This is unironically the correct ending

This is unironically the correct ending.

Fuck the greater will. Only chaos can grant freedom

Attached: Screenshot_20220418-153415_Gallery.jpg (1079x560, 353.05K)

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Hear, hear

Attached: 1601308996433.png (408x368, 241.41K)

you'll get yours

Attached: FQKamhKakAACD07.jpg (1444x2048, 731.57K)

>implying the chaos isn't just another aspect of the greater will
two fingres + three fingers = 1 hand my nigga

>grant freedom
>when the Chaos ending just merges everyone together into goop

It's part of the one great. The greater will made a "mistake" at some point, leading to the one great being shattered into the greater will and the chaos flame.

Bitch burned for my sake then I went all Frenzy lmao

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Is there any specific source or sources on this in-game cause I don't remember much about a 'one great' let alone an event causing that

the only correct opinion you ANCAPs have is your taste in girls

I want to rape Melina (Frenzied Flame)

She seems like the kind of girl that would be compelling to rape. After the initial fight and struggle to keep up against the Lord of Chaos, she would get overwhelmed and defeated. The unbearable feeling of shame over her own powerlessness as I rip off her dress would be replaced by an expression of disbelief and disgust when she finally realizes what is about to happen. Naked and covered in the ashes of the old world, humiliated by a mass murderer having his own way with her.

With the realization of her failure, as a scenery of death and chaos spreads before her eyes, I could see her starting to get into the rape as a mean of cope. She'd still have a look of hatred in her now teary eyes, but she'd start grunting like an animal in heat and start meeting my thrusts 50/50 with her arms and legs tightly wrapped around me, nails scratching at my arms and back, biting down harshly on my shoulders before I yank her off by her frazzled hair. All in a desperate attempt to disassociate herself from what's happening and try to regain some semblance of control and autonomy.

Eventually the combination of my rough and animalistic pounding of her small tight body coupled with her high pitched moans and rebellious glare would make me hilt myself balls deep, and explode right up against her cervix. She'd accept my cum inside of her with a satisfied elongated moan as she peaks hard, fluttering around my quivering cock and squeezing my hips and ass with her lithe and well toned thighs and calves before slowly going limp from exhaustion.

But as the seconds go by and the fog of lust starts disappearing, her rationality overtaking her base instincts, she'd pull away from me and curl up into a ball, shamed of herself for her reactions and gradual acceptance of the act. The seed of the Lord of Chaos dribbling out of her as she whispers "Mother... forgive me".

Attached: Melina Frenzied.png (1080x608, 629.29K)