When will XB2 shitters finally stop pretending that it's not a masterpiece?

When will XB2 shitters finally stop pretending that it's not a masterpiece?

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I'm tired of my Wii U being broken and not being able to replay it

Still waiting for that port, still waiting for them to fix the L.A music. Its fucking shit. What were they thinking. Every other music piece in the game fucking works but the actual hub/town doesn't.

just emulate it shitters

I'll acknowledge that it'a a good game if it ever is.

when will xfags stop being obsessed?

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I want to play it in my bed

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I liked XB1 and its expansion
I liked XBX and adventuring
I liked XB2
I will like XB3
And you cannot stop me.

But what if Monolith fucks up and makes XBC3 bad?

It's a good game trapped on a less than successful platform. A shame we aren't getting X2, though I will not speak too ill of 2. I didn't care for the skells and I don't care for the blades in combat. Both games were still good in spite of that. I just hope 3 goes back to XB1 and X's ground combat.

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It's not a masterpiece. I remember the game being described as great but has many little annoyances that over time build and build into something that weighs the experience down quite a lot.

It's like Xfags have forgotten about the criticism the game got.

I liked X...

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The game is pretty cool.... but WHO THE F*** IS THIS COMPOSER?! I didn't come for a bombastic, generic Jpop concert, I came for the RPG style soundtrack. This isn't even game music, it's anime music at best. Music is a huge part of the atmosphere and impact of a game, especially in an RPG, and this just doesn't cut it, in fact it made everything, including the graphics and the mechs so much worse

Disappointing story. Shit OST. Having to exhaustingly hunt down party members in NLA to swap them into your party. Gating story progression behind shitty fetch quests.


>Disappointing story
>Shit OST
What the fuck is wrong with you?


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X had the best combat in any Xenoblade game.

> fix the L.A music.
Was it really that bad?

yeah it doesn't have a proper loop

Switch port when? I'm not buying a fucking WeeYuu for one game.

I agree with these, the music was dogshit. If it does get a re-release, it needs a complete do-over by somebody else.

Emulate it

It was too much of a game for gamers to enjoy. People just wanted a story and were upset they had to actually explore and fight things.

xenoblade x is like when a restaurant gets your order wrong but you end up really enjoying it more than how it was meant to be served and then they never get the order wrong that way ever again

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2 of the 3 bad songs in the game are in NLA

You've been bitching about xenoblade 2 for 5 years.
It's time to stop.

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>Go to Japanese restaurant
>Ask for Hamburg steak
>Get perfectly seasoned medium-rare ribeye steak with béarnaise sauce
Arigatou Takahashi-sama

The Murderess

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>i'M nOt BuYiNg A wIi U fOr 1 GaMe!
Then why were so many people okay with buying a Switch just to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

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Then get the Steam Deck, it will play better than on Switch anyway

the emulation is still bad no? a year ago i tried and the lighting made it unplayable on oled. the fucking lighting of all things. the first area is so dark you cant see shit. the next are is way to bright. i think i tried applying 'fixes' which worked for one area and not the next. i played alot of games on emulator with graphial glitches and heavy framedips but constantly adjusting brightness is just too much.

XCX's soundtrack was great and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't. Listening to Codename Z, Oblivia, Sylvalum Night and Noctilum gave me chills. I feel like people only shit on it due to Black Tar and NLA themes. Hell, Black Tar wasn't even that bad.

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not him but its not possible.

>Promising future
>Pretty stellar video game selection for the first year
It wasn't just BotW, it was BotW + MK8D + Splatoon 2 + Xenoblade 2 + Super Mario Odyssey, with ARMS and Snipper Clips to tide us over inbetween.

Best girl in the whole series, tied with Mia

>XCX's soundtrack was great and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.
nobody ever said xcx soundtrack was shit, they don't have the balls to be that much of a contrarians.

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Ah, hello newfriend.

The main issue is that out of a 180 hour playthrough, you'll spend 40 - 50 hours of that in NLA (if you're playing blind and trying to get everything). The soundtrack is amazing, it's just spread so thin, and the area you spend the most time in has only 2 tracks, both of which are bad. There should've been more variations of the NLA theme for different weathers. If you had sunny day/night, rainy day/night, and a theme that plays during aurora/rainbow/meteor shower weathers, it'd be perfect

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I think they've learned from their mistakes but they can very easily take too much from XC2's playbook and end up shitting it up.

