People paid $70 for this

>People paid $70 for this

Attached: 1648986920980.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: outskilled.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Do snoys really?

Attached: 1363357932562.png (5000x2571, 124.17K)

It was $60 on PS5 too, OP is probably a dumb Euro or Aussue.

OP's looks like a fucked up hitbox this just looks like someone getting rekt i dont really see the problem in this one

I'd pay $120 for elden ring
Good grief what a great experience nothing even comes close

>tfw have never bought a From game

Attached: dfaf7a538ecc1610b9f92affe3f5db0e.jpg (593x656, 52.25K)

Shitboxers thinking another game is exclusive to shitbox. I think the last one was RDR2.

>boss cheeseble in melee at RL1 as long as the pokey stick is long enough


You can literally r1 this guy, he has no poise.

>Attacking her during waterfowl dance

Attached: 1636572801271.jpg (692x1100, 190.7K)

Elden Ring is worth more than $70.


The absolute state of play

Attached: images (20).jpg (232x217, 14.85K)

where can i apply myself for smear campaigns against video games and get paid for it like OP?

>get paid
lol OP does it for free because he is a sad incel with nothing else to do of his time, stupid newfag.

A classic already

i paid 20$ in my country

Attached: 1648680484394.png (1000x871, 407.9K)

I love how they can't help but inflate the price too

>someone uploads webm of busted hitbox and 180 degree instant spin tracking because lol
>multiple people save it because it's funny and don't bother to change the filename
>people repost the video game webm in the video game board it because it's funny and true
>fromshitters have no answer but cope by trying to claim it's some kind of organized smear campaign because the game is 100% perfect in every way so its totally impossible for anyone to not constantly want to suck Miyazakis dick

>he moves around
didn't beat her really

>missed parry
>falls for the same trick twice
>rekt by environment

Am I the only fucker that takes Miquella's boss battle with respect?
I kinda feel respect for her.

If ER was not made by From 90% of the hate it gets on Yea Forums would disappear and it would be considered the game of the century for "killing" From and owning Fromdrones.

Definition of stupidity

>gets caught and punished for panic rolling both times

can you imagine a game coded by good devs with no weapon clipping, cheap input reading , 180degrees tracking and a proper a online that works well? surely the praise would only be because theyre not from

But nah, I feel the same way. Feels like everyone's trying way too hard.

The worst thing is shit like this just keeps going for several games now and they know they don't even have to put in effort to fix it, because drones will eat it up cause lol it's so hard I'm such a gamur. Other games get 5/10 reviews and are considered janky shit if they pull this.
Their games are so close to being but I have zero respect for the developers for keeping this up, along with not giving a fuck about cheaters and shit performance.

It's literally only getting praise because its From. If it were any other dev, Fromshits would be complaining about hitboxes and input lag and saying it proves only From can pull off the Souls formula.

Did i say that or did i say "if ER was not released by From"? Stop coping, you and everyone else knows this amount of complaint is purely because of the hype behind it, the hype behind the series, the hype behind the devs, etc. another case of tortanic attempt, another case of Yea Forums trying to look cool for not liking the new popular game from a successful series.

this is how I beat both the Nioh games

>mfw bought a From game three times

Attached: 1557144736851.jpg (480x344, 12.79K)

So? I don't understand. Is this supposed to be impressive? Does this advance your life? Has FROM contacted you and offered you a job because of this? Has this gotten you wealthy? Does this contribute to the betterment and advancement of mankind in any way?
No? So who cares? Look at your view count vs your like count. That's pretty bad. I'm going to assume that this wasn't received well.

>toggling lock on feature
>used the sprinting feature
>played above 20fps
>used a gesture
>used a hat
>dishonorably attacked melania during waterfowl dance
you did not beat the game.

Lol. The way his body just flops back

Attached: 1645965171072_0.gif (220x148, 389.17K)

Should have pressed your invincibility button bro

Is Tiche or Mimic Tear better for this fight?

what's funny about that move too is that she can switch aggro at literally any point during that attack up until it actually comes out

Attached: melania 180.webm (1600x900, 2.85M)

user, the reason why he's able to post this daily is because he doesn't have a job.

>Still didnt beat her
Holy kek butthurt much?

