Post Apoc Game

>post Apoc Game
>Racially diverse communities

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>post Apoc Game
>women aren't treated as sex objects

>post Apoc Game
>whites haven't been genocided

This bigs me a lot.
Not that I expect all post-apoc media to feature this but literally not a single post-apoc story I have ever seen has shown a realistic depiction of what is going to happen to women.

>game takes place in the future
>its entirely modern political dogma

>post Apoc game
>condoms aren't a form of currency alongside gasoline and bullets

lol retard

"this here laser rifle costs 25 condoms"

>post apoc game
>only whites survive
The opposite makes more sense

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why wouldnt everyone band together regardless of race in an apocalypse?

I don't know man, doesn't it make sense that people band together based on just who happens to be around in such a dire situation? It's only practical to put your hatred aside for the sake of survival unless the other people in your community are also pro race war or something.

Good luck getting gonorrhea treated in post Apoc world. Wrap your tool or suffer.

>you automatically get gonorrhea every time you have sex without condom
double retard

Tribalism matter most when shit hits the fan

And wouldn't the "tribe" in that scenario be the local community?

Lol no. Do you even know your neighbors name?

so you're going to band with people whose name you dont know but skin color you share?

Go back

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Where does Kirby and the forgotten land fit into this because that’s both the most recent one I’ve played and probably the newest one released

Yeah because at least we will relate to each other on a cultural level.

No but I am biased, as I am an antisocial hermit. Still, in a hypothetical apocalypse would you really brave the unknown ruins that surround you in search of strangers who just happen to be your same color if your neighbors, who in this hypothetical have never known hostility towards you, rather than try to band together with the people in your immediate area?

>posted by a white basedboy who'd be killed in seconds

>post apoc game
>it isn't my tradcon fantasy

>play Cataclysm DDA
>at least 15 different fucking types of zombies in town
I fucking hate this game.

Assuming you are American,

>relate to each other on a cultural level

Unless the colored folks who surround you happen to be fresh off the boat or just hopped the border, would there be such an insurmountable divide in your cultures that you would not be able to cooperate to any degree?

What culture in a post apoc world?

Waddle Dee town is very much an ethno state with a few small exceptions.

If you are put in a situation where you need to trade and you could get robbed which would probably be a death sentence as far as you are concerned who are you going to approach first?

think the book of eli had the girl and her mom be slaves
only reason 99% of stds exist today is because of whores being whores

>current year
>people still post the election frog.

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You niggers would be lynched again like the old good times

Black people don't like you
Consider time

In the apocalypse, I wouldn't be surprised
Disease will be absolutely everywhere and STDs will be extremely common due to there being less safety supplies and more rape

You will never have your fantasy world

t. virgins

They exist because white are disgusting pieces of shit who never washed.

Oops, meant to reply to this cuck too

Are you allowed to use that word big boy

>being able to genocide a race that conquered the world just for cheaper spices

I see poorer behavior happening in some regions and communities, but as a whole that's an unlikely reality due to how entwined males and females are, our existence is predicated on cooperation, physically and metaphysically. That narrative is fun for fiction because it's entertaining for the audience, but it doesn't make sense if you're going for realism. Which is why all games that go for realism suck.


people literally start killing their neighbours based on last names name as soon as shit hits the fan
if you're in a fan-shit situation, people don't think about things rationally, they just go with whatever their "don't get genocided first" instincts tell them, and those tell them to genocide first

which is what you see in the genetic record, incidentally. there are periods of isolation, followed by periods of intermingling, followed by periods of isolation. i.e., when resources are plentiful people don't care who their neighbours are because there's so much good going around that nobody needs to fight each other over it. then when that stops for whatever reason, everybody starts killing each other, and they start by teaming up with those most similar to themselves and killing those least similar to themselves.

it's kind of like when you see shit like pic related
spiders don't cooperate, so how are they doing this? they're not cooperating. there's just so much food around at the moment that they literally can't eat all of it so they don't mind having another spider right next to them. as soon as that stops being the case, those 'cooperative' spiders immediately start eating each other until the population is at normal levels again

"diversity" exists in the same temporary intermediary state of plenty as the "cooperation" of spiders does. when it goes back to scarcity again, so does the naive cooperation

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I mean, Fury Road pretty much showed that any actually attractive looking woman was basically caught and treated like a breeding sow for Immortan Joe.

I would never ever be on your side just because of color. You're an idiot.

Because balkanization exists.

the book of eli, women get raped and the submissive ones will help the raiders to bait travelers.
thought the premise of the plot is kinda retarded even if it had good intentions.

medbulls are white, kike

Racists aren’t really known for having high INT, user.


Also rode around in big ass "fuck off" trucks while the sacred black fuel was supposedly a rare planetary commodity. There is a lot that is wrong with the Mad Max. It's a fun movie because it doesn't take itself seriously. The Road on the other hand does take itself seriously and is NOT a fun movie.

>he thinks in an apocalypse people won't cling to each other regardless of who they are

yes and everyone will get along because of skin color and then we'll kill the niggurz and then everyone will clap

My skin color or not, if you got water I'm going to take it from you.

In Fallout it would only make sense for everyone to hate Chinese and Chinese alone

Brainlet take. Women would be treated as an absolutely precious commodity (which they are). Men are the disposable pawns.


You should read some history books and see how women have been treated until relatively very recently.

you are right.
fallout had no racism for blacks and browns in pre war America

Agreed, miguel.
And Columbus was Italian.

I do, I recommend that you read Aristotle.

Yes. Actually, if we want to talk about inaccurate things in Fallout, then Nate should be an absolute psychopath as a former US Army soldier in the year 2077.

Italy didn't conquer shit in the new world.

Are you implying i would be able to have sex in a post apocalyptic society?

>game takes place in the past or in ancient times
>its entirely modern political dogma

Because in-group preference takes hold the moment make-believe reality goes down.

To be fair, if shit hit the fan tomorrow, you wouldn't trust anyone of a different race either because of how polarized everything has become either through politics or religion.
You wouldn't trust any nigger because they would harbor stupid grudges about slavery or racism.
This goes for literally anyone, even fellow whites, especially women.