Does Nioh really mog Dark Souls / Elden Ring, or is Yea Forums just being contrarian again?
Does Nioh really mog Dark Souls / Elden Ring, or is Yea Forums just being contrarian again?
nioh is trash, always has been
It has way better combat and magic.
Way worse everything else.
That's pretty much it.
Yea Forums just being contrarian again
Also better character creator
Better action game worst RPG
True, but in ER you will have your head hidden 99% of the time anyway.
Some friends say it's better, some say it's trash. The few friends who say it's trash just watched a few gameplays without having it, so that says something.
Maybe it's good enough and you can enjoy both without being a cooming fanboy.
Nioh's better, but it's not a soulslike.
I'm watching the gameplay of this and it looks really cluttered with too much shit happening at once
Just play it and decide for yourself. Why are you asking people who don't play games about games?
It's Yea Forums being contrarian as usual. The game is shovelware.
If you are watching some speedrun of the abyss bosses, no surprise.
In combat yes, by a long shot, it has much more variety in combos and ways to approach an enemy
And I say this as someone who played all the Dark Souls games and is still playing Elden Ring after 200 hours
>True, but in ER you will have your head hidden 99% of the time anyway.
Lol no, the most efficient armor set up to minimize equipload and maximize poise/defense values is Veterans Chest with Blaid's legs and the Dragon Greatshield talisman. 51 poise, ~40% damage mitigation and ~20% magic mitigation for the low weight of
28.2 kg. Balancing is fucked among armor, a single heavy chest piece is worth a medium chest, head, and hand armor piece combined.
Nioh and Dark Souls aren't actually similar enough to justify Nioh getting the Soulslike label.
It look overwhelming but the progress happens gradually
You wouldn't have access to everything at the beginning
both action RPGs with stamina-based combat
Considering which vidyas get tagged as souls-like nowadays, yes it does...
its better than 75% of fromsoft games
any action game/action rpg wipe the floor with froms's games, they are glorified buttom mashers, its ironic that they these games are the most casual of action games
don't forget the checkpoint system. Enemies respawning whenever you use a checkpoint was popularized by the souls games.
>way worse everything else
Has better ost, story, level design, graphics and characters though
Are you retarded?
Nioh is better
I'm about 20 hours into the game and I'm starting to get bored. Are all the levels going to be Japan forest into Japan castle into fighting the same 5 enemies over and over again?
>better graphics
This one, why not.
>better ost
If you mean vs ER's bland as fuck ost, yeah, but that's not a difficult achievement.
>better level design
Gameplay-wise it's atrociously linear, and aesthetically it's serviceable at best.
Fuck, even DSII does better.
>better story
Look, I got a tear when Tokichiro asked if we were going to abandon him again, and when he helped us at the end, but still.
Both Nioh 1 and Nioh 2 stories are dogshit.
Yes. Enjoy your DS killer.
way better combat
way worse levels
yes, pretty much, the only way to actually enjoy the game is to constantly change playstyles so you can see all the cool combos
One DLC has a level happening in the aftermath of a naval battle where you move from broken boat to broken boat.
The other DLC has a level happening in a disney-tier lush jungle.
But yeah otherwise it's all rice-eater castles in various state of destruction, with at least one floating-and-infected-by-evil-energy castle toward the end.
Nioh 2 mogs them. Nioh 1 does not.
It has better combat, end game, and replayability but at the cost of worse exploration and a worse first time experience. Nioh comes into its own when you start doing NG+ cycles and unlock the actual end game. If you stop after beating the last boss for the first time, Souls is probably better.
Dunno, I really preferred the ambiance of Nioh 1 compared to Nioh 2.
Nioh1 had a slight horror vibe, Nioh 2 (despite re-using the same enemies) felt more like regular fantasy.
>without being a cooming fanboy
have you seen how big you can make the tiddies in Nioh 2?? They're fucking gigantic
Well it is better than the no story of all soulbornes
Holy filtered
Stop creating animosity between Soulsbornring games and Nioh
They're all fun, stop hating things!!!
You don’t get the spirit of this board. You’re supposed to like one video game and autistically screech at the rest
He's right. I bet you didn't even knew that Nioh is set in the same universe with DOA and Ninja Gaiden.
I can't remember anything from the story, too many Hiroshima Yamamotos and Aya Kawasakis and Castles of Thousand Dragons thrown at you every five minutes
I just wish people could get along with each other..
Nioh also lets you enter first person view and shoot guns. It’s obviously a first person shooter.
The bottomeline is this. If you enjoy good combat, combat that has a lot of depth and distinct options with a good amount of technical skill with an amazing roster of bosses you will love Nioh far more than any FromSoft game.
If you like an actual ADVENTURE and don't care so much about deep or complex combat, then you will enjoy Dark Souls.
If you like having an inflated ego for beating a video game that is deemed "hard" by thousands to millions of retards on the internet and you don't care about actual gameplay then play Elden Ring.
You know Nioh has a ton of side reading in item descriptions and shit too, right?
