Worst mount in video game history

Attached: torren.jpg (300x278, 13.3K)

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dont talk about ur mom liek that


Fpbp, OP got owned again


You know you're right when the instant reply is a ur mom joke.

Feeding him the different varieties of raisins should've made him stronger over time. He should've gotten buffs with the player that make him more durable to enemy attacks, boost his vitality, increase the height it takes for him to become injured from a jump or makes him faster. The horse is with us 24/7 the fact that hes more of a liability in combat is a dissapointment.

Best mount in video game history.

Attached: Skyrim-Character-Riding-Arvak-The-Horse.jpg (2000x1000, 99.46K)

Would pet and feed raisins.

I don't know what that is but i would

Ofc you would since it looks like Halle Berry

pretty decent control for a game horse to be quite honest

OP btfo

>Negative poise
>nonsense fall damage system
>no upgrade
0/10 would rather ride melina

don't be mean

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Larp more chink shill

A mount so bad that this shill would eat out a rotten pussey. Things are this bad in the Fromedome

Torrent's male

yes and?

Your average From Soft fan Ladies & Gents...

>Getting hit while riding torrent
What are you doing? If you couch a spear with heavy hit, you can just ride back and forth while outranging every enemy.

And nothing, please enjoy your maiden and his 18 inch dick and enormous balls

Fpbp get owned op


Attached: e621_082b4069d0653dc4299fee183cb34490.jpg (1034x634, 82.05K)

Torrent is best boy

Attached: FQW5xOpVkAMAHsT.jpg (488x2048, 202.04K)

You tried, retard-kun.

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fpbp. how will he recover?

Would love that desu

Man the discordtrannies are really getting desperate aren't they


>"Torrent has chosen you. Treat HIM with respect."

>can't customize torrent

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There is no god

I hated this thing until I found out there's a glitch where if you are weilding a polearm/twinblade/2h the double jump just wont work sometimes. I went through the entire game with a polelarm so I thought it was just horrible controls. Switched to another weapon in my second playthrough and it feels fine now

>Man the discordtrannies are really getting desperate aren't they
Yes, they are. They got BTFO with the first post, and then trying to derail it by sexualizing Torrent. Its hilarious

For how much time we spend on Torrent, it's a really soulless and impersonal mount.

could be a mistranslation

Attached: e621_6b6d58a2e3db1aa424518a91b5043bbf (1).png (862x1297, 2.21M)

First time on the internet newfag?

Source to full picture, now.

>he thinks women want any animal company, much less horses, that aren't male

reddit moment :DDDD



And we all know you are a faggot

torrent doesn't feel like animal, it's just a vehicle like a motorcycle or smth


I require more horse booba

>isn't limited by realism, can be summoned at will, can jump high not just once, but twice

It is quite frankly the best mount I have ever used in a video game.

Attached: e621_aed0710b7f135862305851be2333936c.png (971x1250, 1.12M)

holy based

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You can always tell when something is shit when the porn posting is all that's left of discussion

only good poster in this thread

Torrent is my true maiden!

This 2bqhwyf. It's actually fun riding torrent around, it feels right and not just a matter of getting somewhere faster. The mounted combat is also pretty fun. Compare it to the clunky controls of BoTW's horses, RDR2 and Witcher 3, it isn't even close. Torrent stomps them all.

Attached: e621_6d565be79093d280d23a40e680000f30 (1)-min.jpg (4350x6500, 1.65M)

now this is my kinda lore.

This is exactly what I pictured happening in these kind of situations.

Being a faggot is a sin user



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that's a really detailed model, UNF

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skyrim doesn't have the best anything
epitome of mediocre quantity

m o a r

Attached: horse.jpg (342x424, 97.64K)

OP btfo

Attached: 1645635885149.png (607x567, 335.51K)

here's a gif of it

No wonder It's so hard to move on thin edges with her. She's so fucking thick!

very good!

Who let the horsefuckers in?

Attached: FQm2gMPVgAQwKHq.jpg (1670x1271, 208.7K)

last one i have unfortunately

Attached: r34xxx_7b01101b7cad126474bf8ad425d57143.png (1200x925, 651.65K)

>last one

sadness, I was beating off to the cropped tits

more like this


Attached: Fluffy something.jpg (366x389, 53.5K)