FromSoft peaked right here.
This was the last time they carefully considered how they design their games.
FromSoft peaked right here
DS3 DLC was ass, what are you talking about?
Why does everything in DS3 look like it has a piss filter on it?
Ds3 is all the same blend of washed out brown clutter and spamming the roll button to win
>dreg heap the most visually interesting concept Fromsoft has done
>it's only a tiny linear level section in the DLC
>return to dark gothic city #24312414
>poison swamp #45252352
>uhhhh hope you weren't expecting to resolve any lore questions because here's another daughter of gwyn who never existed before holding the abyss in an egg because just don't think about it okay and also there's a second abyss because don't think about it okay and a le epic old man boss fight
Ringed city was garbage. Elden Ring redeemed fromsoft.
>thoughtful care in their design
clearly not for the guy stuck living in that tower
dark souls 3 fags have become really annoying lately. i think i'm going to put them on the top of the cringe list. dark souls 2 fags? you can sit at the cool people table now. just don't associate with 3fags.
let the feast begin XD
2 is great, every complaint levied at it I find to be fun and engaging.
I would say the positioning argument about elden ring fights are more relevant to ds2 than anything
Ringed City is as well designed as Giant's Mountaintop.
As in, every enemy is a nuisance that takes too long to die and deal truckloads of damage just because. It's just a shit area, and the dreg heaps was terrible too.
>inb4 a-at least the enemies aren't reused
Funny you say that when trying to progress on the pathway here is an awful experience.
>Ds3 dlc
Man don't remind me of that dumpster fire
>Elden Ring redeemed fromsoft.
You mean sekiro
Dual enemies that were actually designed to be fought as pair instead of just two random enemies being plopped together.
*is better than all elden ring bosses combined*
Radahn come close.
looked nice, miserable to work your way through though
The biggest crime is we'll never get to walk through Anor Londo proper
In Elden Ring you actually get to explore the stuff you see in the background. In DS3 it's just there for show to blue ball you.
Mediocre. Just another big guy in a suit of armor flipping around with a greatsword. The character is boring and lame, and the fight is trivialized because there's no reason to use anything but roll spam and R1 attacks.
Any single ER boss is better than all DS3 bosses because of the jump and posture mechanics
This. seeing ashen anor londo from the marketing used as a boss backdrop that I couldn't explore was the biggest blueballs I've ever gotten in a game
>one chilling the fuck out in the background while the other is attacking you
so like every duo bosses in elden ring?
People would just call it empty like they do with ER
Lmao no. Sekiro btfo DS3. DS3 isn’t even better than Bloodborne.
fromsoft never considered how they designed their games
miyazaki still hasnt made a good game
We get it the anime fights are cool
The Dancer battle is more interesting than any of the ER battles
The same goes for Duo bosses in Elden Ring as well, just not for Godskin Duo for whatever reason
I don't care what retarded niggers on the internet say. Luvd elden ring. Luv me exploration.
>anime fights are cool
>praises dancer, the most anime battle of all time
ds3 is a fucking corridor game. linear as fuck. its like it was designed for speedrun boss rush bullshit. on top of this, its got the worst case of nostologia garbage thrown in with no thought or care. the anal rodeo is like one corridor to an elevator with like 4 knights, then a set of stairs to a hallway and fog gate and done. all so people can go 'i know this place epic lore!'.
its honestly the worst game in the franchise for how fucking lazy it is. call of duty checkpoint simulators have more thought put into their level design than this shit.
Yeah the battle that's practically against a ballet xenomorph is like the dbz fights of ER
>a ballet xenomorph
More like anorexic Coco Bandicoot spinning a bit too much
The Ringed City is mediocre from start to finish. Even the DS3 base game, as bland as it mostly is, had some areas that were far better than TRC.
Gael is the single most anime fight in the franchise though.
Didn't this dlc have three swamps? And also some annoying faggot shooting hitscan lasers at you from out of the sky? I also remember some strairway with a dozen really strong fatfucks with more spellcasting douchebags as well. I rolled through all of it. Couldn't be bothered. Easy.
>FromSoft peaked right here.
I never played Demon Souls, so I cant really comment on that, but I have tom say, even with graphics being shit now, DaS1 has as much if not more peak design.
>even with graphics being shit now
uh yeah about that
I didnt buy the remaster
that's ds3 not the remaster lol
why does right look so much better than left?
oh shit you are right, but in no way the left is the base DaS1
because you have a mental illness
come one left shield is way crispier, left armor just has to much light compared to right
>in no way the left is the base DaS1
yes it is
I literally did sens fortress yesterday and my game looks like this
Dark Souls 3 is the only fromsoft game I never replayed. All of them I've done at least twice, most of them 4 times.
Apply dsfix, dumbass
Didnt that break certain enemies/fights because of the 60fps? I also remember falling through specific ladder spots when rushing them downwards.
Or did they fix it
>base DaS1
are you just pretending to be retarded?
It's one ladder that you fall through the floor if you slide down it
Only the double boss fight was a peak of anything.
It had everything:
>let you decide what kind of second phase you wanted
>interesting difference between 2 types of princes
>one boss serves as an environmental hazard that will melee you if you get too close
>one brief melee frenzy phase where they both charge you
Then you get to Elden Ring and double boss fights are outright Dark Souls 2 design, or at best, Dark Souls 1 gargoyle design where another boss drops in after a while.
From peaked at:
DS for level design
BB for world design/story
Sekino for combat
Any other answer is wrong
Meh, I thought TRC was cool in concept and most of its execution was good but a large chunk was ANOTHER SWAMP and Gael was a lackluster end to Dark Souls. Also it was yet more piss filter that I could recognize from the thumbnail in the catalog.
DS3 is just too good. I love how it makes DS2/ER babes seethe
ok so you modded the game
Based DS1, referring to unmodified visual assets. Changing the rendering resolution has no bearing on that.
*Base DS1, although the game is also highly based
Nah, DS1 is peak world design. Elden Ring actually has better individual level design. The world design is also immaculate, but in a different way than DS1
>praises dancer, the most anime battle of all time
literally what?
>enter the area
>met with an insta kill run and hide section with random ghosts
>cross 3 rooms
>laziest swamp level in the history of from software
>complete it
>muh online boss again
>defeat it
>go upstairs
>final boss
Ringed city is a disgrace, worst dlc they have ever done by a large margin.
Why does this series attract the whiniest faggots in existence?
cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope
you are a ds2fag playing pretend
go back to discord
ds2 is piss easy though, there are less than a hand full of enemies that can actually beat your ass. ER is balls to the wall, I rather enjoy it but the player doesn't have much of an interesting way to interact with these long combos. In DS1 and 2 you were just rolling an attack or two and then you got your hits in, both the AI and player options were equally simple and paced about the same. only thing I'd say that are similar between the two is how much enemies come at you in numbers, but elden ring gives you many methods to wipe out multiple enemies in a second
more people=more noise
You forgot the other swamp. The one with a reused boss. The Profaned Capitol DLC was probably going to be way cooler than either of what we actually got but I can hardly blame From for going in a different direction since the area itself was practically cut content. DS3 really should've been delayed, eve if just a little.
What kind of modded stuff did you put in Dark Souls 3? Elite Knight looks nothong like that