This is the litmus test for shit taste.
This is the litmus test for shit taste
you're over valueing it. It's just a weeb game for weebs
Yeah, if you don't like it, you objectively have shit taste
Perfect example where the Soundtrack is better than the game.
Yeah. Everyone I've met who doesn't like it has garbage taste in games.
I have one friend that has played CSGO almost daily every since it came out, and when Automata released he just seethed about it saying it was a porn game over and over again.
More like litmus test for people actually finishing the game
Both the soundtrack and the game complement each other, without the game the soundtrack is just a collection of nice songs.
What a massive faggot.
i'll only consider your opinion if you're that guy that put 2000 hours into devil may cry 5 and made a video of himself absolutely owning that game like he paid for it. im assuming he pirated it for previous sentence joke reasons
This guy gets it
I found it boring. Didn’t give a fuck about the characters and the gameplay was too schizophrenic to get invested in.
he was right and has better taste than you do
I agree.
NieR Automata is to Yea Forums what Bioshock Infinite was to redditors and game journalists in 2013.
Both are bad as an example of their genre, with a mediocre story that makes you *feel* smart and tricks midwits into thinking it's deep. However they are propped up by admittedly great aesthetics, and in Automata's case, a good soundtrack and 2B's amazing ass (which makes the average Yea Forums user want to defend it extra hard because anime ass to them represents one of the last bastions against SJWs, so having to like the game becomes a political stance regardless of the quality of the game).
NieR Automata is zoomer's first vaguely unconventional "deep" story game, the first they discovered when they stepped outside of the normal stuff they consume.
I guarantee anyone who has it in their top 10 hasn't played and finished more than 15 games released before 2005.
take your meds schizo
Is it worth playing with Kb and mouse ? or you need a controleee for sure?
>Proof that litmus test works
good soundtrack
simple combat but satisfying nonetheless
few excellent story beats
on the nose philosophy
obnoxious game structure
falls apart on later quarter
>NieR Automata is to Yea Forums what Bioshock Infinite was to redditors and game journalists in 2013.
unironically a great analogy.
and similarly with bioshock infinite, certain ""people"" felt like they had to defend it as a work of art elevating the medium just because it says racism bad, even though the game was actually awful
>still not having a gamepad
>on the nose philosophy
This is my biggest problem with the game. The philosophy and melodrama was so hamfisted and unsubtle it bordered on comedy at times.
I have played the weebest of JRPGs which are still more nuanced with the presentation of its themes than NieR Automata and that's really saying something
>This is my biggest problem with the game. The philosophy and melodrama was so hamfisted and unsubtle it bordered on comedy at times.
Complaining about that makes you look very smart, user!
Except everyone turned on Infinite and that's just not going to happen with Automata
Face it, it's better than most games and does what shit like MGS2 thinks it's doing but better
you'll need the NAIOM mod to get it to feel right, then you're set.
>uhh yeah the philosophy is basic...and dude nihlism you know....I've read like three pages of nietzsche so yeah....
>meanwhile they completely miss the actual fucking point of the entire game
these people every time
mgs2 is incredibly subtle to the point its ending is literally censored which fits its theme of controlled information.
I love my wife 2B with all my heart!
games back then werent usually deep thought:
ugh im a dude and shooting demons
>duke nukem
>red alert 2
what if cold war was hot
>baldurs gate 2
we are adventurers
she's called 2b... like to be... cos the androids are having an existential crisis... it's so fucking epic and deep
i say this and look like a wojak
>you just didn't get it
every fucking time
yes, you and every game journalist who understands the story of a square enix rpg are so based and sigma
>(which makes the average Yea Forums user want to defend it extra hard because anime ass to them represents one of the last bastions against SJWs, so having to like the game becomes a political stance regardless of the quality of the game)
You're talking about Senran Kagura though.
Surprise surprise, another user with dogshit taste and opinions.
The people who say "you didn't get it" also likely do not get it and try really hard to make sense out of all of it when the game itself states not everything needs an answer. However they also are not wrong that you don't get it either.
there's nothing to misunderstand
especially if you have ever experienced a story before with a character who is a robot/ai/whatever
>when the game itself states not everything needs an answer
The game says this, yeah, but the game itself literally presents an answer
It's less about the androids and more so about the player
it is a deep game though. What other game admits that future humans will be so limp-dicked that they'll make pretty anime girl robots to jack off to from their moon base? Speculating on what will eventually replace humans in an uninhabitable planet is also very thought provoking, as was how the game modulates between being a 3D action game and a schmup with vector graphics to descripe how the machines likely aren't sentient and their behaviour is just imitation. It is a very intellectual game, much more so than the great majority of games I have played.
the good:
>great art direction
>great atmosphere
>some themes it touches upon are pretty interesting ("humanity transcends flesh")
>combat, while not deep, is flashy enough to be satisfying
the bad:
>bad story that becomes a melodramatic chain reaction of character deaths
>bad sidequests (so many "I need three parts. One is in the forest, one is in the amusement park, one is in the desert.")
>R2 gives you a chain of i-frames; combat is less intelligent than most turn based RPGs even on hard, even the hacking minigame is more fun
>9S' route adds nothing and is purely padding; a second perspective of a story can be cool as fuck but here it barely takes advantage of the idea to recontextualize the plot or do anything interesting really
>plot twists it hinges on that have no impact; e.g. 2B is actually 2E and a big source of strife is she's supposed to kill 9S over and over... but every time we see them die it's a black box reaction when they're surrounded, and 9S even keeps his memories, so it's a "no shit" situation; they would have to do that anyway. There's no sense of "2B had to murder 9S in cold blood over and over and he loses a little more of himself every time" like the game tries to imply as if it's a horrible reveal. You're only *told* that at the end, but you never *see* it.
>Soulless in many places; e g. no changed text in loading screens for bad endings (e.g. it still says all systems- OK when transitioning to a "you died horribly" ending). It's such an easy thing to come up with to add some humor and flair and make use of the OS-themed UI the game has, but they didn't. They couldn't even think to edit text. Soulless
just started the 9S playthrough, does his part get any fun i hate the bullet hell and hacking segments
Yoko Taro is a hack and he never made a decent game.
It gets fun after it ends and best girl takes over
>litmus test
The what?
Yea Forums would like it more if it went the hammy mgs route desu
It's an unnecessary term NieR-hating trannys use to sound smart to compensate for the fact they didn't understand the game
Didn't understand? Shit, they didn't even play or finish the game
>failed chemisty
Yes. And?
the average player who thinks Nier automata is deep doesn't even know what a litmus test is.
forget finishing games, have you even finished high school?
>NieR Automata is zoomer's first vaguely unconventional "deep" story game
you talk as if there are more than a handful throughout the entire history of this medium.
I think this is the strangest part of it all
>their moon base
I thought a big thing they would bring up is 9S having his memory reset several times across the story and him going through the motions with 2B like some alzheimer's patient, but it was only once and barely even relevant.
That stuff is played up mostly in subtle ways and through 2B above all else which is why she tends to be play up her aloofness towards him
Name 1 deep game then.
The "people" who don't like this game are probably all trannies or disgusting normies. It makes no sense otherwise.
automata is literally "nier 2010 but for trannies and normies"
Why yes, I, a man of exquisite taste, do consider Nier Automata to be the greatest game ever released.
retarded faggot
same as chrono cross
I only played the 2b part and thought it was fun. Probably not going to ever go back and truly finish the game though
Like the rest of the people that played