ITT: what do you play on your steam deck? What would you play on a steam deck if you had one?

ITT: what do you play on your steam deck? What would you play on a steam deck if you had one?
>picrel is mine
>been plowing through new vegas because elden ring drains the battery in like an hour and a half

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i dont play anything on it, mostly just head to the desktop mode and open up firefox to watch some blacked (RAW) porn

>not using mods
Oh, wait....yeah.

If you can't play new vegas without mods, you don't deserve to play it at all. The only mods I typically run are QoL changes and bug fixes. Everything else is shit tier amateur hour.

>If you can't play new vegas without mods, you don't deserve to play it at all
is this the new cope? pathetic.

Lmao post your load order, no balls. I can't wait to see the things you're wasting RAM on.

>wasting RAM
Nigger, it's NEW VEGAS.

>didn't post mods
sounds like he called you out

>doesn't post load order
>thinks old unoptimized games are well-made enough not drain the battery on mobile PCs
>probably wastes RAM on nude mods high res texture packs
You have to go back, newfag.

>bothering to placate a cuck who doesn't even use ToTW, and sits there seething with his potato-tier oblivion character face models because he can't into mods on linux.
In that order.

still waiting on that mod list

Have you been able to mod New Vegas yet? Do you just get the mods off nexus like normal

I’d get it to comfily play indie games and emulate older 2D games. For some reason, I really dislike playing SNES and GBA game son big screens, no matter what kind of filters and upscaling I try to use.

post face, tranny

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post mod list, fag

>this 10+ year old game is bad because face models are outdated
>BRB gonna go load up some epic gore and titty mods because vanilla isn't enough for a big boy like me ;)
The absolute state of zoomers.

Modding New Vegas is pretty difficult on the deck, hence why OP hasn't done it. It's possible, but you can't just get them off the nexus like you would on a normal windows PC. You have to install dependencies lists and proprietary software, and it's honestly a ballache.

I enjoy the fact you with seethe over this for hours and hours

I don't think mod support for Linux is very good, but I'd wager you can still run a lot because of wine + proton. Haven't bothered trying because I haven't played new vegas since college, so the experience is fresh to me.

I've got sperrrrrrrm that jingle jangle jingle~ (jingle jangle!)

Death Stranding, Yakuza 7, started Horizon Zero Dawn last night. Emulators if I don't care to chip away at my backlog.

>Wasting RAM
poorfag detected

>gets called a retard by multiple people ITT
>posts soijack and "NOOO YOU DUMB I SMARTARINO" reply
You're not even worth bullying, retard.

I started playing Hob on it, pretty comfy Zelda style game with some pretentious indie vibes. But it looks and runs great on the Deck.

>wastes RAM
Brainlet detected.

still waiting on that mod list

>Y-Y-You're N-Not Worth it!
Imagine not being able to mod a 10+ year old game on your FWEEEEEEEEEmachine, then crying on Yea Forums about it. Neck yourself, dyndu

>still seething over not being able to use mods
Yeah, those grapes are probably sour anyway, amirite?

still waiting on that mod list

Nice save, user. Maybe after another dozen replies, none of which include your load order, hastily sent in under 30 seconds, you'll have suffiently proven how not mad and totally in control you are.

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>gonna repeat himself like a nigger for the next three hours
k, keep me posted

Fuck I was really looking forward to New Vegas on my Deck but I can’t imagine playing this shit at all anymore without perk per level and level 100 level cap

still waiting on that mod list

>gonna keep chimping out and letting people make him visibly upset

>can't even install mods for a 10+ year old game on a PC he literally got this month
This will never not be funny, but your pathetic deflection is sweet, too. Thanks.

>buys a Linux machine
>mod support is piss poor
If this is surprising to you, that would explain why you've been flaunting your retardation like a badge for the past half hour

>it doesn't NEED mods
good thread, guys. Try again tomorrow.

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>can't install mods
KEK nigger WHAT? Mines got windows dualbooted. Mods work fine in 60 fps ultra settings. If you cant do this, youre ngmi

Yeah, me too. I don't think I could play it without Who vegas or totw or run the lucky 38. Mods for NV are so good that I remember them over the base game.

pssst...there aren't any audio drivers for windows on the deck yet...

I never said it didn't need mods lmao. Is this your strategy for getting dog piled with (you)s? Not every one is from the same person, retard.

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>Not every one is from the same person, retard
ESL Windows on the deck THAT bad?

And my dick isn't visible over my gut. What's your point? New Vegas is completely modable on the deck. This whole thread is spam.

No audio drivers, so it works..but you can't get any sound.

