Savagely beats a rancher to death with his bare hands

>Savagely beats a rancher to death with his bare hands
>Gets up, turns around and looks into the camera
>"Lettin' a black feller do yer wife? Well, if the old lady's havin' fun, who am I to deny her that? I reckon that feller's got a bigger one than me anyway. Besides, we gotta pay some back for that whole slavery bid'ness we did to them. Dutch raised me and I ain't his real son, so I'll raise my wife's son, whether he's black or white."
Literally what the fuck was this cutscene?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up

Why does Arthur not being an open racist make Yea Forums seethe so much?

>lettin' a black feller breed ma wife? Heck, I'd say the world done seen enough of us white folk, Dutch. 'sides, those fellers are hung as my boah over there, so I'd say she'd enjoy it. Count me in.

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GamerGate ruined a whole generation of men

That's the coyote scout jacket. Fly as fuck

Blessed posts because reddit dead redemption is a shitty game for dumb redditors and blacked lovers. Unironically.

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I mean its very hard in modern American media to have a story be in this setting and not have the writers constantly shoving in "RACISM N SLAVERY N SHIET EVERYWHERE ITS SO BAD!!"

Rockstar did well to avoid the issue the whole game and /polv/ is still seething about it.

Kekked. Good to see some fresh copypasta

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This is like Raimi posting but unfunny.

>Rockstar did well to avoid the issue the whole game
I unironically stopped playing the game when I did the mission (think it was a side mission) with the slave owner and it had the corny ass secret slave basement reveal, despite that area of America not having basements and slavery being legal meaning nobody fucking had secret slave pens under where they lived

Fellow Fashion Souls enjoyer! I love video game fashion so much!!

The shitch has no games

What about the guy with the pamphlet, mongoloid.

Whoever wrote these definitely has a cuck fantasy.

Keked and based

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>thinking about other men fucking women you like
Ok but why tho?

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It's like raimiposting, lighten up.

Stoped reading there

>murders and robs hundreds of people with no remorse

Giving the women the right to vote Dutch? I'm a card carrying democrat but that is just real silly Dutch.

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Blacked loving redditor.

behind you

>Side mission with Bill
>topic of love and marriage gets brought up between the two while riding to the mission
>"Marriage?! A sacred institution?! Heh, it's anything but in my experience, brother, I can tell you that. If two fellers wanna tie the knot, who am I ta say no? If the Lord ain't judged our gang, I'd say he's been takin' some time off the job, yer probably safe. Heh heh. Have at it, I say."
>Bill doesn't even respond to it. Dialogue ends there.
This exchange made no sense whatsoever

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His wife is dead.

It's emblematic of the writers having no respect for the audience. They don't even try to make the characters believable. Another (of countless) example(s) is when he is talking to the Priest/Nun about death and religion and they both mouth vague platitudes instead of discussing something genuinely Christian. This could be forgiven if the game didn't take itself so seriously, but it's completely up its own arse. It even forces you to sit through boring animations for every mindless action for the purposes of believability, immersion and realism. Kek.

>Cuttin' off the ol' crown jewels? Heck, who am I to say a lad ain't better off a lass? 'Sides, we owe dem ladies for all dat rapery bidness.

>Dutch you ever hearuva fem-boah? I seen one a them feller ladies over in valentine the udder day. Now call me what you will, but I couldn’t say no. And well, uh, let’s just say the ol rattlesnake makes it better.
>hey Dutch where’d ya go?

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The contradiction herein is basically theological. A murderer is forced by socioeconomic circumstances to do what he does. With this, by manipulating socioeconomic circumstances with sound policy crime and murder can be solved and removed stopped from existing. The racist’s beliefs, however, are not caused by socioeconomic circumstance, but by Hate, which occupies the same mental space in the system as Sin. With this, the racist chooses evil whereas the murderer is forced by circumstance to do evil. Therefore the racist is more evil. Hate has already been corrected by morals and education, so to Hate is to a willing participant in Sin. Doesn’t matter that this morality and education didn’t really exist in the 1800s, this sense of willing participation in Evil is too strong to be dislodged by something as circumstantial as historical context.

