What is their best game, and what is their worst game?
It’s a very simple question. All you have to do is answer correctly
Other urls found in this thread:
Best: Elden Ring
Worst: Dark Souls 2
Watch contrarians seethe, cope and dilate below.
best: armored core master of arena
worst: bloodborne
>Best: KingsField
>Worst: EldenShart
amirite fellow epic gamers?
Ninja Blade, probably.
Best: Bloodborne
Worst: DS3
best: Bloodborne
worst: Probably some old janky game I haven't played. I'll say DS2 if you are specifically talking souls.
I also enjoyed Ku-on.
Best game:
Armored Core for Answer
Worst game:
Dark Souls 2
>What is their best game?
My favourite
>What is their worst game?
Your favourite
King's Field 4 is their best.
Echo Night is their worst.
Best: Dark Souls 2
Worst: Bloodborne
You can't refute this objective truth. If you do you are just seething, coping and perhaps even a dilating tranny.ppx8r
Demon Souls and Ninja Blade respectively
best = DS2
worst = Elden Ring
Best: Sekiro
Worst: Elden Ring
Best: The Adventures of Cookie & Cream
Worst: King's Field and all subsequent clones (Demon's Souls)
Tastelets need not reply
i'm curious how you can think DS3 is worse than DS2. I just replayed through the series again after Elden Ring and DS2 is so much worse than I remember.
No you didn't. You can't name a single flaw you think is bad about 2 that isn't present in 1.
the main, standout thing that was really annoying me was the mob density for the zones. I was playing SOTFS this time since I didn't play it before and it's clear they added some enemies. Certain encounters are like 6v1 in a small hallway, especially in the DLCs, and even stops you via levers in Brume's tower. But the big thing is lack of stagger for both the player AND most enemies. I was using a rapier though to be fair, but the amount of hit trading is unreal. Every enemies attacks are lightning fast but because of always fighting huge groups, it's difficult (or at least extremely tedious) to just space out all of them until you get a real opening. Thank god for life gems though as I can just spam those all day to deal with the hit trading.
Also just the complete lack of hit-stop and "oomph" to the hits, everything is so goddamn smooth, but in a bad way.
Sekiro by a cosmic scacle. the game is flawless and a real masterpiece
Reddit Ring: Turd In The Wild Edition
Best: Elden Ring
Worst: King's Field 4 or Ninja Blade probably
what if we like the same game?
Best - Elden Ring
Worst - Cuckborne
Best: Metal Wolf Chaos
Worst: Metal Wolf Chaos
I'm going to keep it souls related because nobody cares about armored core or PS1 games any more.
Best: Sekiro
Worst: Dark Souls 3
Armored Core Verdict Day
Ninja Blade.
Anyone who doesn't answer ninja Blade is retarded
Thanks for outing yourself as a secondary who never played any of these games. None of the games have any hit stops whatsoever. You're more able to stagger enemies and be staggered in 2 than you are in 1. And the enemies are not dense at all compared to 3 and Elden Ring. Your complaints make literally 0 sense to anyone who has actually played this series.
Best: Dark Souls 3
Worst: Ninja Blade
Demon’s Souls
Ninja Blade or the Steel Battalion kinect game I guess
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Elden Ring looks pretty good but not played it yet.
Worst has yo be Bloodborne.
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days never having played a Souls game before.
Pic related.
Best: Sekiro
Worst: Dark Souls 2
i only tried bloodbourne and dropped it after about an hour, so to me its their best and worst game. no interest in playing other entries because of it.
Did you reverse them by accident? 2 is objectively better than 1 in every possible way.
>Best: Sekiro
>Worst: DS3
>Favorite: DS1
Shut the fuck up you tranny nigger kike faggot
Putting two questions in on sentence doesn't make it one question
Best: Elden Ring
Worst: Evergrace
I've played every single game including DeS back in high school with my friends. It's very clear DS2 is the black sheep in terms of things like hit stop or hit stun. You can actually see this in Elden Ring if you attack a corpse that is dying, you can see the brief pause on every attack. This is totally absent in DS2.
The amount of enemies in terms of number is vastly higher in groups, but the part that makes it bad is the areas they will make you fight them in. Elden Ring is extremely open so this makes it a lot easier to fight groups. Also shitter mobs stagger very easily. In DS2, even if you hit a fucking Royal Swordsmen in Lost Bastille for like 550+ damage and a counter hit, they just don't give a fuck, they swing right through it. And then they put encounters where you have to fight like 6 of them. Right before Ruin Sentinels and also right outside of the Drangleic door. Also think of both rooms right after you use the branch of the Pyromancy girl, before Shaded Woods. It literally locks you in there with 6 mobs + basilisk blocks you from moving on the other side.
Funny that you call ME the person pretending
I saw that video too
Best: Armored Core Last Raven
Worst: Armored Core Last Raven (PSP)
>no argument
proved him right.