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Xenoblade 2 just isn't good, you have to accept reality.

X is largely forgotten. The main series has built up a really intriguing and interesting story which we're going to see more of in 3.

X is just "there's something about this planet" with Engrish nu metal nonsense and American Union VAs.

>X is just "there's something about this planet"
Hey, I got to that part!

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Maybe, if there was a instrumental version for each song, it would be better recieved.

She says it again at the end of the game.

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it gets so much worse


This stuff is cool. Fucking hate the disappointing story and shit OST but this stuff is cool.

Because they're retarded, I'm not throwing myself off a cliff because a bunch of lemmings chose to

On this same token I thought it was a bit strange that aliens which evolved entirely differently on a totally different planet with entirely different ecology not only found our food edible and non-toxic but delicious as well. Chances are our food would likely have compounds their bodies wouldn't know how to break down, hell dogs which have evolved to live alongside humans still find much of our food toxic.

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The story is great, the plot is ass. Story encompasses the plot, the setting, the sidequests, the lore, etc

You say that, but there are animals on our planet that can eat and digest more and more robust foods than humans. Pigs can literally live off of human shit. Our ancestors would dump trash and shit into pigpens to feed them.

There are species in X, though, that cannot eat what we can. The Zaruboggan and Orphean, for example, need a specific diet.


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Is mech combat as boring as it looks?

>the plot is ass.
Yeah I was starting to get that impression, the game tried to act like the mims were some huge revelation but I had just done Hope's quest right before where one of her parishioners wanted to know if our mimeosome bodies could conceive, and that alongside the weird robot eyes everyone had on the character creation screen and Solan talking about how he's a "Doctor" standing outside the mimeosome maintence building and the stuff he says in HB's quest already made it abundantly clear what was going on. I guess they had to spell it out to people who don't pay attention to details

And that pic would explain this line.

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>bad story
>cliffhanger ending
>no port
>Lin and Tasuo
It's no masterpiece

People were buying a Switch at launch because it had console Zelda, not because it was portable.
>Promising future
And who was it that refused to buy a Wii U no matter how many good games it got solely because it didn't have "muh Zelda" on it?
>It wasn't just BotW, it was BotW + MK8D + Splatoon 2 + Xenoblade 2 + Super Mario Odyssey, with ARMS and Snipper Clips to tide us over inbetween.
If The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild had released in mid-late 2016 like it was supposed to, then the Wii U would've had all of its best games at that point. You didn't tide yourself over with any of them because you refused to play them without "muh Zelda" being in the mix. Don't even lie.
I guess it's not that important then.

>I guess they had to spell it out to people who don't pay attention to details
I knew something was up, but I didn't expect everyone to be robots. Looking back, there are quite a few events that get foreshadowed heavily. The Prog Ares, Lao, etc.

I really like those two so far, but one gripe I have with the game is the companions outside Elmo and Lin seem to be after thoughts. Outside quests specifically about them they don't have anything to say and it does kinda suck the fun out of having them around if they're just completely blank faced. I guess they thought a little heart popping up over their head when you make a decision they like is enough but I'd prefer if they actually interjected with things to say.

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I fucking hate sawano and all the fags that gobble up his garbage so much

Same. Can't stand his music.

I think the only track I don't like so far are the two NLA tracks, but considering how much time you spend in NLA that's not a good track to have suck.

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To be fair, the 3 affinity missions + 5 H2Hs per character are more interaction than you get with the blades in 2 and with Sharla in 1. There are some real cool party members in X, but it's just a shame they don't get as much screen time as they should.

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Game looks sick in that pic.

I just don't like Sawano music in general desu.

Don't worry, you'll have Stockholm Syndrome for NLA music by the end of the game.


The OST for X is really overly bombastic, messy and inelegant imo.

The music, outside of the vocal tracks, is very uncharacteristic of Sawano music.


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Xeno a shit.

I hate it when people say this shit. It's not at all uncharacteristic of Sawano. It sounds EXACTLY like Sawano. Fuck off. Stop trying to sell it to me.

It fits the game well though.

It's the worst game in the series so far. Hopefully it remains so and upcoming games aren't even worse.

The best is when L tried to get a bunch of races to play shiratori and Mira can't make that work, so they keep fucking it up.