>not even one (meaning every (you)) is from the same person, retard
Holy shit. You're either intentionally acting like a retard, or you're the genuine article.

Is that it? When are they gonna add drivers?

>it doesn't NEED sound!

>When are they gonna add drivers?
Couple of months? If they ever do.

There are plenty of problems with windows on deck. They're working on it, but I wouldn't expect it to be good until 2023. That said, windows is totally usable for things like new vegas. The whole reason we're even talking about drivers is because this retard got called out for whining about mod support and has been hijacking every convo to deflect from posting his load order.

>The whole reason we're even talking about drivers is because
actually, I asked about it.


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OP, maybe your thread just kinda sucks because you thought that Yea Forums wouldn't make fun of you for posting your unmodded new vegas on lowest settings that we all played a decade ago on our xbox 360s. Yea Forums is quite particular about these things, and I don't think that being able to hide behind "but it's from my steam deck, guys!" is going to save you. Anyone that got shilled into buying a steam deck and fell for the meme over the last few months is retarded and deserves everything they get.

For you, "everything they get" is defending NV without mods in 2022 while crying about some retard's load order

Not the Deck's fault he's mentally impaired. He chose maybe one of the worst games to "showcase" on this platform.

Right, but the scope of this conversation changed to the viability of the deck as a windows machine because of an argument caused by an user complaining about playing vanilla NV.
I can't help you if you can't read.
I don't care that you couldn't get your hands on a steam deck, user. It's a toy I plan on using when commuting, so I don't know why you think I should care about your perspective on the device's viability as a primary gaming device.

True. I was talking to a guy earlier who had been playing Horizon Zero Dawn on his, and it looked honestly impressive. Whether it's a good game or not, it's an excellent technical showcase. New Vegas...isn't.

Then again, I am wondering if he isn't some falseflagger looking for (You)s. The New Vegas mods thing on the deck has become a hot topic here over the last few days.

>Right, but the scope of this conversation changed to the viability of the deck as a windows machine because of an argument caused by an user complaining about playing vanilla NV.
Good. The original topic was (presumably) you trying to show off your vanilla abortion like anyone is gonna do anything but laugh at you. Windows on deck is a better topic than that.

So what games CAN I mod? Can I not even mod Monster Hunter or shit like Stardew valley?

Whats the use case for this? Playing on the train?
I just play on my pc..

I don't care if you two like the steam deck. I just think it's funny you wouldn't buy a device because you can't currently load shit like Project Nevada into it. Lmao I refuse to acknowledge you as anything other than a zoomer if you lack the mental fortitude to play an old game with ugly graphics. I similarly wouldn't respect your opinion on film if you denounced everything in black and white.

Would play God Hand IF I HAD ONE!

Anything with a steam workshop basically. As usual with Linux, you "can" mod* anything you like

*as long as you have the list of dependencies and propriety software and libraries you will need which are sometimes available but we won't say what you need or where to get it from and you won't be able to really look it up in most cases and be ready for that to change at a moment's notice no refunds haha

>I refuse to acknowledge you as anything other than
I don't care. You are mentally retarded and your defensiveness is amusing to me.

That looks so fucking uncomfortable to hold and play with on top of terrible button/joystick placement.
The battery life is awful too, we need to make better batteries before this becomes even near practical.
It's a novel concept but needs more time, guess this is a good stepping stone.
I want to see it succeed regardless.

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>steam deck
does it even emulate switch games well enough?

Not into Linux gaming besides Deck, so I'm honestly not sure about the mod compatibility. Would make a ton of sense for certain games to be modded graphically just to squeeze more frames out with the limited wattage it has.
You posted "le epic Yea Forums fallout nuclear winter" game for (You)'s. There's no other reason that would be your first choice of game for this thing otherwise. Just end it all.

I've finished Yakuza: Like A Dragon, Tales of Arise, Valkyria Chronicles & Dying Light 1 on my Steam Deck so far. Probably going to do Bravely Default 2 next.

Nobody was showing off, lmao. I was wondering what people were playing on their decks. I reserve the right to call you a retard for not posting your load order after insisting you need mods. Please show me what you think you need because I guarantee you haven't done this to avoid the embarassment.

>There's no other reason that would be your first choice of game for this thing otherwise
At the risk of being called a "schitzo" (even though it's basically common knowledge who the shills are at this point), it's being used deliberately because for some reason NV has been argued about for days here, and the discord troons who are making these deck threads have been getting their asses slapped over it. I guess because they want to make new vegas a "trans" game or something, or because not being able to mod such an easy target is REALLY embarrassing.

>I reserve the right to call you a retard for not posting your load order
This is probably intended for someone else?