Best: Armored Core 2 + Armored Core 2: Another Age
Worst: Zanzibart's Fart and Shart
Out of the souls games this is correct. But the real answer is
Armored Core Last Raven
I suppose I haven't played Bloodborne or Demon's Souls so I can't say properly but from what I've played
Best Overall: Elden Ring
Best Combat: Sekiro
Best Bosses: Dark Souls 3 (but it has really good DLC so we have to wait for Elden Ring DLC)
he's right, you are pretending. you have no idea what you're talking about. you just watch youtube videos and you never played 1 or 2. 2 feels better to play than either 1 or 3.
I don’t argue with mentally ill faggots parroting the same dumb ass arguments they’ve been spouting for 8 years
Forgot to do worst, worst is something that isn't a soulsbournekiro game.
And yet, despite all that, DS3 was still such an absolute piece of shit that it beats out DS2 in the "bad" department
Elden Ring or Bloodborne
Anything before demon souls
2 is objectively worse at everything any other opinion is delusional. From the offset the development was a disaster and in the end Tanimura managed to somewhat get it into a presentable shape, but it's still a hack job.
Engine is shit.
Combat is janky.
Level design doesn't make sense.
All the magic present in DS1 is gone. DS3 at least went into a different direction with faster paced but tight feeling combat.
I accept your concession. 2 is better than 1, it's official.
I'm just curious why you think that. I'm just asking you to reasonably lay out your thoughts. I have reasons at least but you guys have nothing. Other than complete projection. Also here's a screenshot of the hallway before Ruin Sentinels on scholar just to show you what i'm talking about. I recorded a lot of the bullshit that scholar seemed to change up
Despite all of the 0 points he raised? These mentally retarded subhuman youtube watchers can never raise a single actual criticism of the game. It's not that it's a game without flaws, but its flaws are no more severe than every other game in the series and you'd have to actually play video games to name one. But this is Yea Forums and nobody here actually plays games they just parrot shit they heard on rebbit.
Best: Demon Souls
Worst: Dark Souls 2
I don't consider Sekiro souls
ds2 or all that other shovelware they did before any souls game
In case you didn't get the memo you shouldn't argue with DaS2fags, most of them are shitposters and the rest are dishonest faggots.
SOFTS enemy spam is IMO the clear low point of the series, bar none. It’s like they didn’t properly think about how encounters play in practice given the areas they are placed in, and the sheer amount of annoying gotcha placements just feels like a parody of what Souls design is.
You have no reasons. Are you baiting or something? You said nothing of substance whatsoever in your post. It was literally several lies about non existent hitstop that IS NOT in 1 2 3 or Demons or Sekiro or Elden Ring and vague claims about "gamefeel". You can't actually think that slop you wrote was an actual argument. Also lmao, your pic is absolute proof that you're a moron. Imagine actually having trouble with weak enemies when the game gives you a perfect chokepoint.
kingsfield (2jp)
eh out of the ones I've played I'd say enchanted arms
youre baiting but fuck it
Hitstop is present in allbut DS2 you retard lol
Dark Souls
Dark Souls
I only played Dark Souls.
best: Demon's Souls / Dark Souls (tie)
worst: Dark Souls 2
you were asked to give a reason first and you failed to do so. the fact of the matter is that 2 has no flaws that aren't also in 1, and 2 fixes a significant number of flaws that 1 had. the game having enemies is not a flaw. the game being smooth is not a flaw. the game not holding your hand is not a flaw. if you played 1 you should be able to easily play 2 without seething and getting mad at the game when you die to three whole enemies in the same room. i legit don't get morons like you, how can you pretend to have an argument when you have none? your entire list of complaints is "the enemies didn't take turns fighting me :("
No it isn't. You're the one baiting here. Play Dragon's Dogma. That game has hitstops.
terrible taste and probably somebody that RPs in the /trash/ tier "bnuuy" threads
none of them have it. don't cry bait when you're baiting, it's weak.
This one doesn't show the 3 Alonne Knights + the mega health jacked up Invader that comes in before them, so I didn't run past anything to get this screenshot. You're telling me you fight this many dudes like in a room in Elden Ring? Regularly? And that they literally don't stagger on any hits from any weapon I used, even if it almost one shot them. I'm saying that this is my main criticism that the other games just don't have. I don't have to funnel 10 mobs with almost infinite poise (unless you use only ONE specific weapon type) so that I can slowly kite and whittle them all down
that's the whole point though, with the choke or not, all enemies just attack right through your attacks. Especially those guys. Truly, there's almost no good place as a choke point anyway because it's extremely unlikely you have the stamina to handle this where you can kill some and NOT have a bunch pour out afterwards.
Let's not even talk about how in Brume tower there's mobs that literally aren't attackable or rise from the dead until you pass by them, literal forced sandwiching
Jesus I guess not huh
Maybe it's scholar that is making this so much worse than I remember.
Armored Core Silent Line is the best
LR has meme difficulty and like 5 viable weapons, no build diversity, disappointing OST, dull colors.
