What the fuck is happening?
worse than crystal
>I should do roulettes for the XP
>Wait... I don't have any gear on this job because I've only been doing PvP with it
>When I buy gear with poetics I'll already have blazed past half or more of its efficacy
Leveling up alt jobs is so weird
What mechanic are they trying to avoid??
>If you used summons you didn't beat Elden Ring.
If you used WAR or WHM, you aren't really Crystal rank.
probably 4 planets in rapid succession, from blue to red pattern, so they don't have to think about where to get knocked towards to avoid a red planet explosion
>t. samurai, ninja, machinist
some salty tank got his discord group to spam parties because he was asked to do something besides press 1 2 3
>hiding the names of shitters
kys OP, you're likely one of them.
>Redditors keep parroting how FFXIV's community is all 'heckin wholesome 100'
>its actually full of ticking time bomb mental health gays like this
I notice its the otherway around for games with surface level shithole communities having complete bros when you go deeper into them.
Being forced into acting nice at any cost does that to people
>its the otherway around for games with surface level shithole communities having complete bros when you go deeper into them
i've noticed that a lot too. it's like a surface level gatekeeping that once you get past it's like you've been in a foxhole together with everyone else. actually just about any community worth investing time into is like this.
You didn't beat the trial
You get plenty of tired oldfags who have gotten all the anger out of their system over time as well, and just pretend to be an asshole to keep that gate maintained
The braindead casuals are aggressively nice, but endgame players are all very homosexual and very tryhard.
You get plenty of time to move though?
And the safe zone is always on the left of where you just got pushed into it's a braindead mechanic and only literal retards get killed on the 4 planet mechanic.
what mechanic are they using LB3 on? everything in that fight is fucking easy
For the quad planets near the end of the fight, you tank lb3 so if people fuck up blue kb into red they don't die.
>do this
>people get knocked off the edge anyway
>die to the aoes after because no tank lb to mitigate them with vulns
Great strat
fucking brainlets. shit is one of the easiest mechanics in the fight
Does anyone have the stupid goku and vegeta pvp image
>Look at their bars
>They did use them
>I never see them because my FX for them are off
>Turn them back on
>Now I can't see a single thing going on in combat
For fucks sake
Cringe speak
Y'know what's even stupider is that they're both blue. Aka, on the same team.
Honestly been getting this feeling for a while now.
I don't know how Crystal fucks, but Primal is fucking boring as fuck.
Every FC I've joined.
Within a week the majority of it's members unsub forever.
FC leaders don't give a fuck.
The Other category of PF is full of bland ass bullshit.
Trying to clear shit can range from torture to randoms who just joined rolling the mount and leaving immediately after.
I want to believe that when they add the new DC for NA in august that'll be my chance to meet new people and join an FC early that will make a name for itself, but who the fuck am I kidding.
I've given up on meeting decent people through this game.
Not even the solo content is fun anymore.
Island sanctuary will launch broken and fail to meet any of the expectations.
It would only be typical of Squeenix.
This community makes me tired, and sleep doesn't fix it.
>mfw I get filtered by blue to red
The fucking planets take up too much screen space and I can't see which red spawned first until it's too late! I'll just invuln it next time.
>WAR runs in like a retard
>Instantly gets evaporated
>He keeps doing this, helping absolutely nobody when he should be peeling melee off our backline with his stun because we don't have a healer backing him up
I've realized that it's not WAR that's the problem, it is and always will be WHM
time to quit you melodramatic weenie
Definitely time to take a break.
This game is held back by lazy and ambitionless people, and kept there by the shit eating community that defends every bitch move.
>oooooooaahh oooh woouuuuhh huuu huuuuuu
ff14 has a lot of women and homosexuals. Both are notoriously catty and always have to get in the last word. You're watching two women or gay men, or some variation have a slap fight.
What does XIV do that you think is worth defending it?
What are it's flaws would you say? If you can think of any.
will it be considered trolling if I play mnk in CC
No. The griefing jobs are GNB,BLM and maybe SCH. Everything else is just barely viable at minimum.
Bro just quit the game and move on, why are you trying to argue with people about it, just walk away, go do something else, go post in another thread.
He won't because he's a wowbuck trying to start shit again. Next he'll start accusing everyone of being cultists.
No. MNK is a bit scuffed but can absolutely contribute via stuns and displacement.
SCH is weird because most of what it actually does (Damage boost/Reduction, debuffs, LB for Team Purify) doesn't get showncon the scoreboard.
I'll definitely admit that it's hard to gauge the efficacy of SCH by observation alone, but they never seem to have that much of an impact on the match from what I can tell.
yeah anything called wholesome has an infected abscess waiting to pop.
i don't know who that is.
Of course you wouldn't, tourist. Get the fuck out of here.
SCH is entirely team dependent. If you have a goodbteam who stays together SCH will absolutely push the fuck out of the enemy team. If your team runs around like tards playing the solo game a SCH isn't going to get shit done besides out-damaging Dancers and Bards.
wowfag that compared bunny girls to hitler then had a melt down when someone pointed out how stupid that was
>wowfag that compared bunny girls to hitler
People are really weird about the bunny girl thing. One of my ex-FC mates tried to get his wife who plays WoW into XIV and she was like nope when she saw the viera.
Total WoW brainrot coming from people who play Vulpera/Worgen/Tauren.
>ex/savage tank having a meltie for being asked to contribute
seen this story a hundred times
Kinda feels like AST has this problem to a lesser degree too. Those classes feel like their effectiveness was designed around having voice chat.
Yeah I mean I do get it's a little on the nose having literal sexy bunny girls with no irony as a playable race. But it hardly seems like it'd be much of a hard filter.
Let's just cut the bullshit, people like him are just deeply offended by beautiful women. That's it. That's the "problem".
Heres his entire meltdown
hes a wowfag that tried to jump on XIV chasing asmongoloid's coattails but got triggered by the females characters not being obese furfag shit
I'd rather carpool with LTG in full anger mode over a random FFXIV party.
Yeah agreed, but even as a kid I laughed a little when they introduced the viera as just "Elves plus amazons but also sexy rabbit girls." in FF12.
>e-celeb worshiping faggot calling anyone a tourist
Kill yourself, tourist
Seethe and cope wowbuck
Please be bait
I agree for sure that it’s best to know how to do the mechanic. But honestly, if you can just cheese it with LB3, then just cheese it with LB3.
The DPS limit break is practically a joke, it’s better to just get the kill then go worry about the specifics.
Where did genetics go wrong to assemble the """""mind""""" of such a creature? Good lord, what a schizo fuck.
whats the point of the 24 man raid lvl 590 gear if you can get a full set by trading the crafted 580 gear???