Actually Impossible

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my blasphemous blade +10 had no problems here with some help from my +5 mimic tear

You do realize this is not meant to be a difficult fight, right? Its just lore-fill before Maliketh.

Either your build is trash or its your mechanics

we're all in agreement that this is the easiest endgame boss, right?

in my opinion this boss is just a fucking DPS race so i say out level them and use mimic tear and you should beat them no problem

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+10 mimic tear and use the NPC summon outside the door. Fuck this boss though it's lazy. It's like they don't understand what made Ornstein and Smough a fun boss.

no radagon is

Carian Retaliation, boom

They have a crippling weakness to sleep, single sleep pot will put them out of commission for the rest of the fight and at that point in the game you can probably one shot them with set up while they're snoozing.

>mimic tear
>just cheat, bro

what NPC summon
who did I miss

have fun not beating the boss then faggot lmao

You do understand that this is a midboss right? He's not the boss of the dungeon, he's a minor hurdle on the way to Maliketh and the Dragon Lord.

you are either rushing through the game or a literal retard. they are just another dumb dps check.

How is it cheating at this point though. It exists as a way to take aggro, and barely does damage on its own.

Yeah very easy.
Play around the pillars and do the right rotations.

If you dont suck this boss is easy.
Only a shitter casual complains about this boss being hard.
Example: The DeModcracy
Ranked it #2.
What a shitter filthy casual scum that guy is, and people listen to him.

I only play true ethical no-summons SL1 Elden Ring. I skip every Spirit Ash I find because it is unethical to keep it. When my character dies, I use every consumable and kill myself again cause it's not true ethical TENSSL1ER otherwise. I skip the mines because Bell Bearings are unethical powerhouses. Every time an Ash of War drops, I immediately use it and switch to a randomly equipped weapon to increase the challenge. I've had online disabled because player interaction gave too much advantage. I read and listen to every item description to fully immerse myself in the true ethical Elden Ring experience. Every time I go into this general and read the word "moonveil, "mimic tear", "hoarfrost stomp", "comet azur" and so on, I make sure to thrust my giant vibrating dildo one to three times to punish myself accordingly for tainting my TENSSL1ER experience. Why do you self-proclaimed Soulsborne hardcores even try to pretend that you're truly hardcore? You make me fucking sick.

>barely does damage on its own.
your build is shit lmao

>+10 mimic tear
>NPC summon outsite boos door
>greatshield + spear poke
>fire's deadly sin + bloodflame blade

Yep, it's boss time.

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>throw sleep pot
>one of them instantly falls asleep for the entire battle
Really impossible not to win
You don't even need summons

Took me 2 tries didn't even summon, Melania took me like 50 and only beat her after i started using mimic

lmao I beat Malenia in like 5 or 6 tries solo and godskin duo took me probably 10 or something.
I'm convinced all of you just run heavy armor with minmaxed dps and don't know what to do when the boss doesn't die after you trade a few hits.

Not for my build, it actually does a lot of damage because I'm bleed/frost. I mean in the sense that Mimic Tear's damage was significantly nerfed a few patches ago.

Parry them. Stop complaining.

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radagon + beast is the hardest

if godskin took you more attempts than malenia you must be doing something incredibly wrong

>I beat Malenia in like 5 or 6 tries solo

Using what? I bet you didn't beat her.

I wanna see these people try to beat the Duo with a +18 GS

The fight is unironically an IQ check.
If you run in like a retard then it's impossible, but it isn't hard to kite them so you can fight one at a time.
The AI is very well designed actually, only one will fight you at a time if the second one is further away, he will only throw fireballs then.
I suggest generally focusing the fat one as he's more aggressive, so keeping him far away is a bit harder.

Why would your weapon be +18 at the end of the game?

If using a crappy inneficient build and making up the gap with skill is wrong I don't wanna be right.
I will remove my helmet just to see my character's face.
I will level my stats evenly so I can try out every tool in the game.
A claymore and the beast crest shield in medium armor. That's pretty much it.
Had 40 in most of my stats.

