There are people who buy an xbox just to play the inferior version

>there are people who buy an xbox just to play the inferior version
Quit being a poser and just play Sigma

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Yeah Rachel is lots of fun. Put her up against the wall and get the camera just right for a good time.

I like both. May as well play Black since I already bought an Xbox to play both Otogis and Gunvalkyrie.

just a terrible game all around, not being balanced doesnt make it hard. it makes it unfair and garbage

I'm very surprised that a mod to play as Ryu in Rachel's chapters hasn't come out yet. It exists in Sigma 2. Then again, Sigma 1 is the hardest to work with in terms of modding it seems. Still no custom model swaps.

Rachel is trash, the puzzles being removed is retarded, reusing boss fights is cancer. Black is the superior version

black is superior in every way and anybody who disagrees is a seething pleb who never owned an OG xbox or any xbox console

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sigma has some pacing issues with it deleting some puzzles, but also the original ps3 version had some issues when it was made and cut corners graphically. weird minor shit like removing some transparencies and background elements, but also performance issues with more loading areas,
you can emulate black now and play it on every xbox ever.

>who never owned an OG xbox or any xbox console
Only shit i missed was Hitomi's tits in DOA3 and DOA4 other than that i feel so good never owning Xshit.

What are the definitive versions of each game and why? Was thinking of getting the master collection but I heard the versions it has are poopoo

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I didn't notice much difference between very hard and master ninja in sigma 1. Is there a significant difference between path of the mentor and path of the master ninja in sigma 2?

Definitive version of 1 is Black, 2 is the original, and 3 is RE. Collection has the sigma of 1 and 2, 1 sigma is different from black but not too worse and 2 sigma is trash

mn has ohk grabs and tougher enemies appearing earlier

s1gma is alright. s2 is nothing like the og. 3re is the definitive version. if u have a decent pc u can emulate black and vanilla 2.


What's so bad about 2 sigma?

It's important to play Black since it gives you a better perspective of being able to call retards out who claim it's the best version.
Sigmas only mistake was forcing the rachel chapters. I like Rachel in Sigma 1 but they've should've been optional since there's only like 2 or 3 of them and they add nothing to the story at all.

>puzzles being removed
>reusing boss fights is cancer
Nice try nigger.

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2's combat is about ripping and tearing through enemies, taking off limbs to manage crowds. At times the hardware can't keep up and it lags a bit. Sigma reduced the number of enemies and made them stronger which fixes the lag, but this makes it harder to delimb and it worsens the combat significantly

See Sigma 1 is just outright superior to the original. The only good argument for playing Black is not being forced to play Rachel.
Sigma 2 is more preferential. NG2 and NGS2 are kind of different experiences. To put it briefly
NG2 adds a lot more enemies on screen, which in theory makes it harder, but you generally take less damage and you dish out a fuck ton more damage.
NGS2 has less enemies but they have more health, are harder to delimb, and dish out much more damage. NGS2 is arguably closer to how the first game plays but a lot of people claim to really enjoy the chaos of NG2. NGS2 also does a lot more when it comes to either adding, removing, or replacing content which again rustles the jimmies of people who played the original.
NG3RE is the same on every platform, master collection or not. Note that RE is an updated version of the original NG3 but no one would ever ague the original NG3 is worth playing.

cope and seethe
feels good being an xchad and ngblackchad

NG1 is by far the best game in the series and while most people prefer the first re-release (Black) Sigma is perfectly fine and much much easier to play today on PC or RPCS3 than Black is.

NG2 Sigma is an abomination that censored the fuck out of the original release

3RE is the "best" version of 3 bit it's a shit game in any form

The only good thing on the right is the new dual swords and the doku fight in Chapter 2, basically proving black is the superior version

worse significantly is extremely subjective. NG2 was all about abusing the absolute fuck out of i-frames to deal with the massive amount of crowds.
There is a very very good argument that NG2 is pretty mindless because of the sheer volume of enemies you fight, most of which are spamming projectiles are you constantly, your options are pretty limited and the reason that the game loves to throw so many enemies at you is because by themselves they're extremely easy because Ryu is just so strong, with there being a ton of moves that guarantee delimbs on most enemies.

It's a very different experience but one that people who really enjoyed NG1 probably won't end up liking. NG2 is really a different beast altogether. NGS2 attempts to correct this by having the game more in-line with the first. Yeah, part of it WAS because of hardware limitations but you can still see how it plays more closely to NG1 but with the new mechanics and advanced enemy types added in NG2

>handwaves the QoL improvements that make the worst sections of NGB bearable
lol. nice try BLACKEDtard

I know this isint /g/, but I found my original Xbox and turned it on just to see, it still works fine.