Yeah, that one is especially bad in Nioh 1 where they throw one new noble/general/etc at your face every mission, and clearly expect you to be impressed that you are meeting/facing the 365435th guy named Tanaka. I get that nearly all of them are historical guy that rice-eating kids probably get taught about in school, but that was still terrible presentation to rely completely on that.
At some point I completely lost sight of who was on which fucking side, or even whose side *I* was.
... story was so badly done I had actually reached the "All I know is that I must kill" meme despite trying to pay attention.
They only really share a handful of things that are undeniably dark souls
>Resource used to level up is lost upon death, with you being able to retrieve at place of death
>Can see bloodstains of dead players in other worlds (tho in nioh this does not actually show you how they died, only tells you what killed them)
Everything else is not unique enough to dark souls to consider it a mechanic "taken from dark souls".
Easily the coolest design of Sanada Yukimura in all of vidya, and he's just a normal guy.
Even then, you can just pop consumable items to get your amrita back and the fact that amrita isn’t your only currency mix shit up a bit. FFXI has had exp loss on death for a good 10 years now and games like Asheron’s Call had you leave bodies with your shit on them where you died for even longer. I guess wiggling that shit into a single player experience is newer but even so I never really thought of it as a defining feature.
Consider posting on vg
It's not, but it depends what you're looking for.
As much as I love Nioh, if you want an immersive adventure game, look elsewhere.
Nioh is 100% focused on it's combat and rpg mechanics, nothing else, and doesn't even try to pretend it's levels and game design is anything more than videogame corridors and a matter of stats and reflexes to succeed, instead of rewarding careful exploration and player agency and player choice.
I prefer Nioh by far but after finishing DS1 and Sekiro recently and currently DS3, they're really not the same type of games at all. Even Sekiro's combat doesn't get close to Nioh 2s combat but every other aspects exist to present you a big ass adventure. That's not Nioh's goal at all and depending on what you prefer, you're gonna love it or be disapointed.
they're different types of games, nioh is more about the action and souls is more about adventure and world
the combat itself shits all over souls, but it really should considering that's their focus. it's a great game but I wouldn't call one better than the other because of their differences
I ended up pitying the guy, always being the one having to enact someone else retarded treason plan.
>nioh thread
>the combat itself shits all over souls
i constantly hear that, but in let's plays, it absolutely does not look like that. enemy design is primitive, enemies are ridiculous damage sponges and the dodgeroll combat DS often gets shit for is still extremely prevalent. the stance system adds tactical depths, but its not satisfying mechanically
>let's plays
>ridiculous damage sponges
you obviously not watching someone who understands the combat very well. also 2 is far superior to 1 and op used that pic, so I'm using that as a baseline for discussion (not a big fan of 1)
>It has way better combat and magic.
>Way worse everything else.
wouldn't say everything else, the one thing it's really weak at, especially compared to from games, is level design
and the loot system, I know lots of people hate the randomized diablo system, personally I'm fine with it
the combat and build variety are so much better it's insane. but it doesn't have that good of an exploration aspect or atmosphere
2 actually has pretty decent level design except for the mid campaign, 1 was shit in that regard
>but in let's plays
... has Yea Forums really reached the point were faggots seriously talk about how gameplay feel while having just watched a let's play?
Holy shit this place has fallen even lower than I thought.
>you obviously not watching someone who understands the combat very well
probably. can you recommend someone?
no, i dont watch let's plays. all i can offer you is my experience of the game, and that is that the combat is incredibly satsifying once you understand how to pressure enemies and take them down quickly
they're different kinds of games and only a peanut brain would think they're all that similar beyond "you died lmao"
I'm just glad I live in a world where I get to play both
you're watching letsplays and not even playing the game to formulate your own opinion on things? Christ.
does ER not do the DS3 thing where you take a big defense hit if you're not wearing a hat?
Nioh was made for the "LE PREPARE TO DIE" crowd that first got into DS1 when it came to PC.
It is the epitome of "HAHA GIT GUD" game design.
There's literally nothing to the game than the combat which is fine except that's not why most people play Souls games. Except of course the PREPARE TO DIE crowd that wanted that LE EPIC GAMER game
talked to someone who was utterly convinced that Malenia was poorly designed because you couldn't use a shield against her, when in fact you can, and it's one of the more painless ways to fight her. Never even picked up a fingerprint greatshield and this guy starts telling me all about the disadvantages of the thing. Hate these normalfaggots so much.
>Nioh was made for the "LE PREPARE TO DIE" crowd that first got into DS1 when it came to PC.
eh... Team Ninja already had that reputation of making le hard games with Ninja Gaiden before Souls were even a thing
nioh is one game where it actually makes a difference if you're technically "good" at it
the first time I played 2 I had to fight mezuki like 12 times before my brainlet ass finally realized what a burst counter was and did it without taking a hit
I went back to 1 recently but that fuckball lightning lion boss is demolishing me
it just feels better playing a game you can actually suck at and overcome without being a cheesy fucker
Even if it did, you could just wear the lightest head piece and the lightest glove to cancel that bonus damage. Altered commoners hood and golden bracelets have a combined weight of 1.5, and they'd raise you magic defenses by like 7% across the board. Like I said, armor balance is fucking whack.
I see a nioh thread, I post
simple as
I shall answer your doubts