Yea Forums used to be peak soul, what went wrong?
Yea Forums used to be peak soul, what went wrong?
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I hate final fantasy 6. Every day I wake up and remember that I hate final fantasy 6
>includes both Niers
God I love peak Yea Forums
Why does this list look like it was stolen from reddit
Yea Forums generally has good taste, you just don't often see the good games being discussed because everyone agrees they're good and there's little shitposting to be had
Yea Forums has always been one of the very worst boards on this website.
>Instead of IV or SJ
Reddit would be
>Portal, Portal 2, Half-Life, Half-Life 2, The Last of Us, Age of Empires II, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Mass Effect Trilogy, Wind Waker, Breath of the Wild, San Andreas, Battlefront II, GoldenEye
>devil may cry
entire list ruined
Yea Forums still sucks these games dicks i dont know what you are on
Not even close to as bad as Yea Forums which bans people from even discussing anons what anime they like or asking for recommendations on shows
>Yea Forums used to be peak soul, what went wrong?
If someone says IV is the best SMT I immediately know that they're a secondary and IV was their first game.
It literally has melee in the fucking image anyone playing melee after 2010 is peak reddit specimen
Nocturne was my first, IV is just flat out better, but good try.
>shit story
>shit gameplay
>no dungeons
>atrocious guest designs
Yeah no.
DDS2>DeSu1>DDS1>Hackers>S.Journey>SMT V>SMT III>SMT II>SMT V
>persona 2
shit taste alert
not even gonna bother with the rest
What the hell is Karula?
that's ikaruga lol
Reddit stole their "favorites" from us.
vns are not video-games
>less and less bing bing yahoos
more like incline
>shit story
>shit gameplay
>no dungeons
if Nocturne's were anything to go off of, that's a good thing
Snoys were always neogaf, this place used to be filled with PC fags & Nintendo fags
in that case we should get rid of the Ace Attorney series and any Persona post Eternal Punishment.
Xenogears sucks
modern Yea Forums is worse than Yea Forums. Opening the DBZ floodgates was a fucking mistake
It went downhill when youl allowed discussion of Persona 3, 4, and 5. Only the mentally ill likes those games.
Difficulty is non-existent. STR is literally broken. Bosses can be instakilled. Flynn can solo everything on this own. Limitless fusion makes all demons feel the same etc.
IV would be the SMT with the worst gameplay if not for 1&2.
Banjo was never good, and I'm tired of pretending it was.
>STR is broken
>in fucking SMTIV
ask me how I know you didn't play the game
It quite literally is broken. It does not work.
>check out my totally unique 3x3 bro
peak reddit.
>2008 is full boomer core
>2011 is getting there with some boomer core still around
>2014 is peak with melee giving off a hint of Reddit core
>2018 is showing clear symptoms of Reddit core
Hate to see what this list would look like today.
you know what else doesn't work
every non MG/STR stat in Nocturne
Remove morrowind and the list is good
>V at the bottom
Nigger what the fuck? How much of a brain dead nigger do you need to be to put it that low
Lies, I've never heard anyone talk about muv-luv here.
Good list for the most part. Lacks a few classics like
>Monster Girl Quest
>Black Souls
>Sengoku Rance
>Max Payne
>Prince of Persia: SoT
>Ace Combat
>Metal Gear Rising
VIT works, what are you talking about? No one cares about the other 2, they're not relevant for builds and never were. IV is a shit SMT game.
>reddit hand
>all that Nintendo shit back in 2008
hopefully they grew up
The Iphone let normalfags on to the internet and everything came crumbling down
By this logic no persona game post 2 is video games
Literally talked about it two days ago in a Umineko bait thread.
Umineko and Muv-Luv are literally just books, they do not have gameplay.
>The second Dark Souls gets on there the list starts turning to shit
Ray Romano is just as much a videogame as Xenogears and Persona 2 are
How is that any different from shitscape?
Torment interrupts you and makes you engage in it's terrible combat a lot
You can at any moment hit anyone you don't like with a club. Muv-Luv would be far more interesting if that was the case
we grew up
and grew bitter
jaded when we saw the companies we admired fail us
the trust is damaged
it cannot be mended
Yea Forums is dead, and we killed it
Tranny pedo
>E3 2013.
Sony "won" and shitposters came to stay.
>Gamergate 2014
The most attention Yea Forums had ever had brought a large influx of new users.
Said new users refused to lurk and immediately picked up on the pro Sony shitposting towards other platforms
>The Fappening also 2014
Before we could even wipe the taste of gamergate from our mouths hundreds of nude celebrity photos were leaked here due to apple's shoddy icloud security.
There was another influx of new users and history repeated itself.
By this point Yea Forums had been changed and was irreparable. Then the 2016 elections had happened.
Redpill me on e3 2013
Nintendo sucked
Microsoft double sucked
Sony half sucked
Sony also did this in response to MS' game sharing bullshit
And that's how the Pegasus cult was formed.
>Nier Automata above DMC and Bayo
coomers ruined everything