$2,000 for a watch? TOO EXPENSIVE!!

>$2,000 for a watch? TOO EXPENSIVE!!
>Wow, a GPU for $3,000?! WHAT A STEAL!!!
Why are Yea Forumsirgins like this?

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What the fuck can you even do with a watch other than read time?

A GPU can tell the time and play games

Watchfags are subhuman

Let me guess, you dress like this too?

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>A $2000 Watch
>Uses: To tell the time, to show off because most of it's price is due to it's branding and materials at times

>a $3000 GPU
>Uses: Play videogames, bitcoin mining, 3D rendering for work, etc

Only a retarded and spoiled child would choose the former.

you will never have sex

i spent $300 on valorant skins for my birthday, fuck it
if you can afford to spend it, spend it, yolo

stop caring about what other people do with their money, unless they spend their rent money on alcohol and vape pens or some other dumb shit and then complain about not being able to afford a place to live
or in other words, unless somebody's wasting their non-discretionary income, who gives a fuck about what they buy?

discretionary income exists to be SPENT, you peepee fart brain
if everybody was a financial prude, there would be no economy, you stinky poop head

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but thats just how normal people dress

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Almost every one has worn jeans and t-shirt.

flex on the less fortunate

Yes not everyone is a 1980's yuppie. In fact a large portion of the population dresses like that.

you will never be a woman

I can buy a watch for $15
I cannot buy a GPU for $15

>596077586 (You)
>uhhh just blow all your money without thinking YOLO
frogposter moment

>I can buy a watch for $15
a manchild watch

>t. egolets

lmao what a retard

>male jewelry vs a computer graphics car

Straight men are so starved for accessories to wear they spend all their money on a watch that literally nobody else cares about and is covered up anyways.

That's nice sweetie, but this is a real watch

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Exactly, you have your phone to do that, or even then you can get a watch that's like 10 bucks that does the same job as a 2k watch. A 50 dollar GPU isn't gonna do the same shit as a 3k GPU.

are you such a boring person that other people are staring at your watch to count the seconds until you leave them alone?

Watches are made out of gold

You are a manchild. It's time to grow up.

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based consoomchad

i regularly buy minecraft client cosmetics and rank upgrades for e girls on hypixel. why? because i can, and they always give me their discord.

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You will never be rich.

>the '90s GPU box art of watches

lmao may as well strap a log of shit to your wrist

>Blew $4k on a watch and is now desperate to justify his purchase by calling people losers in a website used by losers

Lmao okay buddy.

I'm not going to listen to anything someone that saves pictures of other men has to say

Haters gonna hate

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I choose to believe this thread is made by watch shills
I have a fucking phone, and if I wanted to broadcast my wealth I could think of better ways to do it

r8 my watch
>Casio F-91W

Attached: casio_f91w_grey_1545096616_816493460_progressive[1].jpg (1080x1080, 75.24K)

Spending 2000$ on jewelry means you need your testosterone levels checked ASAP

how many of you got sucked in by MGSV


Attached: PXL_20220418_163827610.jpg (3024x4032, 2.16M)

My Terrorist Casio broke on the wirst support. Lasted me like 15 years

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Girls only like Apple Watches these days, they don’t care about your budget Tag

yeah you only buy a 2k watch if you actually have the income to waste on luxury display

It's 2022, grandpa. Everybody checks the time with their smartphone, or a smartwatch which costs not even a third of that antiquated garbage.

oh no not the opinion of women

Made obsolete by a phone/10

But women are the only ones that spend thousands of dollars on jewelry, so they're the experts of wasting money.

>tfw wrist bones are unironically huge and it's not even fat, they're genuinely built for someone with hands like 1.2x the size of man
>Every watch I've ever had needed a strap extension

That feel when I wore all the fancy clothes and shit while I was a virgin then after having sex I just ended up defaulting to jeans and tshirts like every fucking guy ever. This image was made by a virgin upset that is brooks brothers suit and fedora is t getting him laid.


I know that feel but worse. I broke mine trying to replace the battery by myself.

RIP in pieces.

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>Only incels wear jeans and a t-shirt
Fuck off /fa/ggot

What if I just like having a cheapo watch on my wrist so that I don't have to pull my phone out of my pocket just to check the time, thereby avoiding the consequential risk of subhuman ghetto niggers mugging me when they see me with my phone out

Attached: shruggin.jpg (295x171, 8.2K)

>i regularly buy minecraft client cosmetics and rank upgrades for e girls on hypixel
>why? because i can
You have discovered the key to internal prosperity.
Finding simplistic joy through your discretionary resources is how humans are supposed to live.
Be responsible, cover your bases, and then when all is said and done, go have some fun.
It is a simple, reliable, and effective formula for a happy life.
They will call me a consoomer, I will call them fools. Cover your bases, and you will have no problem with this approach.

Attached: 1648286074421.jpg (370x579, 17.18K)

No amount of watches or cloths are going to give you a personality. Go back to fa

Ghetto niggers are street smart, they know anybody pulling a cheap watch out to check the time has a phone they value too much and is hidden on their person.

Same reason they pat you down upon being held by gun/knifepoint, to check for phones and wallets hidden inside your inner coat pockets.

only wear jeans and sport a nice ass, anything else is zoomer faggotry

It's very cool, Bateman, but that's nothing.

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Hey OP I've got some prime swampland over in Louisiana, looking to get suckered I mean purchase?

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I'll be laughing when you're starving on the street in the upcoming collapse because you spent all your money on temporary luxuries

Faggot that's my watch

gpus are like 600 tops retard

>he doesn't know what discretionary income means
poop head

l o l

Wrist watches are for faggots.

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t. bad with money

>Pay bills, get food and fuel
>90% of remaining money in savings for essentials
>10% of savings for personal use

eeeh sweaty we only do 3090ti SLI over here or you are a poser.

>Have cheap watch
>Niggers know I have a smartphone I want to protect
>Have expensive watch
>Niggers know I have money and therefore a good smartphone worth stealing
>Have no watch
>Need to pull out my phone to check the time and therefore showing niggers my smartphone worth stealing

There's is no winning around niggers.

delectable bait, well done

You could at least have brought a Nintendo watch

Unless you have enough food, ammo, fuel, and non-paper wealth for the next 2 years then you don't have discretionary income.
top kek my dude. you'll spend all your savings on a few loaves of bread in the coming years.

expensive watches are just status symbols, same as anything else really. A GPU serves a purpose, but is now so scarce that it's also a status symbol.