Go play some japshit rpg and kys nigger

>no grope option
call me a chud but come on

you are unironically giving the trolls fuel but youre a retard so I dont expect you to believe me

>Yea Forums

You're also an idiot blacked loving redditor.

Played though the entire game waiting for Arthur to turn SJW because of the memes. He never did. At most he kind of went soft because of his illness. People who parrot these memes have never played the game.

I was fine with that because the rest of the mission did so well highlighting Arthur's denial and hypocrisy in the face of his future

requesting vocaroo

Funny thing is, they changed that at the last minute.
Eliza or whatever shes called was supposed to be with the gang, her and arthurs son Isaac would die in chapter 1.

Democrats were the more conservative party in 1899.

>kills tons of outlaws and sounds like he enjoys it
>goes to camp and tells the women “killing is…le bad”
What did he mean by this?

>slavery being legal

The story and the actual gameplay you took part in were hopelessly detached from one another.

He's been teached by Dutch and Hosea that killing should only be done when necessary and that innocent people should never get killed. He has moments where he loses his cool because he's hot headed but you hear him starting to have his doubts even before his illness if you've read his journal.

i parrot them because they are funny. the game is alright. i hated the fact that you cant really die though. getting shot just to respawn for few dollars cheapens the gravitas of arthur dying to a disease

Yeah trying to do a negative karma route was worthless

>Slaughter an entire town without even thinking about it
>gets angry when Dutch strangles an old cunt who was gonna rat them out which meant guarantee death because she wanted more gold that they didn't have
Bravo Rockstar, absolutely top tier writing.

>We banned slavery
>However this thing that is totally not just slavery under a different name brought upon by other laws and societal forces is A-Ok
Read an actual history book, not pop history.

>Slaughter an entire town without even thinking about it
He got mad at Micah and told them that he's a fucking retard for killing the people in Strawberry, though

It simmers through here and there which is why the meme is funny
You can't tell me the entire interaction with the pamplet guy in the city isn't out of place.

Also the part where he literally tells a shopkeeper to have sex because he didn't find Sadie's clothes ladylike

Wait, is this actually in the game?
I've not played RDR2 since I tend to only buy good games.

Yes you even get a negative morale boost if you choose not to have your wife cucked. It's kinda messed up.

people who didn't like slavery and religion existed in those times, them being very rare doesnt make it less believable, a main character should stick out from the rest

>non one dimensional characters are too hard for Yea Forums to understand
autism, humans are hypocritical by nature

>A character isn't believable unless they parrot mainstream beliefs
Yea Forumseddit is full of incels and racist dorks and it's very unrealistic.

Seriously? Is there a like where i can see it? I can't believe gaming has come to this. Never even gonna look at another Rockstar game again

What? You're saying it's less realistic? When the fucker and his gang are treated as criminals so much so the only thing they know is that they're outcasts to a developing society. They're cowboys, they don't have time to give a shit about racism. If you can shoot, you can loot. Simple as is. Pirates didn't give a fuck if you were brown black yellow or gay. if you helped out you helped out. no time to care.

The negative karma hit you get if you shoot the black dude is actually insane. Had to do so many bounty missions to regain it

yes it's all true. They've even made a cutscene of your mother being the town's bicycle.Check youtube

it's funny cos the game has racial stereotypes of irish and germans. loool paddy speaks in funny accent and he loooves alcohol and arson. hehe strauss is a literal evil hitler just like all germans. but lenny? he's just a normal feller and hes one of us

The basement was abandoned and the original owner of the home destitute and homeless, implying it was not used recently

>Yea Forums

Don't forget how all of the irish characters are redheaded kek.

>hehe strauss is a literal evil hitler just like all germans
Is being a money-lender a german stereotype?

strauss is a jew stereotype