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godDAMN did it get the atmosphere right. Feels way more like P1 and 2 than 4 or 5.


How so?


Fuck you. Got my hopes up.

What is this? Is it a port, or a remake? Is it real?

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Ooh, yeah.


Fake news.

Game starts with a feeling a dread that casts a pall over everything what the intro, and yes you have your high school fun time moments, but there is some fairly decently dark shit happening throughout the game that builds, from Shinji, to the stuff with Strega, to the Midnight Hour getting more and more dangerous for the world.
By the last part of the game when Ryoji gives his ultimatum, everyone is depressed and demoralized.

It's pretty fucking different from the wacky Scooby Doo hi-jinks of 4, and understand that I like 4 a lot. I would like 6 to go back that way rather than more of what 5 was, but I don't think that will happen and I will have to just deal with it.

If they just port P3P without undoing all the downgrades then they can fuck off.

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How the fuck did they manage to release persona 4 just a year later


Its the same engine and the same monsters.

It really needs a remake that fixes the horrid pacing, but I’m worried they’d destroy the general vibe of the game which is what makes it great

All I want is to be able to hand-pick the skills I want to inherit. It's a huge pain having to re enter the fusion screen over and over and over and over again until those skill you can't lose are all together.

>Figured that after Persona 5 they could get Persona 6 out quickly again since they now have HD versions of all the monsters to re-use
So much for that.

Demon's shouldn't be in Persona games at all. It's a lazy excuse for not having to model shadows.

FES was actually rerelease that came later than the original Game.
And have You played P4? On a technical level it's basically a romhack of 3

This was just an improved re-release. The original P3 came out in 2006 while P4 came out in 2008.
Back then development was far shorter for games. Especially for AA games like Persona 3 and 4 and especially because they recycled a shitload of assets and systems from 3.
Squaresoft was shitting out 10 AAA+AA games per year between 95 ~ 2003.

Persona started at 3


>shadows are less lazy than actual demons
lol wut

atlus was on overdrive on the PS2 era.
>Raidou 1/2
>DDS 1/2
now 12+ years after P4 and only 2(TWO) fully 3D games.

P3/4 Shadows were cool

Yeah they can 1:1 port P3FES and I won't bitch at all so long as there's manual skill inheritance.

>Back then development was far shorter for games. Especially for AA games like Persona 3 and 4 and especially because they recycled a shitload of assets and systems from 3.
>Squaresoft was shitting out 10 AAA+AA games per year between 95 ~ 2003.
Why did this change? Increases to graphical fidelity and scope doesn't explain all of it

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>that Junpei baseball cap that was a pre-order bonus for P3P
>only way to get one now is to buy an extremely worn out one for $200 on ebay
why don't they make cool preorder stuff like that anymore

Junpei was voiced in English by a literal mass murderer psychopath rapist and thus even the character he voiced has been cancelled. Sorry; I don't make the rules.

It does actually, that requires bigger dev teams and budgets so you can't make as many games.




HD killed 3D gaming, atlus still pumped a fuckton of games on the 3DS.

Ok but why not just keep doing ps2 graphics games?


Graphics and hardware limitations (like not being able to have seamless world and instead instanced zones, loading screens etc) meant you need less manpower for optimization and asset creation. Another big factor is the world's economy was different.

With the PS360 gen development started costing x5 as much as before. Games, even shitty looking ones, needed bigger teams than before and because the hardware improved they had to start leaving behind "outdated" designs and strive for more seamless environments, menus, less loading screens and bigger more complex as well as better looking worlds.

This meant that you need a bigger team and more money to develop a single game, while a few years prior you could use the same amount of developers and money to create multiple projects and make many times the money you would get from 1 game in the ps360 gen.

This is why every Japanese developer jumped to mobile and handheld games in that generation, especially the smaller ones and is why the big ones like Capcom, SE and Konami struggled and went from releasing 4-5 mainline games from their flagship franchises down to only releasing 1 or 2.

It didn't help that the west (mainly the US) realized the gaming market is profitable and they started throwing gigantic budgets at games. Something Japan couldn't afford to do. So they couldn't keep up with the west, not in money, not in manpower, not in graphics, not in the sizes of game worlds (the rise of open world games in the generation was insane and all of them were WRPGs).

It's only in the last 6-7 years that Japan has caught up slightly but they're still struggling, just not as much as back then. Which is why we saw the rebirth of the jrpg genre on consoles in the ps4/x1 generation. Still, to this day though they haven't recovered, most of the talented devs jumped to mobile and handhelds back in the late 2000's and never looked back.

