Yea Forums will defend this

>Yea Forums will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

starcraft sucks and only got as big as it did competitively because korea is retarded

damn it looks so CRISP!

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Cmon man, this is just a reused joke from the WC3 thread earlier. Same picture and all. Don't be lazy. Come up with your own ideas.

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This is a campaign mission. Your objective is to literally defend the outpost until evac arrives.

>zoomer retard yapping about shit he doesnt know
lmao kill yourself

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the game was huge in the west.
>thing in korea was only popular in korea because it was popular in korea

yes that is the joke

and that was juse a reused joke from the dota threads, newfag

then why the fuck are we still having this thread? does Yea Forums have anything else to talk about other than elden ring, transexuals, and dragging the corpses of ancient, dead jokes around?

Back to the cowadutty queue, user.
>hold w
>hold w
>kills someone

*muta rushes you*
nothing personel kiddo

What would you like to talk about?

*steals your gas*

Attached: everything is trash and shit and i hate it.webm (354x410, 2.89M)

>muta rush
mutas don't end the game at pro level
they just widdle down the enemy and keep him from fucking your shit while you expand

Based and truthpilled.
Fuck Blizzard.

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you've never played an RTS in your life

Wrong kiddo.

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I've been playing RTS'es for 22 years fuccboi.

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>not destroying the zerg via mass marine + vulture, with plenty of time to spare
It's funny in retrospect how easy it is to demolish that level, I remember it feeling almost impossible as a kiddo.

I don't get it.

Artosis will continue bitching about Protoss even after Light fisted Rain in the ASL finals. There is literally no pleasing that whiny cunt.


Yeah that was hilarious to watch terran steamroll a protoss.
In all reality terran is probably the strongest due to infinite vision and one of the best units in the game by far.

Defend what?

If played perfectly Zerg is generally considered unstoppable. The 12 unit control cap is what keeps Zerg in check. In human terms Terran probably comes out on top yeah. Siege Tanks really are stupid. Once they hit +2 damage there's not much you can really do against a large number. Turrets should NOT be 75 minerals.

the fucking mineral patch you fucking retard goddamnit stupid piece of shit

Attached: DoYouHaveTheright.png (600x449, 313.02K)

The firebat. And you can fix up my bike too while you're at it.

>the mineral patch

Based. Friendly reminder that Blizzard are a cheap imitation of Westwood, RTS are a singleplayer genre and south koreans are not people.

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-Defend the terran base for 30 minutes
-Jim Raynor must survive

Terran have the highest ceiling I think because their max army is both really powerful and siege tanks can smash a lot of units while taking negligible damage if screened properly. Having the best ranged units at most points in the game is a huge boon to capitalize on if you're one of the best like Flash. If you're mortal though I can see why it's frustrating.

Zerg has the highest ceiling because their army is by FAR the hardest to control optimally. You straight up can't do it. You can fit 6 supply of Zerglings in a control group. Then there's Defilers randomly all over the place. Terran is probably the easiest race to be good with because you're the hardest race to rush, and Siege Tanks are an autopilot victory.

But you can destroy the enemy base instead and just coast.

wut. Light just outclassed Rain in every single regard in that final, that game 2 ir 3 was absolutely pathetic. I was shocked, it was like Rain switched brains with choking Shuttle for the finals. Either way, thats the only thing this final has proven

reminder that sakura miko's thumb ISN'T real
It CANNOT hurt you

Yeah I mean in terms of peak human ability. Flash would probably be pretty close to his terran winrate if he was zerg from the start but maybe he would take a hit in the mirror matchup. Terran have features that make him more dominant than he would be otherwise though imo.


God I wish this were me

Attached: artosis9.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

PvT is just a bad matchup for Protoss right now. Why do you think Mini just rushed Light over and over in the Ro16? Pretty funny how the first pick in the Ro16 ended up winning the tournament though. Usually the first pick is the worst player. I really wanna see the PvT winrate this tournament because I feel like it was super low, and half of the wins were probably gas steals on Eclipse.

this was one of my fav missions when I was a kid and sucked at SC

Protoss is broken and overpowered
The only reason they don't have consistent results in SC1 or SC2 is because only brainless retards play Protoss

Go to bed Dan.

I gotta try this out

I woke up early.

Attached: artosis.png (360x376, 302.47K)

I was once mid ranked plat in sc2 in the WoL days. Yeah, you can line up for autographs.

End your worthless life now you stupid fucking faggot.

I'm guessing most of us itt are in our 30s
>25 IPs
there's a fair chance at least one of us will die before he turns 40. Statistics say so. Us men are more likely to die in our 30s and then we're good until out 70s. Out of my school class (40 people), two are already dead (afaik, maybe more). I'm 35.

Someone put it really well not long ago. Protoss matchups are all drastically different, so it's hard for anyone to be consistent.

I was mid Diamond before Master came out.

fuck off Casually Explained niqqa

car games

I was Diamond tier-2 in 2020 and 2021

Only midwits take statistics and attempt to predict the future with them. Like, for real

>Dude the road is literally empty

StarCraft is THE original eSport. No video game was ever taken seriously as a tournament game until this happened. The closest you'd get would be local comic conventions having small tournaments, even EVO wasn't in the public mind because it catered to the basic genre of fighting games and mostly ones people have never played.
StarCraft was big because it was global, everyone heard of it and played it, and the Koreans took it to a whole different dimension with tournament play. Matches broadcast across the entire internet with prize pools in the tens and even hundreds of thousands.
There will never be a game or scene like it ever again, nor will we ever get another commentator as great as Tasteless in any other game.

Fuck off back to /smg/ rocker

I was Yea Forums's best player back in 2010-2011, that rough era. It's not saying much really when you had shitters like MrSnibbles who literally played all day but couldn't get out of bronze league.


are you obese?
are you poor?
are you lonely?
if you answered yes to at least 2 of these you have a much higher chance to never turn 40. Not much you can do other than eating right and working out.


ez game ez life

Watching Haypro's MLG run with Yea Forums while Kennigit showed him the thread was the best /scv/ experience I had
Well that and Nony's Yea Forums shoutout

Anyone remember Deezer?


I was here in the threads for Haypro's MLG run. One of the best moments I've had on this shithole.

I swear to fucking god Blizzard is about to have a renaissance or some shit, all this starcraft and WoW talk out of absolute nowhere is insane, starcraft 2 coop is peak comfy and I've been enjoying it lately. Some shit is about to happen man, I'd be buying the fuck out of Blizz stock if I could.


Just about caught up with ASL.
What tournament series should I watch next?

I was wood league for over three years

Did anyone play the N64 version? Was it even possible?

Attached: starcraft64.jpg (560x378, 43.03K)

Shut up and die.

I miss it when RTS games got console ports. Playing Red Alert on my PS1 was comfy as fuck.