What's up with all the pozzed woke themes in this game?

What's up with all the pozzed woke themes in this game?
>type a/b
>can change type (gender) any time
>can use any voice with any gender
>90% of the strongest characters are women
>most men are useless
>god is a woman
>can merry Ranni even if you're type b (female)

Attached: Eldenring (2).png (760x254, 26.84K)

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touch grace

It's a B-team thing.
Friendly reminder that none if the A-team games allow you yo change gender.
Friendly reminder that last A-team game that had a character you could marry, that character was always the opposite gender of the player's.

Attached: aodntsz9fgq31.png (1024x614, 188.6K)

>90% of the strongest characters are women
>most men are useless
>god is a woman
You realize most the problems in Elden Ring are all caused by women chimping out right?

type a/b is there for a lore reason. calling a women "maidenless" sounds funny. there are no female genders in character creator.


>crestfallen warrior in DeS remake is black for no reason

Females have always had creepy man bodies in from, get over it faggot

>>can change type (gender) any time
You could do this with a coffin in DS3 I think
>90% of the strongest characters are women
Bloodborne (Maria) and Sekiro (Lady Butterfly)

Except the original Japanese version literally just says "male" or "female". Keep your dumb fucking headcanon out of these threads.

>type a/b
true, this is my biggest critism
>can change type (gender) any time
if a magic mirror existed IRL, I'd like trannies to actually use them instead of turning themselves into abominations
>90% of the strongest characters are women
>most men are useless
This is a non-issue considering you wouldn't even know some of the enemies are female unless you read their lore.
>god is a woman
She also fucked everything up. She also also is below the greater will.
>can merry Ranni even if you're type b (female)
You're marrying a doll.

You also forgot the Marika/Radagon hermaphrodite deal.

>type a/b is there for a lore reason
based retard

This. All the ebin feminism women > men shit, along with the gay shit like femboy Miquella and Mohg wanting to fuck him, were more likely than not George's fault.

westernazion is the cultural form of the black death and also as disgusting

>90% of the strongest characters are women
>2 female bosses

you forgot about
>the three (you could argue it's actually 2) biggest reasons for the the world being so fucked up are woman moments
>one character figures out that exisstence isn't perfect because god is a tranny

Black knives + random named bosses/ashes that happen to be female.

it's 2022

>one character figures out that exisstence isn't perfect because god is a tranny
Based Goldmask.

>god is a tranny
Which is magic realm shit from GRRM.

>no tits
>random mobs

They're female because item description lore says so :^)))

Maria isn't even in the top 5 hardest bosses in Bloodborne, you idiot.

>the original Japanese version literally just says "male" or "female"
Stop lying faggot

no it doesn't
I'm a retard for stating something that's clearly obvious? It's called elden LORD for a reason. There are multiple lore implications that only a male can ascend to the throne. It's most likely in GRMM notes but fromsoft added the type a/b stuff to cover their ass.

And that's not even counting the op female ash summons and mini bosses.
Literally no one is stronger than these in the Elden Ring universe.

Das3 was b team

>Literally no one is stronger than these in the Elden Ring universe.
Greater will, Elden Beast. Debatably Radagon and Godfrey

>you beat all those women

Attached: 0f51f5a9a57ee2d04c0f1066eb6178af.jpg (480x480, 48.4K)

>Greater will, Elden Beast. Debatably Radagon and Godfrey
All of these got BTFO'd by Ranni or Marika.

She's literally two people

Elden Beast literally turned Marika into a fucking sword for the final battle you retard.

That guy who does the PR for Elden Ring is a fag and keeps corrupting Miyazaki. Rumour is they have an ancient greek-style pederast relationship. Apparently they meet in secret and have sexual encounters.

I will support all the wokeness in the world if it drives retards out of my hobbies.

And gets fucked by Ranni's simp a few minutes later.
Also Elden Beast could very much be also a female.

>Marika/Radagon hermaphrodite
You mean gender fluid? That's even double woke and pozzed.

