Childhood friend romance option

>childhood friend romance option

Time to game

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>childhood friend gets stolen option

Time to game

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>full blood little sister is the only incestual romance option

Gaming time

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>defined body
>flat kawaii uguu face

stop sexualizing children you fucking pedophile

>missed out on childhood love
Dont kid yourself youd have fucked up anyway

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It's weird, I'm remembering my childhood friend wearing overalls

And yet, did she wear overalls? Are childhood friends wearing overalls just a meme? Am I getting mandela'd?

Please don't, it reminds me of a similar situation of my own.

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I fucked up mine, My deepest regret is not apologizing, but she's moved on and got married. Her left wasn't affected by me.

>Your childhood love died of cancer when you were 11
Time to go full nihilist

Not childhood, but I did have a close female friend in high school that wore overalls

This should be more common.

Just the thumbnail is enough to bother me.

>romance options
I will not buy your game.

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Don't let it get you guys down, most first loves fail anyway.

>childhood friend just moves away and changes schools because her dad got a new job
>she turned out to be really ugly
Feels mixed. Her older sister was really hot though

Why do so many redditors falls for this obvious fake shit?

What about her right?

> Childhood friend's mother is a huge whore
> Childhood friend grows up following her footsteps
Dodged a bullet there ngl

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Women don't have rights.

Kids look like that now? ZAMN!

Supreme answer, milord.

It would be a shame if something happened to her.

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I love boobies!

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>childhood friend goes to israel because shes a missionary or some shit
>gets married to some jew she met there at the young age of 19
she had a crush on me but my autistic "ew, girls are gross" prevented anything from happening

She made a wise investment

>>missed out on childhood love
haha don't be silly user. It's never too late to experience childhood love

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I honestly would have found the nearest shotgun and suck started it if this happened to me.

I never had a child hood friend

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>childhood friend and me both went crazy at about 20
>both sane now but the break-off was so bad that I can't bring myself to make contact again

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I looked back at my senior yearbook and there were so many girls phone numbers in there asking to hang out and It took me 10+ years to realize how bad I fucked up for not realizing just what that meant
>eternally single
I find no joy in life anymore

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I love oppai lolis.
You get the small body to manhandle with some nice tits to squeeze.

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Don't fall for the childhood romance meme. Teen dating sucks ass.
It's much more enjoyable dating women in their 30's.


she dodged a bullet with you for sure

Geiger counters are expensive.

Look at this megachad who actually met woman bragging about all the pussy he could had

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Tomboys are for closest gays.

>some old man actually went out and did this for real
fucking crazy


uhhhhhhhhhhhhh bros? what is going on? why pepe hard??

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I never had a female childhood friend. Closest were some cousins.

>cute worker is a little nuts but invites me over to her house after we close up at midnight
>I have beers and movies, user!
>I ask what kind of beers
>she says Buds and Miller lites
>I think about my house, tequila, and Xenogears waiting for me
>no way fag and I walk off waving goodbye


it's all about the looks user.. for you and for her

they actually do


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Where's the ass

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>Had sex with my childhood friend when we were 11
Honestly wasn't that great to be honest.

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her shorts are too tight to fit balloons

Could be worse.

She's the only person I have ever had feelings for and think about to this, over a decade later.

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They don't know how to draw that, see Lightning from Final Fantasy.

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You = gay

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You=assuming things

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You're right user, they have the right to suck my dick

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I fucking hate Yea Forums, but it's hard to find a larger concentration of cunny threads anywhere else. Wonder why that is?

>third and fourth grade
>have a childhood friend
>she's a tomboy
>really fun, we laugh a lot
>play board games in her attic
>she wants to build robots with me
>gives me bundles of wires
>she's super nice
>we play a lot
>parents take me over to her place weekly
>she got changed in the room and did the "no peeking" thing where i had to cover my eyes while she got out of her underwear into her sports clothes because she played hockey
>somehow i don't develop a crush on her
>instead i develop a crush on her best friend
>she finds out
>can't figure out why she hates me in fifth grade
>never ask her because i figure she's just mean now
>have to change schools before we can resolve this
>look her up recently
>she's now claiming to be a man named mitchell
>blew it on levels never previously thought possible
I've never felt pit of my stomach despair in quite the same way. Oftentimes the childhood friend is the adulthood dead end.

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>she's now claiming to be a man named mitchell

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