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iji my digi

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There is a reason this tweet cut so deep

every time I see the thumbnail for an image of this game I think it's dark souls 2 cause of the horrible lighting

Iji is 5 feet to his right

Iji was based

One game is being ironic and the other is trying to be taken seriously but failing hard at it


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Do you trannies resent the series because your parents will never forgive you?

>everyone makes fun of it

why does Elden Ring make whiteoid trash seethe so much?

difference is borderlands doesn't take itself seriously but demons souls 7 does

Both games are trying to be serious

It's a great tweet. It's 100% true and it also exposes his unconscious realization that he's a talentless insecure hack.


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to forgive is divine
have yourself a glass of wine

Fucking bitch I’ll slit your throat so hard the fbi will have trouble identifying you. Afterwards I’ll make sure to cut you up and dump your body in a river.

this symbolizes that each of these characters were fighting to the last bit for something and someone they held dear, though I understand that anyone living in modern day california couldn't understand anything as abstract and that isn't a chuckle-inducing one liner

But Iji actually exists and is meetable? He's got an entire questline.

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Maybe elden ring is a bit heavy handed with all the ''subtle'' story telling. I'm 30 hours in and I'm basically a deranged lunatic killing anyone who can't talk. Really couldn't give less of a shit about who Marika is or what shit excuse makes the map the size of a state with 90% water

Yeah, but most people take the lore seriously or just ignore it. It's just contrarians and twitter trannies who cry about reading item descriptions.

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>It's fine being shit if you're being ironically shit

and that's your choice, the problem with a game such as elden ring though is that these 'last breath sentences' are required to push the narration forward, realistically, 95% of these bosses wouldn't say anything to you while fighting and even less while dying, you're some nobody hobbo passing by and that happens to want them dead

it's theatrical, it's hyperbolic, but it's also required, they don't have the time to give you flashbacks and cutscenes from before you passed by, the only other solution would be to go all in and make the 5% of information that they get through this way all in written form on some item's description, like the rest of it
video games aren't the only media suffering from this though, and it's only a problem if you're being autistic about it, if you're capable of understanding the reason why they use such a way of conveying information then you're smart enough to not care about it and not see it as a problem

or not

even a late game boss says Zanzibart forgive me

A world famous "le modern tolkien" writer helped with this game and we somehow ended up with less lore than any Soulsborne game. Tell me how the fuck does that happen?

>japanese obsession with asking for forgiveness
I wonder how the game would've turned if martin would've stuck around during the development and took care of the dialogues as well

You never played the game so why should your opinion matter? Games just have to Be fun. They don’t have to discuss the social economic state of the world we are living in.

to be fair it takes a pretty high iq to understand the lore of zanzibart

I cannot possibly think of a less qualified person to speak about writing than someone who wrote stuff for Borderlands.

Martin didn’t do shit and you know it

martin didn't write shit for the game, he literally only wrote the 'lore' of the world and the way it was pre-shattering, you as a player don't even play through said event, you're probably playing the game a thousand years after the event for all we know

but yes, it's pretty funny that he was chosen to write the lore of a world we can barely learn anything about simply because the game doesn't happen during that time and there's a handul of completely world changing events happening between

Yeah we need mature writing for mature gamers such as ourselves

yeah if your walking around with your dick out and a homeless guy says your penis is hanging out of your trousers you cant be like "ummm but youre homeless" because your penis is still hanging out

Alright now make a screencap of every time borderlands calls soemthing badass

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So the alternative is a Cali manchild writing his approximation of what teenagers talk like?

Oh how convenient Borderlands happens to have jokes every now and again so the writing doesn't get to be criticized, good to know.

>noooo you can't move the in-game world building from in your face foreground to background breadcrumbs!!!
This is what aphantasia niggers actually believe

If a Borderlands writer can effectively roast your entire genre this hard there's a point you have to realize it might just be flawed.


>writer roasts souls series so hard they have to pull out his pronouns to discredit him

Fucking kek


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>a literal tranny destroyed the whole Soul fanbase with one simple tweet
We got too cocky FROMbros!