I would say no one would buy them, but then P4G (a ps2 level game) recently just sold more than a million on PC

>Persona 3: The Answer remake
>Musou-like, such as Strikers
>More hit stop, blocking and dodging feel better.
>More of an ARPG than a musou game.

Persona 3 is still my favorite of the last three games, but I wonder how much of that is due in part to nostalgia and the fact that a lot of the standard tropes they use in every game was more novel to me back then.

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Persona 3 was my favorite game when I completed it in high school but I'm honestly not sure that I'd enjoy replaying it as an adult.

Can they redo the story too? I disliked what The Answer did to every character besides Junpei and I guess Fuuka.

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Yes because Strikers was good but no because P3 is older now and a pseudo sequel wouldn't sell as the original Answer fucking sucks balls

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Because they are extra models to work on. They have to model demons anyhow as they are used as personas. Play the fucking games you talk about, nigger.

wasnt there supposed to be an announcement for persona today?

I think the story and character development is still fun, if a little cliché at times, but Tartarus is painfully repetitive to get through.

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Hold on there, pardner. We also need to have total control on the party. The AI is fucking braindead, which worry me as the programmers apparantly are shitters that never fucking use charm-di even when she starts with the fucking useless skill. She uses fucking items to cure charmed, not her fucking useless skill.


Because like I said here The rise of open world games, the improvement in graphics making them more realistic, the obsession with gfx by the consumers themselves meant these games didn't sell. Japan did try to do the "ps2 graphics in the ps3 gen" and all of them bombed which is why they bailed. The PS360 generation is the biggest dudebro generation to ever exist. Everyone fell for the "HD" hype, the "realism", the "big world good" memes. It was the new thing so everyone ate it up. Those games sell now because graphics peaked and people aren't as easily impressionable now as they were back then. Graphics still matter and still sell games but not as much as they did when we first entered the HD era of games.

In hindsight it was pretty clear that companies wanted for this to happen and manipulated the people because by selling the HD meme they also sold blu rays, hd tvs, new consoles etc etc and "HD" succeeding at a time where tech developed at lighting speed meant people would keep buying more because they shit HD tv they bought in 2005 was already outdated by 2008.

Is Chidori alive?


I was 57% sure that the P3 dance game was an excuse to update the models for a remake.

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fuck you for wanting a remake you zoomer faggot. play the original game there's nothing warranting a remake

Probably not in terms of any long-running canon, but I'd leave it up to the player's personal preference myself.

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Yes there is. The skill inheritance and the AI are fucking SHIT.

like what

Are you implying FES is not canon?

A slightly less terrible Tartarus and an update in visuals that people would actually notice unlike most modern remakes these days could be nice.

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I think the characterization was fine. The characters all had growth during the main arc, but The Answer showed that with the loss of a close friend, even SEES couldn't live up to the world Door-kun wanted. It's only after they settle their grievances with one another that they're all truly able to stand on their own feet, knowing that they're all there for each other but at the same time not being completely dependent on each other.

The Answer is absolutely garbage. Ignore it. Played it once. Bored out of my mind the whole ride.

I hated it in highschool and only played it because it was so popular on Yea Forums. 15 years later and I'm super nostalgic for it even though I still hate it when I try to replay it

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I'm convinced these posters are just trying to stir shit. I feel like anyone who actually gives a shit about this game should know how to play it by now.

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By slapping my dick on the controller until I get the skills I want?

I was thinking that her revival wasn't, considering that there's a scene in The Answer where it's implied that her death happened no matter what.

But looking it up now, I guess that Junpei mentions her in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. So I guess she's cool?

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I'm convinced you and your kin are clinically retarded.
How could you not understand the simple action of wanting a superior and definitive release with extra QoL features to make it more palatable, specially in cases like this one which multiple editions with features exclusive to them, is beyond me.


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RNG skill inheritance only exists to fuck autistics and the manual AI control was just forced you to use 4x as many inputs than it would have taken normally

wow 2 whole minutes and you wont use all 8 skills, stop being a min-maxing fag game is easy as fuck.


big if true

>Persona 4 on steam
>4 x 3 = 12

>muh qol
get good you retarded cunt

God fucking dammit I hate you so much. This is exactly what Fatlus will do instead of just rereleasing Perona 3 like everyone actually wants. Off-genre spinoffs are complete cancer.

>He hasn't played it on hard
Fucking noobs talking shit they know nothing about. This has been by far the hardest 3d persona game so far.

nah bro
>Persona 3
>but with souls-like gameplay

That song is Sonic Adventure 2 Knuckles tier.

No. We don't want Persona 3 Kart. We wan't a remake of Persona 3 FES. Just don't woke it.

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

Nah. It's slow, and fits the overall vibe of the other Persona 3 songs.