are just coomers, I've seen people geniunely talk about the games and take interest on the franchise at least, before Metroid Dread came out.

TF2 isn't even playable with all the fucking spam bots.

>speaking the truth to people who you think are a bunch of retards
lmao even

just join a community server you giant homo

>>speaking the truth to people who you think are a bunch of retards
the irony

That was the point user. Only retards want to tell other people how they should play a game. Pretty pathetic.

Blizzard deciding to go all-in on esports and leave the casual audience out in the rain

Fair enough.

Indeed. People do not remember games with unique settings, appealing aesthetics, or competent voice acting. Literally every other N64 game has all of these qualities. It doesn't matter that the controls are snappy and intuitive, as every other N64 game has amazing controls, so Star Fox 64 is not special in this regard. Also, there are so many rail shooters for the N64: this game just gets lost among all the other far superior examples of its genre. Compared to masterpieces like Buck Bumble, Scooby Doo! Classic Creep Capers, or the N64 port of Quake II, Star Fox 64 is subpar and barely worth remembering.


Who said anything about playing a game

Do retards really think dumbfuck characters like Moria and Brigitte were made for esports in mind? They're boring characters that are both boring to watch and play made so casuals could win easier.

This post or is it just schizo just imagining playing a game and screaming to nothing