Attached: BBCS_Ragna_5B.png (358x342, 10.18K)

do not post it

Post it.


>Platinum mesugaki memes
>Mai/Makoto masturbating/AGP
>Ragna culo


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>he thinks a Ragna OP isn’t just baiting for Ragna Culo

Attached: Really?.jpg (703x742, 61.2K)

got hit


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>Blocking it is not enough
>You have to low profile the followup too
>Special move so can threaten it from basically anywhere
>"Slow by BB standards" is still faster than most overheads in every other game
Fuck this move

do you ever. play this game and ask yourself "when is my turn to play?" after so many blockstrings and 30+ combos.

Block this one!

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no because i'm not shit and know my defensive mechanics and their moves. just play more BB or play a game where they force you back to neutral like a child in Strive or something


God I hate fighting Ragna. Why is he so popular. Why can't I meet at least 70% of the cool cast instead of the 5% that is popular?

i got bored of netplay Susanoo/Azrael players.

I rarely play these days but what I can remember of EU play was
>The cooler Hazama

Gets tiresome


oh yeah, Hazama and Terumi were everywhere too, I also saw a lot of Hakumen and Tager before i stopped playing.

Dub Ragna is great
I pretty much always like that VA's work

I look at this and I wonder how the fuck do people enjoy this game at all? It looks so annoying to deal with specially since it's an unblockable
I get it, the charm is that all characters have their unique set of skills but it's basically a single-player game where your opponent may put up a fight

For me, it was Erik Davies Hazama. He nailed that fucking laugh

I don't know the VA names but I liked the old Hazama and especially the old Bang

is there a single blazblue game where ragna even gets anything off gauntlet hades without spending meter if he lands it raw? shit knocks you away on hit even

>>Mai/Makoto masturbating/AGP

Fap/Image dump threads

Show some examples

thats with 100 meter though.

Based on what I'm seeing the player doing the combo needs 75 meter and red life to pull off a comeback combo. Doesn't seem too bad to me compared to the 20 second block strings or having to deal with characters that have unbelievably fast overheads or strong chip moves that either shred your life or your barrier.

>Less than 7K with the gorilla
Come on Assrailbro, we can do better

Attached: 1628164779398.webm (800x450, 2.9M)

>Needs to stack up both seals
>Have enemy in corner
>Have 100 meter
>Be on low life so you get max overdrive

Combo videos exist for a reason and it's not showing what you can expect to happen in an actual game

I was never sure why people missed the dub in CF after how fucked it was due to them being cheap fucks about the voice actors with CP/CS2

Even so the start is still an unblockable and I doubt 100 meter or 75 matters in a game where you get meter easily
Stacking both seals happens in this game though and Azrael has crazy corner carry

>Cheating with fatal counter

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no wonder blazblue is dead even after rollback

Because Yea Forums is filled with dubfags for BB

Used to be worse.
That combo route used to do 10K+ and legitimately ToD some characters before CF got several rebalance patches, Assrail got a big nerfstick and is a lot less dangerous than he used to be.

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i need a new controller for this game
or maybe i should actually get a stick someday
accidental jumps and other misinputs are driving me nuts

Alright then

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That whole start was meterless, what a kusoge

Should have dead angled bro

Don't forget Taokaka posting

bb is actually a pile of dogshit if you can't ib consistently

Dude it's a meterless combo starter

Attached: 1619169105339.png (1496x445, 68.66K)

Now that's what I like to see.
Keep on trucking, fellow gorilla.

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It's a singleplayer game where you don't have to think about your opponent or anything, just do your gameplan and force it as much as you can, these Azrael fags are proof of it that character is ignorant and so is everyone in this game

>trying to get into this series story
>calamity trigger has like 4 endings per character which require arbitrary shit like losing x fight y amount of times or finishing fights with supers
>there isn't even a good summary of the games available online

Fuck this.

Blazblue meme combos aren't impressive its like watching strive ramlethal combos

Unblockable situations do happen, but they're rare as fuck
On top of the weakpoints and meter, you also need the opponent not to have burst or meter to guardcancel out.
Also need to be low health for the OD route, but there's probably a decent alternative without it.
Also it's in AF, so cut the damage by 10%

The 2nd game Continuum Shift has a condensed version of CT where you don't need to bother with all that

Every time I see this braindead ape I always wonder "Why the fuck does Hakumen even exist?". This dumb faggot can do Hakumen levels of damage, yet isn't restricted by metre at all. BB is such a garbage fighting, holy fuck.

