Sims 5 will change the world...
Sims 5 will change the world
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I stopped at 3
4 was aight but there's just too many faggot shit. Also neighborhoods suck.
I didnt ask...
I'll play it if it has anime girls
Just go full anime with The Sims. You have nothing to lose.
Would play with this artstyle, I like this.
I much prefer Sims3 builing mode over 4. 4 is too "simple" and you can't get away with breaking the rules of physics as much as you can with Sims 3.
I rember making a floating room in the Sims 3 supported by nothing but a very long staircase. Fun times
sims is trash
Don't you have a DLC to make EA?
you're shit at this and clearly not from here, leave.
The zoomer egirl face
considering how much they fucked up 4, how much do you think they'll fuck up 5?
inb4 it's a fucking phone game
Bitch got a snout like she seeking the dark crystal
The Sims 3 was a heavy game because of all these features. EA know that the people that buy The Sims aren't gamers, they are casual players with a laptop with 4GB of RAM, so in this sense The Sims 4 was in the right direction although it surely was a downgrade.
Can't wait Simsbros.
Partially true, but it was also because it loaded the entire town at once. So you it had a ton processing.
Don't remind me, this should have never been canceled.
You are a faggot and should kill yourself...
Sister, stop trying to cancel me... Drama channel is thataway -->
didnt sims end with 4?
I feel like they'd try to stop the modding scene for Sims 5.
The sims is a girls game. Literally the only people I know who play it are girls.
Most are gays and "girls" if YouTube and twitch are anything to go by
This. Anyone who has any hope for 5 is setting themselves up for misery.
Boggles the mind why they wouldn't make a subscription survice for Sims 4 DLC
If customers haven't bought the DLC by now, they never will. The best bet is to offer an alternative that's more appealing to make what money you can.
Paradox (the grandest of the DLC jews) started doing this recently for some of their games and it seems to be working well.
Speaking of DLC, is there a cream API equivalent for Origin games? One where you own the base game but can pirate the DLCs?
nah sims 3 was a heavy game because its full of spaghetti code and still has a memory leak issue that isnt fixable without just re-writing the game
not to mention it doesnt have 64bit support and isnt multithreaded
I even made some custom content for Sims 3. Got a few thousand downloads out of them. But 4.... nah. 4 is full of faggots.
gays, girls, and horny men
lol even the most DLC filled paradox game gets mogged by sims 4 jewery
Also adding another subscription service when EA play already exists would probably get confusing
default Sims will never look that good, OP.
My princess….
The best Sims game was the first one. I think it's because that's the one that Will Wright created, that man might be the best American video game designer ever.
faggotpilled and cum cheese in the ass pilled
I really want open world back. I don't care if I need a $3000 PC to run it.
how can you even save the sims franchise
Yes it's on
>remove all the dlc from the past eight years
>sell it all again for the same price
>with less content
Amazing. I've pirated every sims game to ever be released and I don't even play it.
It should have never been a Franchise. They got it perfect with the first
Most of these complaints are really retarded nitpicks
How about some things that ts4 almost objectively dropped the ball on:
>fitness skill turns female bodies into mtf tranny broad shoulder freaks
>traits are significantly fewer and less involved
>moodlets are okay but less substantial
>due to nogs overreacting we now how an excessive "variety" of brown skin tones which means 3/4 townies will be some near identical shade of brown
>features that should be base game are more often than not dlc
How about some things that ts4 almost objectively dropped the ball on:
Do you think they'll revive The Sims Online now with the new metaverse craze?
what was going through your mind when you watched this trailer?
>not calling it The SIM5
Sims is a top cause of adultery in women
I am also here to screech and call you a fag.
Sims peaked with 1. After that it became the kind of consumerist hell the original game was satirizing.
Imagine the porn mods.
Also I hope the teen models get different heights than the adult models this time.
Based as all fuck
Don't lose hope fellow Dark Crystal bros
I wish it will have all of Sims 3's features, with the option to disable story progression
who the fuck plays a game for its faggy ""moral message""
too bad he was being factual anyway, retard
someone change the title to SOYS 5
I could but am lazy and old so fugyourself
it will be the first game to be entirely microtransactions
>Urbz (handheld) sequel never
Why hasn't anyone made a competitor to the Sims with all the features people want for free and easy modding tools? Seems like it would be the nail in the coffin for the franchise.
Paralives is the only competition coming and it looks mediocre
If history has told us anything, EA will try to outjew themselves even harder than previously thought possible, which will then kill the decades-old franchise when another developer makes their own version that's just plain mediocre but everyone goes for it anyway because EA fucked up a sure thing
It happened with SimCity, there's no reason to think it won't happen with The Sims yes, even the majority female fanbase is sick of EA's shit
would be hard because of all of the ai running in the background