i posted my face on /soc/ and they rated me 4/10
I posted my face on /soc/ and they rated me 4/10
I usually get 6/10 but maybe that's because I'm not a guy.
So nice of them to give you a +2 point bonus.
It's over
Quick, make up for it by posting your bussy.
I posted my dick to your dad and he rated it 10/10 and asked me to fuck your mom while he watched
Post it here. I'm sure Yea Forums will be kinder
>posting your face on Yea Forums
are you asking for trouble?
Kill yourself.
I did that once.
They called me 'Chris Chan 2.0'.
I posted mine while wearing a cap and a light beard and they rated me 8/10 and then I posted one without the hat (bald) and no beard and they rated me 3/10 lol.
What kind of person posts on /soc/ exactly?
normalfags and failed normalfags
I'm a normalfag and I still don't post there. I can't think of anything less desirable than throwing around my face on this shithole of a website. I feel like there needs to be a component of self destructiveness or exhibitionism too.
that's literally everyone on earth
It was made because people realized they could use Yea Forums to establish hookups on Yea Forums and of course the "women" here loved that shit. So they made /soc/.
You'd think with shit like onlyfans and Instagram /soc/ would be dead but where there are niches whores tend to flock.
I am not brave enough for soc. I do like the attention I get on discord though.
I look like the /pol/jak meme, and I had 2 girlfriends. Women are overrated, trust me, having sex isn't worth it when you have to deal with their shenanigans
Do girls (female) post on /soc/?
>I look like the /pol/jak meme
is that you, Reddit friend?
Man this wojak edit backfired hard after that tranny embarrassed himself on national televsion.
Why do people feel the need to de anonymize themselves when they are in an anonymous board?
>he doesn't know
i look like the markiplier one but fatter and balding
Where are the cute girl school shooters?
It's Tarrant
No, it's just people wanting to find out if they're ugly or not. I did it and my only reply was 8/10 by a gay guy
were they attractive? because i could also pull of 3/10 obese goblins, but i would rather be virgin
Even the pajeetcel doesn't look bad. They need new haircuts, new clothes, a shave, a good expensive watch and new glasses frames.
>Even the pajeetcel doesn't look bad.
Speaking of fugly people...
best i can do is a yandere stalker who can and will murder suicide you for looking at another girl
I bet you suck at video games too
>post on /soc/
>woman, gays, bi guys and trannys rate me 7-8 a few 9s
>straight guys give me 4s and 3s
i suck at everything
i am a low status male
Straight men don't know how to rate other straight men because they aren't attracted to them. They usually just project whatever dumb beauty standards they get from movies and video games onto everyone they see. There's honestly no opinion that means less than a straight man rating another straight man.
>lose 60lbs so your face isn't so obviously bloated
>wear contacts
>get a haircut that cost over $20
There I gave you at-least 3 points of hotness
>Put zero effort into taking care of yourself.
>Why am i ugly?
Sorry sweeties, people don't look beautiful by default. Those people tend to spend the majority of their time infront of the mirror making sure they look good from every angle while most of you can't even bother to put on some fucking deodorant.
As an avid /soc/ failed normalfag I can tell you the straight dudes on there are only going to rate you high if you have stereotypical chad features like a massive ass jaw or chin. The girls and gays and bis there love the whole "golden retriever boy" look. I remember one time a dude posted, norwood 4 receading hairline, acne ridden as hell and all the straight dudes gave him 7s and 8s just because he had a bazooka chin while all the girls gave him 3s and 4s.
I've lost count of the amount of seriously ugly dudes who get high as fuck rates just because they have a visible jawline and crimson chin tier chin.
there's literally a dude on the current /soc/ rate thread with a turbo autist stare and a four year old's haircut as proof of these posts kek
this was during period of my life when i was actually putting a lot of effort into being /fit/
i could run for around 15 km (eurofag here) and was lifting regularly every 3 days
this would make some sense. i dont have "incel" chin, but not really manly neither
I posted my face on /soc/ a decade ago and they said I was handsome but not enough to compensate for being a manlet
You most likely fit the pretty boy niche. Chicks love it but it makes a lot of straight dudes SUPER insecure and mad.
Wanna try the link again buddy?
i am braindead
the glasses must focus their rage
please get a 3day + rangeban
Damaged people, I used to talk to some /soc/ whore. They may seem ok for awhile but usually they have some glaring issue, then when they realize they’ve told you too much they will cut contact.
I don’t think I’ve ever posted my face there though. And I haven’t been on that shit board for a long time. It’s basically just slut /R9K/
You did your best and that's what counts.
I once posted my face on /soc/ and someone replied with just a pic of Jimmy Neutron
I'm getting 404 not found
Based fire snake don't ever stop King
i have just came from 60 or 90 days ban and this was my first post
>posting on /soc/
The absolute state of Yea Forums. Here is your upvote, OP.
Does this look like /soc/ you fucking faggot?
im just
im just so sad and hopeless
just the fact that you are ugly alone can poison your life so much
like being cursed to being inferior and there is nothing you can do
/soc/ from 2010 to 2012 was wild
I don't care. Fuck off.
How so?
Put yourself in their shoes, do girls really want to date such a crybaby pussy with this attitude? Grows some balls already.
You speak like this in an anonymous site where looks are meant to be the least of your worries even more so in other multiplayer video games and social sites where your appearance do not factor in your presence and yet you are here demoralized and wallowing in an offtopic thread. Pity will not get you anywhere nor will anything else anyone has to say here, you will have to fix yourself.
>posting face for validation
it's alright to do this when you're young and insecure but by mid to late 20s you should realize not to base your worth on what some losers say about a photo of your face, or what anyone says online for that matter
>Even the pajeetcel doesn't look bad