This thread is to not only ask what's going wrong with this update. But the most recent updates and the game as a whole. Just figured I'd try and start a discussion on this because to be honest...the wild update just seems to make the game more tedious than enjoyable with some of the new features.
What went wrong?
minecraft has been shit since 1.8 beta.
>Get the urge to play Minecraft
>Boot it up and run around, get full iron, go to the nether, get rods and eyes, go kill the dragon
>Go to end cities get an elytra
>Grind librarians for books, max out gear
This only takes a few hours and when I'm done I don't know what to do, so I just turn the game off. All the tech mods are too autistic and pointless, and all the adventure mods are too broken or retardedly difficult.
Based!!! I’ve never heard such a based and original take on Minecraft before. You may have my upvote sir
Somehow when Minecraft had less in it there was more to do.
Building bases and collecting + using hard to obtain blocks was the name of the game. Ever since enderdragon it feels like there's a cut-off point for when a save file is "finished"
>and the game as a whole.
I can describe it quite easily. Starting with shitty additions like potions, hunger and enchanting, they've been trying to turn the game into an RPG. There's no problem with any of those mechanics(except hunger, fuck hunger) but you can't just add out of place mechanics and then never add to them, nobody wants to fuck with potions, all enchants are useless until you start doing serious XP farming to get max level shit, XP is a stupid fucking resource entirely. They want to add RPG autism but they don't want to let the player actually feel powerful. For fuck's sake they finally added a DECENT inventory management/expansion tool in the shulker box, but you have to place it to use it at all and it's after the fucking ender dragon. Elytra are the only truly strong and fun to use tool they've added in a while and you practically need a mending book to get them, which isn't an actually difficult item to obtain lke you would want an RPG item to be, it's just autistic replacing a lectern until you get a good trade and then shit out tons of them
look at the fucking trident, it takes fucking hours to get it because of the atrocious spawnrates and you may as well need 2 of them since it isn't repairable so you need one with mending
look at the fucking deep dark, they started adding all this weird ass stealth game shit and near-unkillable monsters that drop nothing by design. your reward? a fucking enchantment that makes you sneak faster. THAT'S IT(for now, but I doubt more is coming).
That's why modded minecraft will always be the superior product. I don't give a fuck about the balance or the stability because, at the end of the day, modders reward your effort with an increase in power, as an RPG should, and they understand that the game should either not be a fucking chore, or should be fun enough for you to tolerate the parts that feel like that.
Yeah I'm probably going back to 1.16 or maybe even 1.12.2 for mods since the warden is just a pain in the ass and doesn't add anything except another annoyance to the game. Not to mention the multiplayer for the game is also very boring due to most servers using the same copy/paste formula.
>Loot boxes
>Annoying ads in the chat
But I never have until recently found hunger tedious, which I dunno how it took me this long to find issue with it (probably due to nostalgia). And then there is the shitty yearly live presentation for the game that always has a shitty mob or feature poll and a big chunk of it dedicated to stroking e-celebrities and youtubers cocks.
But you mention some rpg mods, the only ones I played in the past that I enjoyed was the underground dungeons and biomes o plenty, got any other suggestions?
1.7.3... home
At least it used to be...until mojang and microsoft fucked everything up.
How about you have the slightest bit of self direction and build yourself that castle or whatever, instead of accidentally forcing yourself to do the dragon just because it’s there?
How is any of that offensive or makes the game bad though? It’s all an addition to the old game, if you feel the added content isn’t worth doing, why is it offensive not to do it?
You got old. Time, pressure and heat always take their toll. It happened to me to, I don’t like it anymore.
And you will keep getting older.
Blows my mind they completely smoothed over rock formations. Literally "no fun allowed."
Unless vanilla minecraft is all you do, nothing added to the base game will meaningfully change it. It's time to move on.
Why do you guys always blame the game? Millions of kids and people of all ages are having a great time, Minecraft really is nothing to complain about, you realize your relationship with things changes and it’s nobody’s fault, right? These complaints you’re coming up with are so bizarre, ‘they added a dragon to the game so now all I do is kill him instead of playing the rest of the game’, ‘some of the extra features they added aren’t too rewarding, which makes it worse than when those features weren’t there’ like wtf is any of this.