People pretend to like LR because it's "le hardcore game"
best sekiro
works redditborne
No they don't. All of the enemies get stopped when you hit them. There's even a ring to let you increase your poise damage, which is something their other games sorely lack. You seriously did not play this game.
Whoever took that screenshot did it to themselves. They did run past stuff to get aggro. It clearly wasn't you since you didn't play this game, but I did and I know for a fact you NEVER have to fight more than one Alonne knight at a time.
I've played every Souls game at least 6 times through, including 2 and including SotFS, and that situation does not happen in Iron Keep. If you have that many knights on you, you fucked up large and you can only blame yourself. The game never asks you to fight more than one or two.
just because it's not MH greatsword overhead slash tier doesn't mean it's not present you disingenuous idiot
It's not present in any Souls game. The only lying faggot here is you.
>2 has no flaws that aren't also in 1
bad hitboxes
Soul Memory
no poise
instead of leveling at a bonfire have to warp and bear seek seek lest
electric ponies
areas designed that you either have to have 2 people to get some items them or else farm the enemies till they stop spawning
poise and ADP are the only things that are related to the combat though, and personally once AGI is 110 DS2 movement feels quite a bit better, which leaves lack of a poise system being the only real unfixable combat problem
it's not present because it's literally not there. souls games don't have it. but even if they all did and one game didn't, that wouldn't be an actual valid criticism of the game. there's nothing inherently good about hitstop.
Estoc heavy attack, light attack, Falchion heavy or light, power stance attacks, none of them stagger those guys. If you hit TWO strong attacks, you sometimes do, if it's a counter hit. I used the Syan Halberd later which has I think 35 poise damage and that did stagger most of the time, but it seems to have a sweet spot where it only does half damage and that won't. I'm just making this point for this specific spot because it's so early in the game
ok now I know YOU didn't play the game, especially not scholar, that room alone has 4, if you walk too close to the door out to the fire pit you'll aggro another one and there's also a bowman outside on the bridge that you need to lower. There's like 16+ Alonne Knights between this small chunk and the part outside.
Ok i've played through overall more than you have and in the original game I remember you can do that, just not here in SOTFS. Scholar I feel like at minimum doubles the enemies in this place
besides making the combat feel infinitely better, i mean hitstop is demonstrably, objectively there in all the games except 2. I don't know how you can argue against it other than delusion.
this is the most recent thing I can find that demonstrates it perfectly
fake opinion
1 has worse hitboxes
Soul Memory is not a problem.
Poise in 1 is for turboshitters who don't know how to play these games, Poise was at its best balance of useful and fair in 2
Not a criticism, doesn't matter where you level
Not a criticism, there's literally nothing wrong with those horse enemies.
Not even remotely true, there are zero areas in the game that aren't designed for solo play and the game gives you enough ways to infinitely respawn enemies if you want to farm.
Honestly I don't see how anyone can defend the poise in 1. It was so utterly broken that the game wasn't fun with it the way it was. In 2 you still get the benefits of poise but you can be overtaken if you're cocky. It's the perfect compromise.
>pretending to be a different person
Best was bloodborne worst is pretty clearly DS2.
>bad hitboxes
Existed in 1, and most of the ones people complain about, or at least post videos/webms about are tied to not leveling ADP.
>Soul Memory
If nothing else it got rid of twinks almost entirely, and it's not hard to manage if you have 10 braincells or more.
>no poise
Objectively wrong. It's just not active while you're standing still doing nothing.
>instead of leveling at a bonfire have to warp and bear seek seek lest
This is a preference not an issue.
>electric ponies
>areas designed that you either have to have 2 people to get some items them or else farm the enemies till they stop spawning
>oh no I have to put 10-15 points into a stat to roll well if I don't want to git gud and learn the timings better nooooooooooooo
You didn't play the game. Each knight has their own aggro range tripwire and you never have to trigger more than one. Literally just take your time and don't run around like a spaz you fucking retard.
The Adventures of Cookie and Cream
Dark Souls 3
>counter with wrong information
>continue to project
this is just pathetic now. I see what they mean about DS2fags.
Out of what I've played ER is probably the best, and DaS3 is the worst. But I also haven't played any of their pre-DaS1 games so I'm probably not the best judge.
All of these games have bad hitboxes. Poise was always bad and you should feel bad for wanting it back. The rest of your shit aren't even real complaints, it's the most pedantic whining possible that says nothing about the game itself. Why is every "dark souls 2 is duh black sheep" moron like you? You all have the same non existent non valid complaints and you never acknowledge that ALL OF FROM'S ACTION ROLEPLAYING GAMES ARE SLOPPY UNFINISHED MESSES WITH BAD COMBAT. Sekiro is their only game that actually feels good on its own merits as an action game. Their other games are primarily good for their exploration, which DaS2 has plenty of. It's not a black sheep. It's just as good and just as shitty as every other Souls game.