>They have a crippling weakness to sleep
Just like Miquella huh? Deepest lore

I wouldn't use a +18 greatsword, rather I'd be using two greatswords at +24 if possible. I would use two bleed greatswords, and the second would hopefully have some decent ash of war like the dodging one.

I wish there was a way to delevel. I was around lvl 160 by the time i met them and they were a breeze

user... you get the bell bearing that lets you buy infinite 7 and 8 smithing stones from them, it's really not that unplausible

The hell are you on about? I buttfucked theae retards first try

It's a shame how people whining about the bosses in this game don't even try to exploit their individual weaknesses and whatnot. The Souls games were designed for players to share information like this. Instead people slam their head on a stone wall for hours and wonder why their brain-dead strat doesn't work.


But you get more than enough smithing stones before that from just exploring, I really have no sympathy on someone who makes the game unnecessarily harder for themselves by rushing it like a game journalist

It's a shame that this game doesn't make enemies stronger with ng+ like the other souls games. Your OP gear from the first playthrough would do a fraction of the damage in ng++ in Demon's Souls and you'd die so easily.

i see tons of retards on Yea Forums claim they beat malenia in 5 attempts but whenever i watch a good player's first playthrough it usually takes them hours to get past her. i know you fuckers are bad at video games so i don't believe you. you used some cheese method or other that you're refusing to mention for some reason

really? that's stupid, now there's no reason to replay, you'll just become a god with no challenge left.

>this game doesn't make enemies stronger with ng+
Pretty sure it does, but it's not that significant I suppose.

>He doesn't know
Read the item description for this item

Beat these guys while extremely drunk

For some reason I’ve had extremely lucky RNG on my play through duos never seem to gang up on me

Look just say that greatsword weapons are broken and a shield is a crutch and I didn't beat the game and cope already. It's not like I said I was level 1 with an upupgraded weapon and naked.
Do these so called "good players" actually use a shield? I've noticed most of the people complaining about her don't and I think it makes her at least 20 times easier when you can block some of waterfowl dance instead of trying to dodge all of it.

This. He's kicking my ass something fierce, I've gotten decent at evading all his moves but he mixes things up so often it's hard to keep track of it all (lightning teleport mid combo with Bayonetta-esque dodge offset Holy shit). I can tell Elden Beast is a lot easier but I don't get to him enough to really learn his moves, so I still haven't beaten him.

I don't know if that's true. I think they get stronger but the ceiling is just way higher I. ER compared to other souls games. So you're much stronger when you come back around to the beginning with your endgame character.

Bros I overleveled. I'm at like 160 and just beat moghwyhn. I think I did stuff in a weird order. I think I've now beaten all of the major optional bosses and going to wrap things up. Is 160 going to make the end kind of anticlimactic?

they will eventually beat them after many tries, like everything in this game. It's not that hard.


EZclap boys

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Not a problem, lvl 713 is your goal anyway

Not him but most of Radagons attacks are best dodged if you stay close and dodge almost through him, just barely to the side of him.
This was you end up behind him, you don't get clipped by the ground-cone aftershocks and you can usually get some hits in.
Once you get the hang of it he becomes much easier, at the end I usually finished him with only one flask use and such.

>he leveled up
you didnt beat the game

>Actually Impossible

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>Fat guy and lanklet.
Is there a more iconic duo?

>summon mimic
>summon Bernahl
>beat them first try
No idea why you would entertain the notion of trying to fight these faggots "fairly", it's an objectively shit fight and isn't fun in the slightest, plus you've fought these retards multiple times at this point, you're missing out on fucking nothing but potential annoyance and frustration.

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>scrubs complain about duo being too cheap and hard
>most players reach them and realize they're actually easily handled, even without using sleep
>"no no, I beat them in one try, I meant they're annoying and tedious and boring and shitty like the whole game."

sure, faggot.

but enough about you

>make all bitches kneel
>game mechanic too strong that FROM had to cut and limit weapons, usable items, and lore

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I guess I just adapted to them since I had to fight like 7 of these motherfuckers over my play time. Only took me about 5 tries