Is there some serious chance of like leaking capacitors or shit like that with the consoles age? Or are these things brick shithouses that last forever

/vr/ is probably the best place for this question I think there's like an old hardware maintenance/repair general or something

Bros, I want to get into Ninja Gaiden and I wonder how bad Sigma 2 is, and is that NGS2 Black mod any good? I usually don't care that much, but from what I've heard it removes a lot of enemies and bloats their health bars

>snoys stuck playing garbage sigma ports
>xchads can play ngb in 4k resolution on current gen consoles
>can also play the inferior sigma versions if you really want to on xbox
yeah, im thinking this is snoy cope

mods are a cope, they can't bring back the kino gore NG2 vanilla had

What other video games can you no longer talk about on Yea Forums because autistic subhumans refuse to kill themselves?

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Ninja GAYden will never EVER be as good as Sekiro.

But is it better than Sigma 2?

fallout 3 and new vegas

If ure so interested in og 2 you can just emulate

is there a working 360 emu?

Yeah it’s called ebay

Where do I download it?

It says "buy now" instead of "download" user, I think you are being dishonest to me about something

Cope, OG Xbox has:

>NGB, the best version
>Genma Onimusha, the best version
>JSRF, which is better than the first game
>the best version of Halo: Combat Evolved
>Gunvalkyrie, an extremely underrated game by JSR devs
>Otogi 1 and 2, cool underrated games by From Software
>Dungeons & Dragons Heroes, an underrated 4 player co-op ARPG

Only homosexuals and zoomers read this list and still don't think OG Xbox is worth having. And that's not including the numerous other niche titles that other people name here all the time.

Get an ng2 rom and this build of xenia canary if u just wanna plug and play. Aside from a few inconveniences (audio might disappear, bugged inventory icons, having to restart at the end of each chapter) and a crash in chapter12 its perfectly playable. When you happen to encounter the crash just google the issue, there's a r*ddit thread with a solution.

if u use a newer version of the emulator u'll need to edit a few lines to make ng2 run without visual glitches, the one I linked doesnt have this problem from the get go.

this plus 3rd party games almost always had much better versions on xbox

Last I heard, every OG xbox has the potential for leaking capacitors fucking things up and getting that looked at should be a priority.

Yeah, the emulator is on the Series X and it's called Fission.

thats true, unless you have a 1.6 revision iirc. basically all xboxes except the final revision have a leaky capacitor issue. my xbox's eject button doesnt even work anymore because of it

What the fuck even are half of these lol

Since ng2 is perfectly emulatable via xemu now anyone with a decent PC can play both vanilla 2 and sigma 2 and see the differences for themselves.


>Is there some serious chance of like leaking capacitors
Yes the capacitors used in the OG Xbox were defective, you need to open up the console to make sure they're not leaking
And you should replace them anyway even if they're not
Most Xboxes are ticking time bombs

frfr no cap like those games be irrelevant bruh

orta too

I already own an Xbox 360. I played Black on it after playing Sigma on PC. I like Black more.

>they can't bring back the kino gore NG2 vanilla had
I mean, mod specifically has delimb improvements like "increased delimb rate for all weapons including guaranteed delimb setups", "guillotine throw will always delimb on wall hit and a delimbed enemy thrown on a wall will always die" and "FS into a leg delimbed humanoid enemy will always kill"

Quit sucking Hayashi's dick.

Limbs still disappear as soon as they are detached from the body, still not particles and textures for blood flying all over the place. What's the point of these mods when you can just emulate the original?

one thing I've noticed about Sigma 2 is that there's alot more weight to the combat, something that Vanilla 2 lacks. No one ever brings this up either

as if sucking off Oatmeal face is any better

the mods make it better through higher enemy counts

that retard is literally crying about the visual gore.
NG2 had meat splatter and guts come out of enemies along with the actual limb that got cut off. You can't bring this back into NGS2 on PC without having the actual models and code from the original game.

It's exactly the opposite in my experience. In Sigma 2 enemies dissipate into thin air, in vanilla 2 you see heads rolling down the stairs, limbs and blood flying all over the place, vanilla 2 is very good at making the combat feel impactful.

in my experience, it feels floaty in NG2.

NGS2 literally tries to correct a lot of gameplay decisions that Itagaki made that ruined a lot of what made NG1 so good, which is why I think Itagaki is a hack.
>UTs are much stronger, having a small amount of armor when charging
>UT animations are much longer
>Projectiles have UTs now for some god damn reason
>Delimb mechanic is a MASSIVE gimmick, doesn't add anything to gameplay. Just exists for LE EPIC GORE and LE EPIC ANIMATIONs
>Delimbs are extremely easy to get in NG2, filling the game with more cinematic animations that increase the amount of time you're not actually not doing anything
>Getting hit isn't nearly as punishing, more encouraging you to abuse strong moves and i-frames
>levels are mostly decorated linear hallways (tbf there are some kino looking arenas)
>Boss fights are somehow more disappointing than last game
>No major changes up or additions in later difficulties
NG1 seems like a fluke. Itagaki took NG2 into a nearly completely different direction, some people might like this, but it's just because they're stuck in the edgy 2000s

I love Ninja GAY DAN