The only people who hate it are the ones who don't know how to play.
The only people who hate it are the ones who don't know how to play
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greatest love story in vidya
Nope its average and X is the best
I disliked how little screen time Seifer gets. He was the coolest character.
I am convinced that Kitase's only reference for love are shounen mangas set in high school. There is absolutely nothing relatable about the so called "love story" in FF8 if you've actually been in a relationship once. Or even know someone who's been in a relationship. Or perhaps even read of someone who's been in a relationship once.
Game is ok, story is retarded and the romance part of it is so mind numbingly bad, boring and unbelievable that it makes me puke.
Alternatively, the ones who hate it are the ones who looked up a guide. Like seriously, what kind of complaint is "the enemy scales up with you so it sucks". Bitch I played this when I came out and everybody I know fucking grinded to 100 and didnt have any issues with the game.
every ff before 7 is boring trash for boomers
There are hardly any situations where just doing auto junction isn't the most optimal.
>and everybody I know fucking grinded to 100 and didnt have any issues with the game.
Everybody in the shortbus?
I am eagerly awaiting FF8R. I just hope they don't mess with the combat or junctioning too much. I prefer it as a slightly broken mess. Fixing the level scaling is fine though.
Squall and Rinoa have a cute friendship building by the end of disc 2, then 3 goes full retard and has Squall breaking down and professing love to her comatose body. It's so poorly written that people have theories that Rinoa brainwashed him with her witch powers.
>It's so poorly written that people have theories that Rinoa brainwashed him with her witch powers.
She literally does this at the SEED graduation party. It's not subtle.
She didn't even like him until disc 2.
That was a joke. The theory is that said joke later becomes reality at the very end of disc 2.
>to pass this seed exam, you must prove yourself to be a worthy leader
>act like a total ass and break all the rules to satisfy his own battle lust
>dreams of simping over a sorceress because of some movie he watched
>wannabe laguna
>girlfriend runs off with a guy who wasn't even trying while he was moping over failing his exam
What a fucking loser.
It has nothing to do with the quality of the writing and everything to do with the quality of the brains reading the writing. It's like they need to put the words "well I guess what they say is true, you don't know what you have until you lose it." in order for you retards to recognize this extremely common theme in stories.
I recently replayed it without worrying about "muh levels". I actually grinded the SHIT out of the game early to make myself "weak" and the game was as easy as always.
No leveling autism is just just that, autism. Or for people to have fun with being OP as fuck. Junctioning is 95% of your power and 'not leveling' is unneeded.
lmao, is that the level of overblown emotional outburst you need to recognize the theme?
maybe sonic adventure is more your speed
Not really cute, honestly. Just cuter than anything that comes after it. When I try to remember the Garden Battle I remember it being this epic fight between the gardens with some personal drama in between. But when I replay the Garden Battle I realize how rose-tinted my glasses are.
>"Squall, you have to save Rinoa! You are the only one! Who cares about the whole garden and everybody who lives there, and the fact that we will all die if we fuck up here. Just focus completely on saving one life that is both incapable of helping out and is so beyond saving that it would require a very convenient Deus Ex Machina to pull off. "
>"We? No, Squall. It has to be you. You are only the Commander of everybody here in Garden. Everybody here looks up to you. So you should abandon them all to their fate and focus on Rinoa."
>Somehow pulls it all off.
>Rinoa barely says thanks and just talks about Squalls stupid ring and that "oh no, now it looks like we are together, wouldn't it be horrible if everybody got a false impression of us? *wink wink*
Yeah, fuck this game.
She doesn't. Rinoa becomes a sorceress by the end of Disc 2.
Well if there was any question regarding your reading ability, you just solidified it. Congrats, you're braindead.
let me guess, that involves triple triad?
>It's so poorly written that people have theories that Rinoa brainwashed him with her witch powers.
Well she is a witch and says she's casting a spell on him at the dance, so it's not at all far-fetched.
But Squall's just a messed up kid with abandonment issues he can't remember the cause of.
I mostly remember my first playthrough and the expectations I had for where the story was going.
When it shat the bed IMMEDIATELY on loading disc 3, I was so taken aback it was like a fever dream.
I have no problem with fantasy romance stories. I have a huge problem with stories that pretend to be romance stories despite knowing fuck all of how actual romance looks like. Rinoa is beyond retarded in the game, barely functional and acts like a 7 year old. And the botched translation doesn't make her look any better.
not going to say that the story would've been amazing even if it hadn't been butchered, but it's literally one of the worst translation jobs in all of vidya.
>It gets good 20 hours of grind in
ff8? never seen anyone say this
what's so bad? any specific lines you can point to and give better translations for?
