I think Rennala is hot

I think Rennala is hot

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t. brain dead sweeting


I feel bad for her. Lost her man and then went crazy and everyone turned on her except her daughter, who went off and killed herself as far as she knows.

by far the least fun great rune boss, the 5 minute walk to the fog gate and absolute filler-tier 1st phase make it unbearable

fuck artists

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carian knights are still loyal to her, no?

Rennala + Radagon = Kino Genes

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True, there should be a way to marry her and give her the children she so much wants.

she's pretty great aside from the spider limbs

She always looks like she just had a cold shower. Why is her skins so shiny and pale.

Get better taste in women.
Get better taste in games.

based. fuck watermarks that aren't in bottom corners

I liked her fight. It feels like a dance. Most of her spells start up a few seconds after you dodge the last ones and a few of them are homing so you can alternate which way you are dodging to make it feel like a dance. It was fairly easy but it is an earlyish boss so that isn't really an issue. The spirit summoning was neat too. Of course I'm only talking about phase 2. Phase 1 isn't terrible but if it wasn't the same gimmick as Deacons in 3 it might have stood out more. The environmental stuff in phase 1 also helps to make it feel a bit different. The atmosphere in both phases is good. I think you just have shit taste, user. Or she was handing you your ass over and over. It sounds like that might have ruined it for you.

She is a queen locked away in a library

>locked away in a library
>the door is unlocked when you arrive, doesn't need a key or anything

you only have to do it once so is it that big of a deal?

Locked in the library in the sense that she can't leave without being murdered, but she also has a guard to keep people out.

my mother-in-law

how does lands between sex work when people are drastically different sizes

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>t. Mohg, wondering why he can't get Miquella pregnant

post her feet already

imagine the godfrey x marika sex

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The most bizarre autism I've seen so far. Literally who cares you retarded monkeys

>The most bizarre autism I've seen so far
dumb tourist. you haven't even been here a day

t. chink scanner

Would you a rennala sweeting?

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This makes my peepee the big peepee

She deserved better

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they should make a dlc focused on sex and pregnancy.imagine you have to dodge all those boss attacks and you get rewarded with a nice 10 minute sex scene

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She's hotter than Ranni I have no clue why people are waifuing a bundle of ropes instead of this porcelain goddess


holy fucking ultra platinum sex based???

i think it is better than porn games that show sex upon defeat, which defeats the purpose of the game because players can now lose, masturbate and play another game. however, SOULS-LIKE SEX is where you have to learn complicated boss mechanics and phases and after that you can then unlock sex and pregnancy with the boss/the enemies in the area, doing whatever you want - lose sex or win sex. thank you for reading.

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I want to be her sweeting

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wtf he has ears now????

Because she's retarded and you can't marry her

She has cute feet

Her second phase is cool but the idea behind it is retarded. You're not facing the real Rennala, just a fake that represents what Ranni THINKS she used to be like. Fucking lame. What should have happened was her getting smacked to her senses and then fighting you for real like with Slave Knight Gael.

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Why must everyone bully Rennala

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need art of her without that stupid hat

dumb hat

Need art of her but her hat is Dimmsdale Dimmadome levels of tall


>carian knights are still loyal to her, no?
Dunno. The academy locked her in the grand library. Moongrum stands guard outside. You'd think if he was loyal he'd try and free her, but maybe he knows she's no longer in a state to be freed. Or maybe he's a traitor and loyal to the academy.

i want to become her feeting

No, but I kind of want to give one prosthetic legs and see what happens.

>Don't watermark my images
>My growth is slow as hell
Yeah, that was a mistake. Don't be like me folks. Mark your images so people know where to find you. Fuck the leaches that try to shame you for not giving your art away for free.

yeah, both could be true. I just headcannoned it as him keeping her safe from outside dangers since she cannot be freed

Why does she have a Great Rune when Renala isnt a demi God?

it was a gift from radagon

You also find the armour in the academy. If From still give 2 fucks about item placement and environmental storytelling, then it's noteworthy you find it there and not the manor. Seems like at least one knight died in the academy (and there's like twenty of them tops).

That's my mother in law dude.

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Killing Rannis mom should have had consequences in terms of the Ranni quest line.

yes, and that's why you don't kill her

What does this imply? I'm retarded.
And where are the rest of the Carian knights?
They're supposed to be like the Delta Force of magic fags, right?

Can you imagine if Micolash from Bloodborne met her?

not caring about watermarks is the same as saying it's weird to not sit through ads.

fuck you

>What does this imply?
It implies the Carian Knight was killed in the academy. The fact that there's a dead knight in the academy and moongrum is still alive makes me suspicious of him. But this is only if From still give a fuck and didn't just place the set there because they simply needed somewhere to put it.
>And where are the rest of the Carian knights?
Probably dead, hunted down by the Cuckoo Knights. One of the troll carriages, one being escorted by the Cuckoo Knights, contains the Carian Knight's Sword, so it seems like that's a prize they've captured.
>They're supposed to be like the Delta Force of magic fags, right?
Yeah kind of. They're the Carian royal families' elite guard. According to the CKS they were a match for the champions of the Golden Order.