Borderlands games haven't been ironic in like a fucking decade.


he says it like its a bad thing and fans here get mad
I agree that that is exactly what souls games do and I think its great

Your tweet... it did not cut deep enough.


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all you need to know its in the item descriptions

Oh borderlands incredibly shitty writing is fine because... they don't care? Is this what you tell your investors who weren't expecting a flop?

read the fucking thread you massive faggot holy shit

I have never seen any Fromsoft fan be legitimately angry over this. I mean, it's a very tame roast that is kinda true. I love Elden Ring, but I laughed at the Zanzibart stuff because it's totally what Fromsoft would write. I find a lot of things about Fromsoft's writing style to be worthy of ridicule, but I still love the games and I don't play them for the writing.

its been at most a decade after the shattering
this isnt dark souls

>I have never seen any Fromsoft fan be legitimately angry over this
you must be blind, then.

You are the only one angry in this thread. Go back to your flop with "good writing"

Please be patient he has ADHD

This would be a great gotcha moment but from drones don’t do this. They don’t go around saying the Zanzibart meme so I don’t understand why this was made.

>happens five times over the course of a 200+ hour game
we got too cocky bros...

no need to be so upset, user. it's just a tame roast as you've said.

nta but you are mad as fuck lmao who do you think you are fooling?

>so I don’t understand why this was made.
To cope with the palpable butthurt

I've coomed 4 times today.
Benis... forgive me...

Because its old, and has been repeated so much, it's worn out. We let old memes die, with the exception of "git gud". Now the shazamtrannies are still seething, and that never gets old.

>borderlands doesn't take itself seriously

are you guys actually serious or just being contrarian because borderlands 3 is actual garbage cringefest where you can't even stop dialogue, gearbox is a joke, who cares what they say?

>he still thinks zanzibart isn't real
bro I just fought him the other day


Okay so in that case Elden ring is old too so you should let it die :)

Zanzibart... your IQ..

I remember a ton of people shitposting in this vein tho

>still repeating Borderlands ads
>for free
Gearbox thanks you for your (free) service

calm down myrmidon

shitposting for no reason must be fun

>There is a reason this tweet cut so deep
Had it come from an actually good writer, yes. But it coming from borderlands is just condensed hilarity. Also it points to a deeper fear of modern game devs and writers, namely that the story can be thin but if the game is good it doesn't matter.

to be fair there's like 5 times where you talk to NPC's in the course of the said 200 hours

what makes you think anyone is doing anything other than typing in their free time?

Just like the shazamtrannies should let go of OP's tweet, and accept that they got butthurt when Elden Ring got so popular and successful. Probably when that happens, we will see less and less elden ring threads....until the DLCs.

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you are the dumbest poster itt

We are discussing FROM games flaws. Bringing borderlands 3 terrible writing is not going to make that guy critic any less valid. I understand your fanboi asspain but deflecting in not an argument.

Everytime you post a Zanzibart meme a From fan commits suicide. Let that sink in.

LALALALALA i can’t fucking hear you

it isn't a critique though, it's a literal joke from some dude on twitter?

you guys keep saying i'm mad or arguing or something but you guys are just shit posting so i haven't actually bothered

Also everytime you post a Zanzibart meme Gearbox gets more money, so get to work goy! Badass butt unicorn!

This is like saying orcs and goblins are racist/antisemtic, you only think it cuts deep because your tweets get ratio'd, but it's 90% people making fun of your entire body of work

I'm not sure they have the brain capacity to realize they're the ones making half the Elden Ring t hreads

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what's there to discuss though? Everyone already knows Fromsoft's writing style is silly, I completely agree. So what exactly do you want to discuss?

Except jokes can be valid critiques. Like what Family Guy did with BoJack Horseman.


how are people STILL seething over this

>Everyone already knows Fromsoft's writing style is silly
there are Fromdrones (read: not normal souls fans) denying this fact itt right now.