For many people who played since alpha, hunger and experience points were the start of the tedium. The game was more in the mechanics than the imagination at that point.
you grew out of it and your brain requires new things that you can find interesting
the base gameplay loops of minecraft are ultra basic and once you've played it a couple hundred of hours, no updates can remove that fact, it doesn't matter if they add a new enemy that moves differently, it doesn't matter if they add new blocks to use in that house of yours
it's not very complicated, you're not enjoying minecraft anymore the exact same reason why you're not enjoying replaying that old, basic game you used to love playing as a kid on your home console; you know it by heart and there's nothing interesting in there for your brain
the only redeeming feature minecraft still has is playing multiplayer and building things together, but that's it, the combat cannot and will never be fixed, the crafting cannot and will never be fixed, the farming cannot and will never be fixed; the entire game is basic and will forever be basic and your brain now understand these basics and wants something new
that's all
If I'm starting to hate minecraft at 21 then I worry about some other games I enjoy like isaac and spelunky.
It’s just so maddening to watch these people enjoy things for natural phases of their life, then turn around in anger at it like if betrayed them by only being 500 hours of adventure. And they think they’re all stoic constants, like they don’t have evolving relationships with things and that time doesn’t change them, nooo they’re all just sure Minecraft fucked them one day, and they’re mad at it like it’s an abusive parent
Don't want to sound like a boomer but the game was better before all those shitty updates, they add pointless shit and bloat that makes the game way too easy and tedious, the hunger mechanic should be removed, food should only be used to restore health, you can easily get full diamond gear within the first 2-3h of playing, diamonds should be at least 10x more difficult to obtain, enchanting and potions should be reworked or removed entirely, mojang should just take some inspiration from games like terraria or valheim
I still like and play modern minecraft but i miss when it was just this experimental cave game that regularly got updated. I also like not knowing months in advance what features a new update will bring to the game, bring back something like seecret updates. Also as crazy as it might sound, minecraft becoming a more polished game with it's identity shifting to a more Adventure/RPG type game never felt right with me. All this fighting non sense but look how long it took them to finally make a mining overhaul in the game about mining.
The game is simply shit. Been shit for a decade now. Things went wrong when Notch sold it to Microsoft and like any kikes they chose to be as safe as possible with their cash cow. As a result we have a fucking alpha build of a game minecraft should have been.
extraordinarily based post
Modern Minecraft is fine except for the horrible performance on Java Edition. Mojang could very easily incorporate fixes from the popular performance mods but they either just don't, or implement shit knockoff code that barely does anything.
1.8.9 is the last canon version
yes, pvp servers are the true endgame of minecraft and the only way to extend the value of the game in a meaningful way
lately i've been grinding bed wars on hypixel, it's lots of fun
Is there any mod pack that isn't dogshit?
>Lolz so randum
>Youtuber bait
>Way too easy to become OP as fuck
>Developer is a faggot
Rebirth of the night
>Enemies literally destroy your base every night
>Game becomes more difficult as you progress, making you feel like you're in a purgatory of being underpowered
>Developer is a faggot
Better minecraft
>Simultaneously not enough content and too much content
>Bugs and crashes
>Developer is a faggot
>Autistic mishmash of bullshit held together by duct tape
>Developer is a faggot
Should know by now that game modders are ALL mentally unhinged trannoids but damn if Minecraft doesn't attract the cream of the crop.
>"Please type "Black Lives Matter." to launch the game."
Shits unreal.
Fags lock good texture packs behind a patreon like the greedy jews they are.
