The source modding golden age is gone forever

>the source modding golden age is gone forever
>there will never be anything like it ever again

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>Zoomers are too unmotivated and stupid to mod.
>Companies learned their lessons from the 00s and know that providing SDK access is just sowing the ground for the next big game to dethrone them.

We didn't know how good we had it.

there will never be another bhop_monsterjam

I just miss custom servers in general. It was such a universal concept across every FPS game and in a single generation it died out in every single game that wasn't made by valve. Watching the last remnants of the MP FPS moding scene die with TF2 and CSGO makes me want to cry

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>tfw watching fully grown adults whine that the modding era is gone knowing full well it still exists and all those modders grew up and started modding adult games like IL-2
it truly is sad to see people stuck in the past

>the last AAA multiplayer game to release official mod tools was fucking Black Ops 3.
The irony given that CoD was basically the catalyst for killing them off.

We've reached a point in which a noticeable number of gamers actually hate modding and see it as something to be mocked.

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I've only ever seen tards in /twg/ claim modding is bad, and those generals are full of mentally ill people so it's not a surprise.

the last good experience i had with source modding was jazztronauts in gmod
for a memegame about stealing props, it's a good laugh with friends

There's also the problem of a large percentage of people hating fun and only wanting to play the "official" way. I remember I logged so many damn hours into CS1.6 and CS:S back in the day, but it was always in private servers and never "real" play.
My brother gets into CSGO at some point years later, and he tries to share stories about it and talk about specifics about competitive play and shit and it all just bounces off of me because I know nothing about real competitive CS.
It fucking blew his mind. How could I play CS for hundreds of hours but know nothing about the "real" game? What's so fun about mods and private servers? Why would you not want to play C O M P E T I T I V E L Y ??? He couldn't understand it at all and still can't understand why I miss those days. He insists that the elimination of private servers and the enforcement of matchmaking has objectively improved all games by forcing people to play "the right way." It's just a fucking absurd mindset, but that's the way the majority of people seem to think about games these days. I blame esports at least partially for this.

You didn't beat Counter Strike.

I remember watching that movie and laughing my ass off at this scene (and any scene where he does the kubrick stare) he just looks like such a fucking obese retard

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Oh, you.

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go back to sucking dicks on reddit

Hello Stanley. Your movies are shit

I remember being fascinated at how you could mod CS1.6 to have all the modern warfare weapons, animations and gun SFX back in 2007

Stanley is dead (assassinated)

It sounds like you're just after different things. He probably is right that the general standard of play's gone up but I agree that shouldn't come at the cost of fun private servers. I only really do Deathmatch or Gun Game in CSGO and the occassional Casual so I can relate to the general feeling

Holy fucking shit just hearing this mindset pisses me off.

Even if you want to mod a game you'll get hit with DMCA copyright strikes these days. Look at Nintendos overly aggressive stance on modding their games.

Rockstar are the worst for it, mostly because they don't like anything that will cut into their shart card profits

Fuck them. This is why I cheated in their based game and bought everything without using mtxs. Best part I got the game for free. It's so barebones if you look at cancel content of GTA online.

>Go on to Garry's Mod for old times sake.

>It's still filled with squeakers.

Holy shit, this place never changes. It's like a time capsule.

>tfw used to mod CS:S
>had a stolen copy of CS3 so I did skins
>had a bunch of friends who were modders
>we'd work on big projects together
>maps, weapon packs, player models
>had a ton of fun doing it and people had fun using them

I miss it, bros. Many of the old folks have moved on to becoming professionals like Mr. Brightside, but most of us didn't. I still occasionally fuck around and do something for Arma or Ready or Not but the dedicated modding community that you could find in places like FPSBanana is no more.

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You're right we're just after different things. What frustrates me is this insistence that the only "correct" way to play any game is to be a tryhard esports fag all the time, no fun allowed, and that snuffing out all other options in games is objectively the best thing. It's not just, "Oh, I don't really see the fun in tooling around not being competitive, but you do you." It's more like, "Developers do the world an objectively good service by eliminating the ability to do anything other than be competitive at all times because tooling around is WRONG."

Yeah, it gets under my skin, too. I don't like the direction online games have taken, everything has to be muh balanced competitive esports. That's fine for the people who like that, but I miss just fucking around in games with weird mods and game modes.

