What do you guys think about the original concept art for the map in Elden Ring in comparison to what we got?

What do you guys think about the original concept art for the map in Elden Ring in comparison to what we got?

Attached: OG map.jpg (987x888, 132.6K)

Map in game looks good for a map. Concept art isn't good for navigating as map use.

way better

honestly in game map was better

That's literally the gulf of mexico in north america

Caelid is the Yucatan penisula

Mountain of giants is Maine

The only difference is the haligtree

Its pretty much the same as far as landmarks go
They moved radahns castle to a different spot and added another tutorial zone on the bottom

What is there to even discuss?0

wtf it looks like amerikkka

shut the fuck up ill kill you nerd

>Caelid as a desert
would have been cool to have an actual, full-fledged desert themed area ingame, isntead of that empty glorified boss arena we got.
The rest of Caelid is fantastic tho so I'm not mad.

For starters, I would like to say that I like the concept art more but I understand that it's an unreasonable request considering how huge the game would have had to be and the fact that many games suffer from this (concept art looking kino when compared to the actual game), developing videogames is difficult, also, we can't ignore the "grass is always greener on the other side" effect.
That said, I will now tell you the reasons why I really liked this map when I saw it. Firstly, when I heard about ER I thought the overworld was going to be actually much more empty and also slightly bigger than what we got, the legacy dungeons and maybe some other areas would be where most of the content is found, that way, the open world would be more of a tool to give a sense of scale to the world and to tell the story of a ruined kingdom rather than being mainly a place where you fight enemies and have encounters all the time in copypasted unneccesary mines, catacombs, and caves, something much like shadow of the colossus but on a bigger scale, you would be able to see huge abandoned battlefields and ride through forests where life is flourishing now that human influence is gone, etc. I also really like the idea of Caelid being a desert, not only would it be kino, but it could also justify the area being empty because everything is buried under the sand and that way we'd get a huge arena for Radahn too; the Haligtree's placement actually making sense considering it looks like it could have been accessible by a bridge that's now broken; and the mountaintops of the giants being a huge frozen plateau instead of the weird looking area we got sounds pretty good, I specially like the forge of the giants being on that huge valley, there could have been a legacy deungeon there, like a fort of the fire monks that's placed within the valley and you have to make your way through the place with bridges and by climbing.

Woulda been pretty good NGL

Isn't the bottom Weeping Peninsula?

its the same?

>We want the American audience
I thought so too.

>Caelid looks like a nice desert region in the concept art, but it is a faggot red cringe land in the game.

Attached: weirdo1.jpg (900x899, 426.56K)

Speaking of concept art, whatever happened to this?
Was it perhaps supposed to be Malenia's original second form?

Attached: newsoftwareconcept_2829373b.jpg (2560x1440, 338.96K)

RR Martins loves his trees from German mythology?

Dang, Martin does it again! South looks like a shrunken South America. Guess left bottom island is just Hawai?

i'll tell you one thing. it didn't deserve its own fucking thread

True God of Rot, sealed below the Lake of rot.
upcoming DLC megaboss

>faggot red cringe land

Attached: 1643446235710.jpg (408x392, 21.9K)

Oh yeah
So pretty much no difference then
I guess it being an island is different from concept art but we wouldnt even know that because of the distance fog on the northern part of the map without the drawn map

>Caelid is desert
>Haligtree placement different
>Mt Gelmir region looks different
>Mountaintops of the giants is more of a huge plateau and the forge was place on a valley that cuts the plateau

It is slightly different, different enough that many areas in the game would change dramatically in design and layout.

Caelid is the most kino location in the game.

Attached: shithole.jpg (2560x1440, 816.77K)

So based on the map, seems like Fromsoft is planning on adding boats or maybe underwater combat. Would you like that torture Yea Forums?

>Cucked out of a cool desert
>Got AIDS Fallout where a quarter of the area is a swamp and a third of the area is an empty boss arena
>Is still the best area in the game regardless
It's shit
I hate coward devs

>didn't like Caelid, the most original and interesting locale From has ever created
>wants a bland and empty desert instead
your brain on Assassin's Creed

From has made enough toxic swamps, would have been nice to see their take on a desert.

The fact that theycmade the Liurnia lakes walkable and put content there instead of having some massive dead space is kind of interesting... I don't know, it's mostly the same.
The crater in the middle is much more clear in OP's picture though.