Hunger mechanic was dope until they fucked it up back in 1.5
and then absolutely ruined it in the recent updates
slow health regen will always be superior to instant health regen
want to get more health? use a potion fag makes no fucking sense to eat one fucking steak to get half of your HP back in less than a second
fellow hardcorefags if any of you are still out there
>no lycanites shite
>no random bullshit
>minimal questbook, god I fucking hate handholding questbook shit
>unique gimmick, probably annoying as fuck in non-hardcore (get a fire aspect sword asap)
>actually good loot on minibosses for my fellow caving enjoyers
enjoyed it when I played it last year at least, only pack I've played in a long time that scratched same itch as UltraHardCore and BloodN'Bones.
aka the "you are always slip-up away from death as you slowly claw your way up the food chain from brittle fuckboy to doomguy (but you can still die if you aren't at least a little careful, even at your most powerful)" genre
wait what did they do?
Have they added 1 button inventory sorting yet or is that still too complicated for MS pajeets?
>in 2022
The last few updates actually added substantial shit to enhance the experience. This one is just made up of content that should have already been in the game, with the highlight being this overtuned hostile mob.
minecraft should have been an rpg to begin with but it didn't because Notch is a lazy bastard, not because he's some sort of autistic visionary.
Just look at early minecraft worlds vs. modern ones. They've heavily tweaked the worldgen over the different versions, and huge rock overhangs and crazy landscapes just don't happen anymore. It's all just rolling hills and sometimes mountain peaks.
illinois here, i am surrounded on all sides by cornfields
i AM com
i never stuck to minecraft, I just think the devs are lazy trannies now which have to stick to """theming""" and decisions that add fuck all to the game by the end. The only one that felt substantial of recent history was the Nether update, and it still went a step back by muffling C418's shit for troon music
It's obvious the thing is in the hands of incompetent petty people, that did shit like removing any mention to notch from the software.
It's dead
I get to iron armor and maybe some diamond tools. I've never gone to a nether fortress let alone the end. I usually delete my world's after an update fucks the world gen and try again
It’s so easy to get a fuckhuge stockpile of food and make it so that hunger becomes a total non-issue
I think the army of people whining about hunger are just bad at the game and don’t know how to get food
not sure why you decided to reply to my post of all posts, this doesn't change anything and the proof is simple; you have literal armies of devs working on minecraft on the side, yet you're not playing their mods which adds anything and everything you could hope for; and the reason why is what I pointed out
you grew out of the game, they could make ten nether updates a year and you wouldn't give a fuck about it the exact same way there's mods with that level and quantity of content releasing by the dozen every passing year as well, but you're not playing them
I completely agree with crosoft being retards for not trying to do more with such a huge IP, but at the same time, they're still selling that shit like hotcake and every time a new console releases, they can sell more so I can see why they don't give a fuck about it
Name ONE good reason why anyone would play anything but modded 1.12.2 when you can just get mods to backport all the new stuff if you actually care about it.
I have had minecraft since beta's in 2010, I still play it and I have never killed the ender nigger dragon once. I don't give a shit I just like building things and automating farms.
make your own retard
>millions of [people with no standards] are enjoying this thing
It's shit an unnecessary. If you play on hard, you better have a farm immediately cuz fucking anything will starve you. It's a pointless annoyance
>"Please type "Black Lives Matter." to launch the game."
I'll need a sauce on that son, unless you are talking about the Portuguese trannoid schizo (quark) that enjoys to inject american politics in the game
so remove hunger with a mod, problem solved retard, the game is now better for (you) again
The problem is that they wanted to make the game more like terraria with all the fantasy and RPG elements when they should really make the game more like Factorio and harvest moon with more advanced redstone, farming/fishing, and economy. Making the caves and nether better was pretty nice though. Minecraft is at its best when it's an autism simulator and at its worst when it's discount Skyrim.
you're just wrong
>huge rock overhangs and crazy landscapes just don't happen anymore
stop listening to Yea Forums, this is false and these still generate commonly.
Same. Wenever I'm stressed out I like to spend hours building random shit with no regard for "purpose"
It's the Doom of crafting/survival games.
>a long time ago
>play tekkit with friend(s)
>have a nuclear reactor room a few levels down in our base
>it has a overheating alarm system that is really loud
>the only time it went off was when one of us intentionally triggered it as a joke
>shits and farts were had every time
Get good, you fucking scrub.
Seriously are you 5? How the fuck does anyone struggle to get food in hard mode?