It's been that way from the start. You just weren't paying attention to it at the time.

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>Era of long-winded RPG fan modules and multi-part quests is over

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I didn't have to pay attention to it back then. I had the luxury of choosing not to engage with it.

GoldSrc modding is peak modded SOUL.

>NWN Persistent Worlds will never exist again

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Source engine sucked balls so I don't give a fuck.

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Nothing has replaced it. Every preceding engine remains dead as dirt.

Reccomend me the best single player source mods.

GoldSrc is where it's at. And where it should have stayed. That there is the real tragedy.

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G String

I hate modders, not modding

Nah, even if it was a gimmick in its time I feel like physics and the slightly better look gave Source a real leg up. I just wish they'd iterated on it instead of holding Source 2's dev tools hostage for years.

When I was... a boy

Hi, frogposter, your life is a cry for attention.

yeh das rite. CS:S > CS 1.6

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I actually believed that full mod support was the future of gaming
what the fuck kinda future is this

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Woah there, Captain Based, didn't expect to meet your acquaintance here, I'm not dressed for the occasion

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Or that a lot of the people who would have taken up modding 20 years ago are making full on games now in Unreal Engine, Unity, and Game Maker.

>chapter 2 never ever

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>Browsing MODDB and installing weird sketchy russian half life mods that added a bunch of weird shit to the game.
>Occasionally discover really interesting single-player mods that were worth playing, or that had co-op and would then get all of my buddies to install it.
>Spend hours fucking around with a free mod, of a game that I payed 10$ for that literally gave me over a thousand hours of fun.

I fucking miss it bro, HL2 / Source had some great mods too but there was nothing compared to what Half life had.

>Counter Strike
>Natural Selection
>The Specialists
>Rival Species
>Day of Defeat

Like there's just so many good fucking mods, Firearms was the shit back in the day.

Counter Strike is a competitive game and always has been. You can also still join private servers in CSGO and play zombies or whatever else you want. This has nothing to do with generations.

fifteen years ago, a single person could make a map, could model and animate a weapon, could program new features.
Video game development has exploded, now 20 people are needed to make a map, 5 people to make a weapon. The lone modder making a full conversion mod is now impossible in today's industry.

Not to mention, with engines like Unity and Unreal being free to use, why would a modder work for free modding on some other engine and not even own it? They could dedicate that time to making a game in Unity, selling it, and having a chance of financial success.

Third party engines killed game modding. Why bother making a silly little mod for free when you can use Unity or Unreal to implement the same idea and possibly get paid for it by selling it?

What makes it about generations is that CSGO having private servers makes it the last of its kind.

CSGO's custom scene never evolved past porting popular :S shit and nowadays the custom servers are barren despite having a player count quite literally 50x larger than they used to be in 2012

>Total conversion mods gets rarer and rarer

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>Bannerlord came out
>DMC5 came out
>A new half life came out
>still waiting for Chapter 2

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>still waiting for Chapter 2
Seriously what's the hold up? did the guy just burned out or some other RL stuff happened?

He got hired by New World Interactive a few years ago and is focused on his job there.

Have you seen the mod scenes for almost any PC game these days?
Modding has become a joke. I can totally understand not giving a shit when there hasn't been a worthwhile mod or total conversion mod that wasn't for a Bethesda game or Mount and Blade.

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>Made cool mod with cliffhanger in the end
>To be continued in the next part, stay tuned!
>Got hired by legit game devs
>Never got back to the mod again
Such is life in modding community. Good for him though.

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If you think shit you see on the homepage of jewtube are the only mods in existence then that's a you problem.

>"Oh, I don't really see the fun in tooling around not being competitive, but you do you."
In fairness, mod support's lowered but there are other game modes and shit. Just not completely custom mod ones

I think that's because on console culture that's what they call cheaters, on account of "modding" their console to accept cheat programs. You can see this term being commonly used in GTA Online, a game that was initially on console before moving to PC and next gen consoles, term just stuck around.

>>had a stolen copy of CS3
I'm glad your mod community's dead.

Sure bro, it's not like Nexus mods is also filled with this crap

>Nexus mods
Another you problem.

implying that those kinds of silly mods were done back in the day as well (hint: they were)

more like why make a mod when game dev tools are so readily available you can just make your own game