Caelid is an amazingly atmospheric place, I'll never forget escaping the bug mines and walking out to see I'm in an apocalyptic hellscape with a blood red sky. But I'm a little sad there wasn't a desert too, ever since DS3 had the desert lore land I figured the next Souls game would have a cool desert area.

Deserts are fucking boring

mfw the crater in the middle is where Astel landed on the eternal city

Attached: 1647964402138.gif (600x600, 301.43K)

Map is not a problem in this game. Shitty enemy selection is. Locations don't feel unique anymore.

Attached: t8uqcmB.jpg (2560x1440, 219.8K)

And yet you love them when they come in red and have swamps attached and are filled with literally empty space

Seems pretty much the same, just Liurnia is more vertical now

>Farum Azula was an afterthought
Yeah, kinda felt that way.
>What I'm assuming is the Haligtree in the middle of the ocean

It's near identical, only real change I'm seeing is the Erdtree to the South West and the collapsed bridge connecting it to Raya Lucaria.

Farum Azula makes sense with this drawing. It'd be floating to the south of the erdtree making a full circle barrier around it.

I dont
Radahns boss area is a fucking desert
And guess what, its fucking boring, theres nothing there
What the fuck do you even di in a desert apart from driving out?

Name 1 open world game with an actual desert thaf isnt shit

Agreed, in the process of filling the map with stuff, they put many repeat enemies in many different areas and they no longer feel unique as a result, still BTFO's every other open world game in enemy variety though, and it's not a problem for every enemy but it's enough of a problem to be a detriment.

>Doesn't appreciate the kino of Radahn's arena
one of my favorite areas just because of how it looks, I don't need everything in the game to be full of stuff, sometimes it's ok to ride through a cool looking place with your horse and no more.

Elden Ring
And also learn what a desert is

Guild Wars 2 had good desert areas.

Mexico in Red Dead was awesome

I'm pretty sure these things were debunked as the artist's personal works

Kill yourself
Kill yourself
I dont see the appeal really
Its just a mostly flat area with sand, could be cool for something like a sniper fight or a sandstorm type event but apart from that its the most breindead type of terrain you could have

I liked BOTW's desert

>a mostly flat area with sand
And plains is a mostly flat area with sand
And tundra is a mostly flat area with snow
And swamp is a mostly flat area with liquid
Cope harder, retard

Looks pretty much exaxtly like what we got

>plains is a mostly flat area with sand
I am tired

Bro please off yourself right the fuck now

Learn what a desert is, you absolute retard with no pretense of an argument

Stop posting you braindead nigger

You desperately need that to happen because you know you can't even pretend to have a leg to stand on
You are literally mad at the existence of sand and rocks not covered in another material

Germanic, not German

I want you ti shut up because im embarassed you are the same species as me
How are you even fucking human???

Calm down schizo, the sand can't hurt you

Downvote and close the thread you fucking reddt nigger. Holy shit, how hard can it be to not shit up this place with your retardation.

Attached: Get the fuck out of my thread3.gif (640x478, 1.46M)

What are you even talking about you fucking monkey
Are you seriously trying to own me over a definition of a desert?
Would that be some sort of a big win for you? Seriously?
Take a long hard look at yourself you sped, what are you even doing

If youre conplaining about quality of posts on Yea Forums youre completele out of touch

>Its just a mostly flat area with sand
user, you are dumb and have no imagination.

Attached: valleyofthegods.jpg (1024x698, 316.27K)

I have not been to the snow area yet, but I think the ingame the world is surrounded by water on all sides which made it seems kinda artificial and videogamey to me. Would have been much better if they had used god tier mountain range textures like in dark souls when looking north.
Also Caelid is definitely memorable but I would have prefered the desert in the concept art. A whole area like Archdragon Peak would have been incredibly comfy.

>a desert is flat and only sand Hehe xD Don't berate me on what a desert is!! Haha

Attached: hurr durr I'm retarded.png (568x1023, 215.7K)

Breaking out the rage comics i see
Post some wojaks next you low iq dipshit
Bitch about sand some more

Imagine literally being mad about a color lmao

Attached: Untitled.png (706x800, 17.92K)

Too flat, not enough swamps