It's one of the better ones but only because of the elder god-tier OST
not him but the whole whatever meme is often cited as a localization thing
pic related
or Greiver
or that scene on the train where Rinoa is asked if she still liked Seifer and in Japanese she says "I wouldn't be here with you if I did", but in English she goes "haha I still like him"
Don't tell me how to play
I didn't mind the scaling, but the final dungeon is absolutely atrocious:
>stripped of everything including use of items and basic melee
>final dungeon consists of 4 or 5 gimmick fights to get your basic powers back, like Attack, Magic, or GF.
What would you want changed in the Remake?
Nothing. I don't want one. Fuck off with time jannies or more time compression or other nuSquare retardation
Don't forget:
Edea's Speech
Ultimecia's speech
and more that I can't remember
lol, choosing the remaster for eng for extra "UGH!" points
the scripts for both are the same you fucking retard
exactly lol
i know why the image creator did the remaster to contrast with the heckin trad and redpilled ps1 jp
Squall’s Japanese phrases
>Squall’s English phrases
I can’t believe this teacher
No big deal
Well, excuse me
Man, you’re annoying
Sure, I guess
Get off my case / leave me alone
Oh, geez
Doesn’t matter
I don’t care
but remember guys; Japanese is SO HECKIN' PLAIN and FLAT you're lucky to have the localizers to spice it up for you LEL
I used screenshots from my playthrough in Japanese (before the remaster existed) and then screenshots from the first video result I could find in English on youtube.
Not everything is a conspiracy.
Only people that love it are casual FF fans that know no better. Similar to Zelda
BotW and Persona 3~5 fans.
Squall is a such an fucking faggot
Being contrarian isn't a personality, zoom zoom. Fuck off.
It's like there was a whole middle part to their relationship that was cut out. They should have officially gotten together at the Garden Festival in FH, but instead that whole segment is wasted.
I agree. Had they been together officially, the Garden battle would make more sense as he'd be rescuing his girlfriend.
R = U
Real FFVIII fans don't want one because we know better.
I don't know about a remaster, but are there any good graphical mods for the PC version?
lol no
I know how to play it, doesn't change the fact that junction is complicated for the sake of being complicated and that the story is a fucking mess with the worst romance ever put on screen
>junction is complicated
>click magic
>put on stat
>number goes up depending on the magic type and amount
LOL how does it feel to be clinically retarded, softhead?
Nope. Kitase was aping Tokyo Love Story, Long Vacation (and other television J-drama of the 90s) for Squall & Rinoa.
>Wants to be just like Laguna
>Ends up being a huge fucking dork just like him
he apparently said that he talked to nomura and nojima recently and they said there might have been hints to rinoa being ultimecia
can't find it myself, but if someone else has it
You know what I wouldn't want them to change at all? The combat system. Every time they do the hybrid combat system it fucking sucks. Give me pure turn-based or an action RPG. Trying to do both satisfies neither party.
no he didn't; it was some fag talking on Yea Forums making up shit about an interview he did on some gacha livestream shit.
He said "Well, they worked on it too and maybe they had that idea or something, but that's not what we went with"
The ORIGINAL Chad Stride.
Junction is actually fantastic, the problem was level-scaling.
I always thought those yellow hat dudes were aliens or something.
No that's some telephone game shit. He said on a stream for DFFOO that while R=U is not part of the game as it exists now, the script bounced between Nojima, Nomura, and him, and therefore it's possible they put some hints towards that without him knowing.
>popped Rinoa's cherry
>has two best friends so loyal they are willing to die for him even when he goes insane
>Make enemy encounters and leveling completely useless with enemies that scale to your level, enc-none makes FF8 into a glorified boss rush game.
>Make leveling even more useless with the junction system, which isn't hard to understand, you have to draw magic from enemies and junction it to stats. This is incredibly boring and takes absolutely fucking forever to finish drawing enough magic that's good enough for stats
>If this isn't bad enough, the story goes from assassinating a sorceress that's taken over the government and mercenary academy of Galbadia to pants on head retarded shit like an entire futuristic city hidden with giant screens, helping a girl in a coma by taking her to a space station and watching monsters fall off the moon in an event called "the lunar cry".
Don't get me wrong dude, I like FF8, but it's like some jack ass showed up half way into development and fucked with everything. Either that or there was a huge chunk of story that wasn't told for money and/or time reasons.
Knowing how to play at anything more than a rudimentary level completely breaks the game.
I really don't mind this. It makes sense to me that Squall wouldn't really appreciate someone until he's at risk of losing them. What bugs me about Rinoa is the way the rest of the cast babies her and prioritizes her over everyone else (the Garden fight is the big example).
>which isn't hard to understand, you have to draw magic from enemies
Not everyone is good at cards, to be fair.
I knew how to play, you draw and get spells.
The level scaling is what fucked me
2nd worst love story in the FF series, only beating out 15
shit nigga you don't need cards either, just buy items and refine them
you can get Curagas from tents before you get on the damn train
>my high school crush was a blond
>she loved that character
>dressed as her for Halloween
>I greentextstory Gosling.jpg'd it up