Sony is Acquiring Fromsoftware

PCBros... Xboxbros.. it's over.. we lost..

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Incoming cope and seethe pcfags, tendies and microshits

>Elden Ring song more on PC than PS4 and 5 combined
>implying any company with sense would take short term gains for long term loss


Fake and gay, just like OP

That shit was announced months ago. It's a three way deal (those two and cygames, I think) to develop anime shit. It has nothing to do with fromsoft.

>Souls netflix adaption

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modern sony would still release a pc version

It's weird how much effort people put into these fakes for no reason other than autism.

>Retards think it's about FromSoft

This is about Kadokawa's anime IPs

>>Elden Ring song more on PC than PS4 and 5 combined
*only in Europe

>>implying any company with sense would take short term gains for long term loss
It's literally a flaw of the human condition that a group of people running a business will always choose the short term profit over the long term.

How's Demon's Souls remake on pc, cuck?

FROM has not made anything that from this point forward non-Snoy fans should care about. Why do you want to play the same shit over and over again anyway? Do you think this studio will see new plateaus after Elden Ring?

>Elden Ring song more on PC than PS4 and 5 combined
why do you lie?

Emulator works fine, demon souls is still the worst

>>implying any company with sense would take short term gains for long term loss
Literally all companies do this. Sony is as well with their pc ports, making a little extra cash right now from pcfags only to fuck over their brand into irrelevance in the future

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Its literally coming, it was on the nvidia leak list that has been proven right time after time.

Returnal is also getting a pc version

This will not age well lmao

you best be joking nigger

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So we'll be seeing Mario on pc and Sega will work out their issues with that talent agency and put Judgment on pc as well? Oh, how about Bayonetta on pc? Get real.

>implying any company with sense would take short term gains for long term loss
Publicly traded companies are essentially forced to do this by law. The stock market needs to be outlawed in it's entirety.

Pirate as fast as you fucking niggers can.
Before they censor the shit out of it.

If sony did acquire kadokawa, would that really affect from soft games or are there too many degrees of separation there? Like I didn't know they were connected in any way, it just seems like bamco call the shots.

This is what sucks about sony acquiring shit, with MS at least you know whatever they acquired is still coming out on other platforms but with sony, nah.

Tencent is acquiring from before Sony can. Sonybros.... we... lost... again!!!!!!

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Nintendo uses a NVIDIA chip so that could probably just be for Nintendo.

Sony is responsible for at least one anime you like. Not Sony Interactive Entertainment, but Sony Music Japan. The money still goes to the same people.

the reason nintendo games were on the list is because the switch uses nvidia hardware and yes it means a pc version of judgement exists and is ready to go were it not for the retarded talent agency.

dude let em pretend, makes the next souls releases dismal reception that much sweeter. props to their janky shit game for selling so well this time.

>mods deleted the other thread
Some sonyfag mod clearly had his feefees hurt.

Will From finally start making good games then?

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Cool, they'll probably use Nixxes for the PC ports

Shitposts aren't videogames

yeah me. I own shares in sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. While you game I earn.Remember that.

Most retards here genuinely believe Sony is in California so don't bother trying to explain the nuances of corporate divisions to them


>Sony is responsible for at least one anime you like
No, they don't have any manga publishers.

pc fats will get the scraps two years later and be thankful for them lol

>bad photo from a screen
It MUST be true!

The image is real, but it's over a year old and is about an initiative for their anime divisions. But shh console war fags need this because there is nothing else to cry about

"Content Strength"

uhh yeah who's got the content baby? Who's got it?

Maybe if Sony had some games coming out they would shut up for a few days.

>TFW game dev and only thing I know of Kadokawa is RPG Maker.
What’s the general consensus of Kadokawa and their impact in the game development industry?

oh look, it's this thread for the 107th time this week
for people with lives: this image is from a shareholder presentation about what Kadokowa offers in a "strategic partnership" and has nothing to do with being bought out. They're seeking investors, not buyers.

user, all future Bethesda releases are X box exclusive with PC versions trapped on the windows store.

fake and gay

Thanks God it will never be true. From Soft doesn't need to be infested with the snoy california nigger loving disease.

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>Body type A, Body type B

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I remember few months ago all rumours are about Sony acquiring SQ.
Now that Elden Ring is out and a big hit all the rumours are about Fromsoftware.

All while saying console games are "trash" lmao. pcfags are unbelievable

>user, all future Bethesda releases are X box exclusive with PC versions trapped on the windows store
>trapped on the Windows store
I wish but MS chose to cuck to Steam for whatever fucking reason. I'm really starting to think there's a conspiracy to make Steam the only platform in gaming at this point

Thats a good thing. fuck snoy and nintento

>Gabe used to work for Microsoft
Billy has been playing the long game

>Now let me port beg for their games.

This will actually break Yea Forums (fromdrone city)
Like people will actually be writing suicide notes in the catalog level meltdown
Yea Forums users suiciding via PC in bathtub type meltdown

Who's talking about Nintendo?

works 95% of the time

It's fake user.


yeah that's why your playing bloodborne or Persona 5R

95% /= 100%

Sony owns several anime studios and the rights to several valuable anime IPs. It's very likely you like an anime that was produced by a Sony owned studio

from games should've always been ps exclusive