Post Cards that NEED animations
Master Duel
Post cards that no one seems to play but really should.
>left has a summoning animation
>right doesn't
that's like saying the wannabe is better and/or more played than the real deal
All the RDA extradecks that arent the OG, I pulled a Red Riser Dragon royal today aswell. This deck is so fun it deserves more cut in.
It's shit
>i just randomlly summoned my entire hand getting over 3 negates this tri brinigger set up including revolt
i think im getting adict to the gamble of discarding the right card
Is the bls archetype playable? Is it fun? I really love this nigga.
Alright bros, I haven't done the event yet and need some help
What's the least original, cheapest, faggot deck I can make to get free wins?
Today I learned you can use your opponent's chicken game too. Now I understand it's name.
True draco floodgates
>several and I mean SEVERAL games later finally get the shitty title
I feel empty inside for going out of my way for this
And what is PK's endgame without bongo?
The only BLS Architype there is, is Super Soldier so no but any chaos decks and thunder dragons use him on the regular. If you like him you can use the link version which has advantages over the beginning but isnt quite as good desu.
>stunfag plays necrovalley
>then heretic
>equips moon shield to heretic
>attacks my 4k battle butler
that's not how it works retard, your deck is useless if you go second
i dont see how anyone considered human can play prank kids and boast about it
What needs to happen is that the other win conditions deserve to have an animation.
Also only Dark Hole and Monster Reborn have animations as spell cards, you'd think Raigeki or Duster would have these options as well.
Besides Danger! what other decks can summon draglubion into n100 dragon, i really like that big damage
what deck were you using?
btw, MD tourneys themselves are a joke.
iirc you can switch your entire deck as "sideboard" to another deck.
Best princess and her grandpa.
F.A. winner getting an animation would be amazing
help please, any deck that can finish the damage and destruction quests fast ?
Timelord burn.
This shithow user
thread theme
speaking about gravekeepers
they're getting new cards
shame they won't be in the game in at least 2 years
For damage just start rolling burn cards like ring of destruction.
For monster destruction you're fucked.
Try the cactus loop. That's the only way I got it done.
the damage any burn deck will do
the destruction one is tricky as fuck and cant be completed fast
I faced some based chink that run pic related and we kept destroying each other monsters for the quest.
can you please post the deck, i tried looking in master duel meta but i couldn't find anything with cactus on the event tab.
Not crafting Verte as soon as possible was mistake. This card is must have for any fusion deck
kaiju + cyberse quantum loop
just make a deck completely out of burn spells and traps, I finished that mission quickly with it
catcus loop
anything worth going for in the new selection packs?
It's two tournament decks user...
list please ?
You can actually crossout droplet
>guy plays barronne de fleur
i concede immediately
>guy gives me two ojama tokens
i will wait 20 minutes for him to finish
its that simple
You can crossout literally every card in the game provided you have a copy in your deck
Her negate is only once per summon. Most decks don't use her other effects
All you need is to get performapal scorpion and cactus fighter on the field at the same time.
Incant find the deck list I used but what I did was shove them into a metalfoes pendulum deck and used stuff like gravity bind to stall the game long enough to get everything set up.
just play the trap that forces your opponent to banish 15 cards from their extra deck and D.D. Dynamite
for the cactus loop though be warned, getting the set up needed through other peoples negates is not easy
>pop a combo to get both dark magician and time wizard out for dark sage
>opponent uses solemn judgement on time wizard instead of risking the 50/50
>they lose because of it
most decks that use her run crystal wings too
hah, with how little people play with full extra decks? good luck with that
i see, thank you bro.
>syncrho event
>jap fag special summons the token vomiter synchro in turn 1
>fills my and his field with tokens
>12k atk or some shit
>sets a trap card that makes every monster turn into attack mode
>this fag
>retard fucked up and played a field spell that gives dark monsters 500 atk so now i can kamikaze all the tokens
>summon verre
>he vomits tokens again
>goes battle mode in his turn
>verre negates his effect andhe turns into a 500 atk bitch
>kill him next turn with verre
>he scoops
cheese faggots get the rope
I deleted the deck already but iirc, you use the Timelords that halve LP, deal 1000 damage when your opponent draws and that return monsters to the hand, the rest of the deck is just generic burn spells and traps, there are many decent ones in the N/R list like Dimension Wall and Secret Barrel but if you have them, you can also use Just Desserts or Magic Cylinder for example.
They'd need to play an 8 card Extra Deck to not be OHKO'd by 3 copies of D.D. Dynamite
not reading this wall of text
Win Cons that would look great
>Destiny board could spell out FINAL and lightning crash before fade to black and the duel ends
>Final Countdown could have the lights flare up and start spinning as the face forms in the middle and laughs at you
>Jackpot 777 could have a great big slot machine flop down and flash before rolling sevens and making pot of greed noises
It could be really fun!
It is better and more played. Obelisk is shit, at least the slime can be put to use with all the Ra support out there.
make your blogposts shorter please fabien
>wasting animations on win cons that never happen
No, I would rather they add more animations for boss monsters that should have them but don't for some reason.
This deck is the entire reason I made a Numeron Dragon
Choke on my ass you big bitch.
Why wouldn't you be able to?
does this clear them "destroy monsters" quest ?
aren't most people still playing decks that don't need extra decks?
no, thats only for burn
Destroy monsters is destruction through battle. They haven't fixed the wording or the actual definition yet.
Are despia darklords even stronger than pure darklords? Why do I see so many people playing it?