In one body


Attached: 1635833783198.jpg (611x534, 9.27K)

No herm in the Kaine sense.

>implying type b is female and not just other male

so just like actual old world mythology? like zeus turning into a woman and getting raped and shit? why dont you nupol niggers just fuck off back to r*ddit r/incels or whichever faggot hole you crawled out from

>type a - male
>type b - female (male)

>main villain is a tranny
>children of tranny self sex are cursed and diseased
>homosexuals are pedophiles
>God being a "woman" has led to the destruction of the society
>all female NPCs are helpless at some point without your input
>the arguably best endings are get married, return to God, or help a lady be a mother

Yeah, so woke.

>*crawls back into my hole which is your mom's enormous vag*

This. If you don't realize that all women are written as villains then you are just showing how much of a blind simp you are.

It must be weird to be a right-winger under the age of 40 right now
You guys became politically aware during an ideological collapse and the only people who tried to warn you about it were leftists
Because obviously your right-winger parents aren't gonna tell you "son, this whole 'conservatism' shit is about to collapse and you'll be left holding the bag"

yeah but team B is based, the object that changes sex is a coffin, what is more poetic than that? goddamn it's in the same picture you posted retard

Following your midwit logic, TLOU2 is the most redpilled game ever made.

My parents are boomer democrats. I was center, center left as a kid. Because center right because kikes touched my vidya.

>Became* center right when I got older* because

The point of the game is to kill the tranny that ruined the world. If the end of TLoU2 was you cut Ellie's head off I would call it based.

The japanese version says "タイプA" and "タイプB"

I dunno why you would tell me this unless you want me to tell you how sad and pathetic it is

>your right-winger parents

larry fink
always google how many shares they own in any company

Well yeah, most right-wingers get this shit from their parents
So you just admitted that you SHOULD know better but you're basically doing it out of spite, which is worse

Eh, it was a girl when I fucked it.

/pol/cel moment

Ultimately this.
>put bare minimum SJW shit in game
>don't have to worry about your profit margin for the project anymore since papa Fink's black rock cock will make up for losses

>calls someone sad and pathetic
>makes this post

You are sad and pathetic and you would not last 10 minutes in a real-world conversation with me(especially since you've already opened with antisemitism)

no you

Woah, check out this internet tough guy, guys.

>tough guy
I said "conversation" not "fight"
The point is that you can only say this shit to me anonymously behind a computer screen, in real life I'd embarrass you

It's based.

>fi- debate IRL not online and see what happens!

based, it's time for men to become irrelevant

Correct. A real-life encounter between the two of us would end like this(me on the right)

Attached: chadtheroux.jpg (540x311, 26.52K)

Top kek
You say that but right now you are embarrassing yourself being cringe, user.

Butterfly was trash tho

radahn and morgott dab on most of those bitches though, the first elden lord is a gigachad and the 3 final bosses of the final boss rush are guys (maliketh/ senator godfrey and radagon)

I try not to say things on the internet if I wouldn't say it to someone's face in real life, and if that's "cringe" then so be it I guess

It fails when you stop to think that literally the whole point of the game is how being trans ultimately fucks you and everyone up, and you should come to terms with your appearance and body to be truly happy (Marika/Radagon, Boc)

Please stop playing video games and go back to either watching Ben Shapiro's crew or CNN, whichever side of the politico-autism spectrum you fall on.

>another bait thread anons will be cucks and give 400 plus replies cause they are guillible faggots

If you live outside of the city away from non whites then you are a racist. It doesnt matter what you call yourself.

the only reason conservativism collapsed is because they went fucking insane, but now the left is going insane too and making them look good so they are safe and might even make a comeback
t. leftist

Use this mod nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/467

Attached: 167234283423.png (745x1433, 860.32K)

Fromdrones buttmad about Elden shit getting exposed. Lol Elden shit




Holy shit the pathetic existence of a g*mer.

Muh white genocide!

He didn't post the easy mode mod.