2hu is fucking dead lol

2hu is fucking dead lol

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toe hoes

pedo series

Look at her go!

Attached: Rumia.webm (720x720, 1.19M)

Say the line

>EoSD normal stage 5
>Sakuya misdirection spell card
Is there a trick to it?

don't follow sakuya

such a cute little world ending abomination

Imagine dying form that thing, I would have easily cut her head open with an axe.
Japanese people unironically forgot how to be a ninja.

what a BS boss how was I supposed to know that her attack oneshots you?

The trick is literally in the name
The red knives are supposed to make you move more than you should, or misdirect you if you will, for the other knives to then fuck you up

She can be sneaky!

Attached: Rumia2.webm (640x360, 1.3M)

Stay still as much as you can. The term "misdirection" is used by the fanbase to describe every other spell like that in the following games.

beware the man-eater!

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The cutest indeed.

Thems the spell card rules.

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is death video games?

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I'm gonna do one last DDC 1cc attempt for the day. Any tips?

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Watch out boy, she'll chew you out!

arent we all?

Play Sakuya A
She's the best shottype

I will play ddc too then

Here you go

Attached: touhou boob.png (1110x1093, 85.38K)

I never played 2hu, but I know with its fandom, as well as otoMADs existing since cookie kiss is a thing, 2hu won’t die for a long time.

whats up with the daily tohuou threads here now?
wasn't that a /jp/ thing?

Everyone there hates 2hu and loves vtubers now.

there's been daily touhou threads for literally three years

t. hasn't checked the catalog in the last month

holy shit /jp/ is just generals now

That's a bit exaggerated but yeah, around a third of it is generals and the rest is mostly threads dedicated to posting about one of the 2hus, with just a few interesting threads taking the leftover space.

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>try out podd
>pick yumemi
>luck my way into stage 9 with no lives lost
>might actually win on my first attempt
>nevermind, yumemi 2 kicks my shit in
>get my first extra life the moment i lost my last life, giving me one last clutch chance
>still fail miserably
>try a continue
>lose all lives again
>don't even get her down to her last hp more than once
I have no idea what I'm doing but something is going terribly wrong.

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You lost your composure
Try again

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You're doing nothing wrong, if you got there with no misses it means you're playing decently enough. Sometimes yumemi simply decides to be fucking invincible and unless you're a lunatic-tier player you won't beat her.
Sometimes she's a piece of cake and you beat her with no misses after losing two lives to chiyuri, it's all up to rng.

I replied as a joke, I didn't think you'd do it you actual madman. We don't deserve you


oh no!

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>attempts to cut her head
>you literally did the one thing that you shouldnt do against rumia and its getting close to her
>get vored in the least sexual and most horrifying way posible
nice going retard

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wtf is Tewi's face?


The mods have stickied what, 2 vtuber threads since /vt/ has been created? And they didn't even sticky a thread for 17.5 being released? Sorry, but until I see that the mods have gotten their shit together I won't believe that the menace is dead

whoops, meant too

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I've always wondered, does Sonic or Touhou have the more autistic fanbase? Or do Sonicspergs became Touhoufags when they get older?

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Erotically smug is what it is

Her true face. Also checked.

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No it's in recline

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I don't think I'm supposed to be getting my first extra life at the tail end of stage 9, but I have no idea how the game works and I'm basing all my knowledge off of my limited time playing PoFV.

has been since like 2007 lol

Sonic fanbase mellowed out in recent years, 2hu just went from niche autism to midly known autism, there are worst offenders out there yet you decided to go against those 2, atleast 2hu tism can give us really good fangames.

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>Or do Sonicspergs became Touhoufags when they get older?
That's me so you might be on to something there.

Touhou autism is mostly ironical and born out of boredom, Sonic autism is legit mental illness

Both fanbases are equally horny, however the Sonic fanbase is really fucking gay because of the furry angle

What are the best touhou fangames on itch?


follow Sakuya


That was supposed to be anons thing!

>I don't think I'm supposed to be getting my first extra life at the tail end of stage 9, but I have no idea how the game works
Oh, then yeah. I normally get the extra life around stage 6 but I don't recall ever getting a second extend.
The most important thing for scoring is to try and keep your combo (spell points) going as long as possible so you get free boss summons, which are worth a lot of points. The trick to it is that enemies killed by your bullets don't actually increase the combo score, only enemies killed by the explosion from other enemies, so you need to be strategic with your shooting.

Yachie looks like she's bottomless because of the Y

>some 2hu upskirt MMDs have upwards of 1M views in youtube
>probably some kid's first lewd experience
I don't know how to feel about that.


If i had to choose one 2hu to sacrifice to the niggers it would be koishit, fuck her

Forgot to say, read this if you want to know all the details


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What's the solution to the Koishifag problem?

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