How could I possibly resist the urge to use the Mohgwyn palace bird farm right after killing godrick?

How could I possibly resist the urge to use the Mohgwyn palace bird farm right after killing godrick?
It's literally free money

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Kill Varre.

just explore the world dude, I never felt the need to farm in elden ring

just use cheat engine and give yourself 100 heros rune lol

Do you find fun in ruining your gameplay experience by cheating level ups? I don't.

I went from level 50 to 600ish and the game is way more fun now.

Only gatekeeping retards will say shit man. Do it. Its your game, dont like other people dictate your fun
If its in the game, its intentional and a mechanic of the game

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By not googling everything about the game before you start playing it.
You may as well just watch all the cinematics on youtube.

i dont know what to think now

to be fair i didnt know about it on my first playthrough, this is additional playthrough shit which i guess makes this question even more pointless

I didn't do this on my first playthrough but im having to do multiple for the different ending and achievement type stuff so this is really nice to have as an option.

What’s the exploit? I’m curious

You can level that high because of NG+ cycles, they game clearly isn't balanced for you to be level fucking 700 in a new game. Get fucking real retard.

the fact that you even know what you're talking about is embarassing

If you like multiplayer you royally fucked yourself, if you're strictly single player who cares.

Honestly if people are going to use shit like this they may as well just cheat. It's fucking stupid to spend hours exploiting a bad game design decisions when you could just modify your souls to 60m in less than a minute.

How did you do it? If you're on PC and using CheatEngine etc then it's self explanatory.

There isn't an exploit. There's a farming spot in Mohg's area with a bunch of the Albinaurics and a bird right on a hill. Certain weapons can clear them in a few moments

That's basically just turning God mode on and saying fuck you to any challenge, but if it's your 3rd playthrough then do whatever.

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Rush to church of blood in the swamp, do varre quest, go to mohgs temple and kill either the bird near the back grace or the frog people.

Easy million souls per 5 minutes.

Dont let these gatekeepinf, unfun morons ruin your game. Go farm dude. Games are meant to be fun not boring and stressful.

huh? no its not, its common knowledge dumbass

>bird farm
when you could literally jump in the void fro 1140k runes per jump

Are you a retard user?

DO it grinding levels is stupid and a waste of time. Go where you want to acquire gears. I hate grinding so farming is nice. When you start a new pvp character it helps to quickl get to 125-150 for the pvp spot.

Yeah it's totally not boring to artificially reach max level and trivialize the entire game.

Okay cool. Already nearly done with my first playthrough but this does sound like a huge relief for the second. Sometimes just want to get straight to it and not kill 20-40 hours just making the build. Thanks bros

you either kill the bird and reset. or do the jumping in the void until you get runes and reset back to grace. Both are easy and fast, and if they were not intended they would already have been patched out.

Some people like being OP by the end of the game.
The only reason I ever limit my level is if I want a character for PVP

you should kill yourself

I am farming the stuck dragon just get to the grace before he dies and he respaawns. make sure you deal the final blow on horseback

Youre activly playing the game in order to reach the exploited area, if devs didnt want it, they can patch it, cuckold

Elden Ring is one of the easiest games in the series

my problem was actually solved in the fpbp, i will kill fuckface varre every time from now on

>Elden Ring is one of the easiest games in the series
I'd say it's harder only if you approach it the same way as you might the other entries in the series.
It becomes the easiest when you realise how much insanely powerful shit is available for the player to exploit

elden ring has no gameplay experience
I just did the fire giant boss and of course he has to be 6 gorillion feet tall so that the lock on is useless and the camera can be as annoying as possible
Same shit with the big dragon enemy in farum azula right after, that's when I ragequit
everything about the gameplay is designed to be as annoying as possible, it's peak artificial difficulty

This, I have ppl drop stacks of lord runes for me and I can level up atleast by 10 levels on stack alone. Fuck playing this shit properly.

My friend is lv 320 and he's still in his 1st playthrough, but mind you he didn't use cheat engine. He just farmed the roadside grace for 3 fucking days.

To a certain point. I can see why people would cheat to get to lv 100 or whatever, but if you're trying to reach 500 or 600 in one playthrough then something is wrong with you because it isnt even about difficulty anymore

>farming runes
why would you ever farm? i didnt farm once and was still mildly overleveled for most parts of the game

very cringe my dudes

>Noo stop farming in a game that is designed to be a boring grind

touch grace

Just explore? or do you want to get overpowered and 1 hit normal mobs while doing so? in that case go ahead user

I only do this for pvp centric characters I'm building

Self control?


Eh, just let them. These are the same people that quit after dying to the Firelink skeletons in Dark Souls 1.

>Reminder that LTG went from level 9 to over 200 in a single night and tried to play it off as "grinding"

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Saw a guy complain about Rennala being too easy while he was at lvl 130ish because he went straight to farming the bird as soon as he could
These are the people claiming that you didn't beat the game if you used X thing lmao

I mean you could have just booted up cheat engine and saved yourself a lot of time instead of doing this

i always kill the dragon for the 100k souls and then rush mogh palace and easily get to lvl 100+ in 1hr tops

But you cannot get to Mohgwyn palace until you kill commander neil for talisman and before that you need to kill morgot?? so you've already beaten at least 3/4 of the game at that point.

you can reach mogh palace within 10 mins, its white mask fag quest.

>you cannot get to Mohgwyn palace until
the thing is, you can

>kill the bird/Albinaurics
How would this give that many runes? They give like 3000 with each kill

If the game didn't want itself to be trivialized then it would have had a level cap. Plenty of other games do shit like that. Hell, level caps aren't even something that's limited to games where the character you make has a set stat growth. Games like Diablo or Ragnarok Online have level caps and they all predate any souls game by a large number of years.

It just got patched out

Wait what?

You guys know there is a save editor.... right?

this, I have no idea why people waste their time farming

it feels real. like your collecting souls from your slain enemies.
save editing is too easy

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Who cares, videogames are toys. Imagine caring that someome is "cheating" Lego or Barbie doll

can you un frenzy yourself and keep her alive after this scene? is that a thing?

yeah but theres no extra cutscene
I guess she seethes for staying alive

bravo germ & miyazaki

You beat the game