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Azrael in general is boring as shit to watch because the only guy posting combo webms is an Azrael player.
Well, and Valiant loops are a dime a dozen

Every single post you quoted has meter usage, and Azrael has nubs for normals

Hakumen does more damage than Azrael, always did, they used to be somewhat even in earlier versions of the game but Hakumen is still on top as of the latest version and by quite a significant amount, his setplays are much more fraudulent too.
Nothing as bad as Jin though, Hakumen players actually have to think and use their buttons well enough.

You don't play Blazblue because it has balance. You play Blazblue so your chosen character can run their own set of degeneracy before the opponent gets to run their own.
This is a game about gimmicks, and some gimmicks are way more applicable than others.

Azrael can do combos that do a good bit of damage without any metre. Hakumen is literally a strike/throw character until he at least 3 bars. This isn't even mentioning Hakumen's awful normals, lack of wakeup options and shitty backdash.

That's a match practical DP punish though
Works anywhere on the screen too if you switch the order of 5Cs and 6C
Azrael's toolkit is a blessing & a curse.
He struggles a lot in neutral. No gatlings means that he's whiffing a lot of shit since that's the timing for the confirm.
The teleport dash is great for TK mixups, but adjusting space is hard + slow movement speed also means he basically can't run a strike/throw game.
He needs weakpoints for big damage which means he's using 1 of his hits to set up a bigger hit etc. He really struggles getting that hit and even when he does he just gets bursted etc.
Also his pressure is full of holes so he's very weak to DPs. The tradeoff is if your DP gets baited that happens He's still very good & thrives in scrambles when he can create them. Not to mention unreactable mix with good payout on top of good overheads.

Game sucks as a fighting game

Only if applies two weakspots, meanwhile Hakumen gets meter by doing nothing and a counter drive that makes Baiken look honest.
>This isn't even mentioning Hakumen's awful normals
Bro what are you talking about, Hakumen has disgusting fucking buttons like hist 6B or 4C, Azrael's normals are all mediocre to bad with 5C being his only unequivocally good normal

to the people saying blazblue is a bad fighter, what's a good fighting game then?

No, because I play +R instead

I think GG is better than BB in the sense that GG has a system that everyone has to follow while BB every character has their own system aside from the game one
Having unblockables as a reward for pressing drive seems dumb and I know even Azrael isn't that good compared to the other more degenerate characters but it's a good example of what I don't like in BB


>Stopped that with Susanoo's super.
>Punched him in his stupid unga bunga face and then unloaded on him.
Felt cool

>Susanoo player calling others unga bunga

UNICLR and MBAACC are better anime games
ArcSys is kinda trash

my favorite fighting game

>requires both marks & 100 meter & full burst

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>both marks
>hard to get

>Susan player pretending he's not a gorilla
I enjoy chimping out with you guys but this is sad. return to monke with us

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>Hit with unblockable
>AH got em ggs
Case in point fag getting both marks isn't hard

Blazblue is fun but the retardedly long combos and cancer OD mechanic kills it for me.

That doesn't excuse the awful balance. If you like big damage, why would you ever play Hakumen over Azrael, who is simply just a better character? Not to mention that some characters gimmicks are so 1 dimensional that I'd hesitate to even call them gimmicks.
>Wow, Ragna gets HP back from his drive attacks
>Wow, Hakumen has shitty little counter that does no damage unless you follow it up with metre, counter can also miss or be blocked
>Wow, Mai has a homing spear throw
>Wow Tsubaki can build metre to increase the damage of some of her specials
>Wow, Jin can freeze, which is just a fancy looking hit stun
>Wow, Naoto can, uhhh, punch things
Hakumen's counter super can easily be baited with a projectile.
Does literally nothing unless it's a counter hit or you use waste 4 bars cancelling into super for like 2.6k dmg or RC it, in which case you'll need even more metre to actually make the RC worthwile
A ton of characters can literally run right under it or IAD over it and it doesn't cancel into a single fucking thing. Hakumen's normals are dog shit my friend.

amateur shit

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The Susanoo could have counter assaulted out of it

>>AH got em ggs
You can say that again goddamn

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>Free high/low
>9 second 25 meter combo
People play this?

God bless Azrael and his kick combos.
Watching him go coast to coast off one is unironically one of the coolest things in all of fighting games.

Why would you enter a Blazblue thread and be angry at seeing Blazblue?

I play it for the lore

You can guard cancel to get out of the unblockable.
So either have Burst to GC OD or 50 meter to counter assault
If you have neither then shake my hand.

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