>losing while using a summon

wow you fucking suck, get good holy shit assnigger

Attached: 1648906129029.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

I /was/ the summon

It's not a glitch, it's a feature
git gud

The fact that there's so many stages to this shit show cracks me up

another river of blood damned

only for Melania

>Beat Mohg first try
>Get stuck (and still am stuck) on the platforming section right after his boss for the last 40 minutes
this is fucking retarded

i paid zero dollars for elden ring

>if DaS3 had been released after ER

Attached: 1646729849431.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

>instantly changes target and uses instakill attack
lmao come the fuck on

did they even bother to playtest this shit? this is just embarassing. maybe they love input reading so much that they players to mindlessly emulate the enemies and mindlessly dodge when the animation comes out, regardless of whether or not the attacker is even facing the right fucking direction

you have to take a backstep to move from one tombstone to another, it's fucking retarded but that's how I did it

>people paid $70 for this
literally dark souls 2 2

Attached: file.png (1024x576, 591.97K)

yes and so can you. just enable manual weapon aiming in the options menu. OP is a retard who thinks he can dodge the attack without having iframes

thats not even remotely accurate, the attacks are not one-shotting the player and there isn't an entire particle effects library in every swing

>Charge R2 one of the music playing merchant
>step slightly in front of him while he's stunned
>visceral him
you'll fall all the way down during you iframes and survive (you'll also miss one of the best item in the game, but that's what you get for not being good)

>if DaS2 had been released after ER

Attached: 1487156473179.webm (450x252, 2.59M)

The funniest part about these is how people not understanding the complaint are starting to pair them as 'see it's not bad design you're just bad' by creating false equivalency.

Example 1 is a boss which has a move they can initiate at any point which, if you are not X distance away when it begins or using speedrunner deepknowledge strats that only work 85% of the time, CANNOT be fully dodged.

Example 2 is of a fairly generic boss enemy absolutely shredding a player who rolls into their attacks twice, mistimes their rolls two other times, and is generally simply not very good at the game.

Do you understand the difference in complaint?

You are so unbelievably shit lmao drop the game dude this is not for you.

>OP is a retard who thinks he can dodge the attack just by not being touched by the enemy that was facing the other way
true, you would be a retard to play a From game and expect the hitbox to line up with the model or which way the enemy is facing to matter

the hitbox lined up....because she changed directions to face toward him. are you blind? you can do the exact some thing with your character

literally the best DS2 webm in existence

I have played and beaten every boss in every Souls game. The double Valiant Gargoyles might be the single worst boss From has ever made. It is everything bad about their worst boss designs combined into one. Clumsy tactless garbage. True kusoge.

There is a video of the player who made that webm actually beating her with that build.

Attached: IKneelGundyr.jpg (709x563, 98.69K)

What was bad about it? I beat it fairly quickly my first try so I dont remember it well

Killed that nigga so fast didn't even noticed has that pull spell

Attached: 1642814734614.png (1145x814, 457.56K)

>The funniest part about these is how people not understanding the complaint are starting to pair them as 'see it's not bad design you're just bad' by creating false equivalency.

They know it, and they are doing it on purpose. Due to hype and marketing, they have unironically based their identity on being a fan of a video game and as such get extremely butthurt and feel personally attacked when people complain about it. It's the same way fans of a sportsball team get super mad and defensive at the referee or sports organization when he rightfully calls their team out for a foul or their team gets caught doing drugs or cheating.

just don't go under leveled, it's easy

Are you mentally retarded or blind
There is no point in the OP's webm in which the sword connects with the player

>t. level 200

and how much did you get paid to shill it?

It was like I got 4 games in 1

Maybe I just got lucky but I did them on my second try on a melee RL55 character. I was actually shocked how little I struggled because of how often they were mentioned as a bad encounter.

They have giant sweeping attacks, massive aoe poison gas (with a hitboxes), can rush you down from across the arena, and their AI is coded to retreat after you get a few attacks in. When you try to focus one down, the other one can easily blindside you with any of its attacks. Even if you manage to separate them, they reset to neutral after a few attacks. Summons are required to draw aggro.

It's DS2 all over again

Attached: 1645744170746.jpg (828x714, 60.4K)

>woof woof bark bark *kills you in one bite*
Bloody doggos are still not fixed

yes it does. there's likely a couple of frames skipped in the recording but you can easily see her direction and the little gold explosion where it connected with the character. they only reason you would argue over this is if you were a contrarian just trying to make use angry or you're just not that smart. it would be one thing if she wasn't even facing towards him which actually does happen a lot in these games, but that's not what happened here

>OP is a retard who thinks he can dodge the attack without having iframes
I'm old enough to remember From games where you could dodge attacks by actually fucking dodging them instead of only being able to dodge them by having your entire body completely within the attack at a specific frame animation.